Just Got My New Rates for 2017...350% Increase! Are You Kidding?

What year did you have 100 and 200% increases in your healthcare premiums? Since before the ACA there was competition between insurance companies and any company increasing premiums that steeply would have lost customers in a stampede for their competitors I'm assuming that those increases would have taken place across the healthcare insurance industry? I never saw an increase even close to 100% let alone 200% so I'm curious to know what insurance provider you had that raised yours so high?

"What if we applied this kind of analysis to health care? The results are quite interesting. In 1958, per capita health expenditures were $134. This may seem astonishingly small, but it actually includes everything, inclusive of care paid for by government or private health insurers. A worker earning the average wage in 1958 ($1.98) would have had to work 118 hours—nearly 15 days–to cover this expense. By 2012, per capita health spending had climbed to $8,953. At the average wage, a typical worker would have to work 467 hours—about 58 days.

In short, while time prices for other goods and services had shrunk to less than one quarter of their 1958 levels, time prices for health care had more than quadrupled!"

The Cost of Health Care: 1958 vs. 2012
And at 350% increases per year now with Obamacare what's the cost going to be in 2050, dufus?

Costs have risen because of crazy lawsuits, which Obamacare ignored because Democrats are all lawyers protecting their goldmine.

It will keep going up like it always has until we really deal with it, yes. It is a for profit system after all, that's the goal. You see partisanshit in everything, but "neither" side is dealing with it.
"Always has" was 5-10%, not 350%.
Obamacare has imploded. Millions are losing their insurance now as a result because they simply must chose between food on the table or insurance.

It always was the case.

No, it wasn't. Only in your mythology you used to justify screwing us all over, has it "always been the case".
"What if we applied this kind of analysis to health care? The results are quite interesting. In 1958, per capita health expenditures were $134. This may seem astonishingly small, but it actually includes everything, inclusive of care paid for by government or private health insurers. A worker earning the average wage in 1958 ($1.98) would have had to work 118 hours—nearly 15 days–to cover this expense. By 2012, per capita health spending had climbed to $8,953. At the average wage, a typical worker would have to work 467 hours—about 58 days.

In short, while time prices for other goods and services had shrunk to less than one quarter of their 1958 levels, time prices for health care had more than quadrupled!"

The Cost of Health Care: 1958 vs. 2012
And at 350% increases per year now with Obamacare what's the cost going to be in 2050, dufus?

Costs have risen because of crazy lawsuits, which Obamacare ignored because Democrats are all lawyers protecting their goldmine.

It will keep going up like it always has until we really deal with it, yes. It is a for profit system after all, that's the goal. You see partisanshit in everything, but "neither" side is dealing with it.
"Always has" was 5-10%, not 350%.
Obamacare has imploded. Millions are losing their insurance now as a result because they simply must chose between food on the table or insurance.

It always was the case.

No, it wasn't. Only in your mythology you used to justify screwing us all over, has it "always been the case".

Oh, right, so millions of people didn't have to choose between healthcare and putting food on the table before? then explain why so many people didn't have healthcare before Obamacare then?
And at 350% increases per year now with Obamacare what's the cost going to be in 2050, dufus?

Costs have risen because of crazy lawsuits, which Obamacare ignored because Democrats are all lawyers protecting their goldmine.

It will keep going up like it always has until we really deal with it, yes. It is a for profit system after all, that's the goal. You see partisanshit in everything, but "neither" side is dealing with it.
"Always has" was 5-10%, not 350%.
Obamacare has imploded. Millions are losing their insurance now as a result because they simply must chose between food on the table or insurance.

It always was the case.

No, it wasn't. Only in your mythology you used to justify screwing us all over, has it "always been the case".

Oh, right, so millions of people didn't have to choose between healthcare and putting food on the table before? then explain why so many people didn't have healthcare before Obamacare then?

Huh? Really? After all this time, you never heard the facts?

First of, according to the US census, 40% of those without insurance, were making over $50,000 a year. If you make over $50,000 a year and don't have insurance, it's because you bought a house, car, beer, and speed boat, instead of getting insurance.

Further, 20% of those, were living in households making $75K or more. No excuses.

Only 30% made less than $25,000 a year.

Moreover, about 10% are illegals, which you claim can't get ObamaCare. So why are you complaining they don't have insurance?

Lastly, because they choose to not get insurance. There's a video on YouTube where a reporter asked this girl in California, why she didn't have insurance. She was single, no kids, and had a middle class income. "Well it's too expensive". So they punched in her information, and found she could qualify for a basic health insurance plan and pay just $90 a month. She said straight up "well I think it's ridiculous that I have to pay for health care".

Even more ironic, later in the interview she openly admitted that she easily spent $800 a month on eating out.

I myself went years without health insurance. It was a choice. I could afford it... but choose not to have it. Similarly I know other people who bought health insurance, and then canceled it. They said very openly... why have it? I don't need it. So why pay for it?

Extremely few people simply can't afford health insurance.

And as a final note, even of those, the US Census found that 30% of the uninsured qualified for government insurance, and simply choose to not enroll in Medicaid or S-CHIP, or other programs.

That's why people don't have insurance. It's a choice.
It will keep going up like it always has until we really deal with it, yes. It is a for profit system after all, that's the goal. You see partisanshit in everything, but "neither" side is dealing with it.
"Always has" was 5-10%, not 350%.
Obamacare has imploded. Millions are losing their insurance now as a result because they simply must chose between food on the table or insurance.

It always was the case.

No, it wasn't. Only in your mythology you used to justify screwing us all over, has it "always been the case".

Oh, right, so millions of people didn't have to choose between healthcare and putting food on the table before? then explain why so many people didn't have healthcare before Obamacare then?

Huh? Really? After all this time, you never heard the facts?

First of, according to the US census, 40% of those without insurance, were making over $50,000 a year. If you make over $50,000 a year and don't have insurance, it's because you bought a house, car, beer, and speed boat, instead of getting insurance.

Further, 20% of those, were living in households making $75K or more. No excuses.

Only 30% made less than $25,000 a year.

Moreover, about 10% are illegals, which you claim can't get ObamaCare. So why are you complaining they don't have insurance?

Lastly, because they choose to not get insurance. There's a video on YouTube where a reporter asked this girl in California, why she didn't have insurance. She was single, no kids, and had a middle class income. "Well it's too expensive". So they punched in her information, and found she could qualify for a basic health insurance plan and pay just $90 a month. She said straight up "well I think it's ridiculous that I have to pay for health care".

Even more ironic, later in the interview she openly admitted that she easily spent $800 a month on eating out.

I myself went years without health insurance. It was a choice. I could afford it... but choose not to have it. Similarly I know other people who bought health insurance, and then canceled it. They said very openly... why have it? I don't need it. So why pay for it?

Extremely few people simply can't afford health insurance.

And as a final note, even of those, the US Census found that 30% of the uninsured qualified for government insurance, and simply choose to not enroll in Medicaid or S-CHIP, or other programs.

That's why people don't have insurance. It's a choice.

Facts huh?


Here are some facts.

In 2007 (looking at pg 22) 45 million people were uninsured which appears to be 15% of the population.

8 million of these were under 18 years old. 33 million of these were native born with 9.7 million not being naturalized citizens. This doesn't mean they're illegal, it means they're not citizens, some of these could potentially be foreigner workers in the US with legal status.

The South is the area with the highest amount, at 18% of the population.

13 million of these people earned less than $25,000
14.5 million between $25,000 and $50,000.
25.4% of those are people who didn't work. Remember that this was 2007 before the crash.

Only 7.8%, not 20% as you stated, live in households earning more than $75,000 a year.

Some people might have chosen not to get health insurance. That's not really the point. In the UK you don't have this choice, you pay if you work, and it gets taken out of your wages.

Then when the shit hits the fan, they're covered regardless.

But you're using lots of numbers to say this isn't many people. I disagree.

$13.5 million people didn't have health insurance and probably couldn't afford it. That's a lot of people in my view. But you think those $13.5 million people should just be ignored because.... why exactly?
"Always has" was 5-10%, not 350%.
Obamacare has imploded. Millions are losing their insurance now as a result because they simply must chose between food on the table or insurance.

It always was the case.

No, it wasn't. Only in your mythology you used to justify screwing us all over, has it "always been the case".

Oh, right, so millions of people didn't have to choose between healthcare and putting food on the table before? then explain why so many people didn't have healthcare before Obamacare then?

Huh? Really? After all this time, you never heard the facts?

First of, according to the US census, 40% of those without insurance, were making over $50,000 a year. If you make over $50,000 a year and don't have insurance, it's because you bought a house, car, beer, and speed boat, instead of getting insurance.

Further, 20% of those, were living in households making $75K or more. No excuses.

Only 30% made less than $25,000 a year.

Moreover, about 10% are illegals, which you claim can't get ObamaCare. So why are you complaining they don't have insurance?

Lastly, because they choose to not get insurance. There's a video on YouTube where a reporter asked this girl in California, why she didn't have insurance. She was single, no kids, and had a middle class income. "Well it's too expensive". So they punched in her information, and found she could qualify for a basic health insurance plan and pay just $90 a month. She said straight up "well I think it's ridiculous that I have to pay for health care".

Even more ironic, later in the interview she openly admitted that she easily spent $800 a month on eating out.

I myself went years without health insurance. It was a choice. I could afford it... but choose not to have it. Similarly I know other people who bought health insurance, and then canceled it. They said very openly... why have it? I don't need it. So why pay for it?

Extremely few people simply can't afford health insurance.

And as a final note, even of those, the US Census found that 30% of the uninsured qualified for government insurance, and simply choose to not enroll in Medicaid or S-CHIP, or other programs.

That's why people don't have insurance. It's a choice.

Facts huh?


Here are some facts.

In 2007 (looking at pg 22) 45 million people were uninsured which appears to be 15% of the population.

8 million of these were under 18 years old. 33 million of these were native born with 9.7 million not being naturalized citizens. This doesn't mean they're illegal, it means they're not citizens, some of these could potentially be foreigner workers in the US with legal status.

The South is the area with the highest amount, at 18% of the population.

13 million of these people earned less than $25,000
14.5 million between $25,000 and $50,000.
25.4% of those are people who didn't work. Remember that this was 2007 before the crash.

Only 7.8%, not 20% as you stated, live in households earning more than $75,000 a year.

Some people might have chosen not to get health insurance. That's not really the point. In the UK you don't have this choice, you pay if you work, and it gets taken out of your wages.

Then when the shit hits the fan, they're covered regardless.

But you're using lots of numbers to say this isn't many people. I disagree.

$13.5 million people didn't have health insurance and probably couldn't afford it. That's a lot of people in my view. But you think those $13.5 million people should just be ignored because.... why exactly?
How many millions will drop their HC next year because they can't afford the 350% increase?
And at 350% increases per year now with Obamacare what's the cost going to be in 2050, dufus?

Costs have risen because of crazy lawsuits, which Obamacare ignored because Democrats are all lawyers protecting their goldmine.

It will keep going up like it always has until we really deal with it, yes. It is a for profit system after all, that's the goal. You see partisanshit in everything, but "neither" side is dealing with it.
"Always has" was 5-10%, not 350%.
Obamacare has imploded. Millions are losing their insurance now as a result because they simply must chose between food on the table or insurance.

It always was the case.

No, it wasn't. Only in your mythology you used to justify screwing us all over, has it "always been the case".

Oh, right, so millions of people didn't have to choose between healthcare and putting food on the table before? then explain why so many people didn't have healthcare before Obamacare then?
Why is Obama not suprised by the 350% rate hike and proposing fixes?
I've said it again, and I guess I'll just keep repeating myself.

In 2006, I got an insurance policy for just $67 a month.

Today, the cheapest insurance is $250.

ObamaCare did this. If you voted for Obama, then you got what you asked for.

Everyone who voted for the Affordable Care Act should be tarred and feathered and run out of Washington DC on a rail. They have screwed us so badly with this legislation!

And those who hatched the plan at the Heritage Foundation?
They didn't implement their idea in legislation, democrats did. Sorry, but you're going to have to put blame for the stool sample where it really belongs.
It will keep going up like it always has until we really deal with it, yes. It is a for profit system after all, that's the goal. You see partisanshit in everything, but "neither" side is dealing with it.
"Always has" was 5-10%, not 350%.
Obamacare has imploded. Millions are losing their insurance now as a result because they simply must chose between food on the table or insurance.

It always was the case.

No, it wasn't. Only in your mythology you used to justify screwing us all over, has it "always been the case".

Oh, right, so millions of people didn't have to choose between healthcare and putting food on the table before? then explain why so many people didn't have healthcare before Obamacare then?
Why is Obama not suprised by the 350% rate hike and proposing fixes?
Because he never intended to fix anything. Obamadon'tcare was designed to make people so miserable they can be persuaded to give the same people that brought you the DMV control over your healthcare.
The letter from Florida Blue arrived yesterday and my insurance premiums will have a 350% increase starting this January. Affordable Care Act? Thanks Barry! Thanks Harry! Thanks Nancy! Thanks Democrats!

What the hell happened to my savings of $2,500 a year?
Be thankful. Without Obamacare your premiums could have seen a 400% or higher increase. Or worse, if you got sick you would be dropped like a hot potato.

Perhaps you should consider moving to Pence territory: Indiana. There the rates dropped there in 2016 and that trend is on track to continue into 2017. PSST: Mike Pence has been eerily silent on this… Hmmmm!

Indiana had biggest drop in Obamacare rates in 2016

Why would my premiums have gone up 400% without the ACA? They never increased more than around 20% EVER...yet you claim they "could" have gone up 400%? Give me a reason why that would have taken place, JQ!
Why can't you black out identifying information and post the letter?

You are claiming an arbitrary rise of 350 % and that would mean if you were paying 400 your new rate is 1400.

I'd like to see a Medicare for all program, full disclosure.

Pony up or look like a liar.

It's amazing how many times a left winger will come on here, make grand statements, and expect us to take it at face value. The moment a right-winger says something happen to them, you demand documented proof, and refuse to believe it otherwise.

It's like all the insurance companies terminating coverage. We say that. It's in the papers. It's well known. Yet when I say "My insurance company canceled my policy. Thanks ObamaCare" you don't believe it until I post a picture.

View attachment 96190
Came in my mail box. Is that proof enough for you?

The number of insurance policies available in Ohio, is now down to 2 companies. And the number of policy options is now down to 8. When I first applied for private coverage back in 2006, there were 3 pages of policies to choose from, from a dozen companies.

But thanks to ObamaCare, they removed from me all those choices. Apparently the public isn't smart enough to make their own choices. So left-wing elites, and their arrogant self-important followers, decided to make my choices for me.

Thanks Left-wingers. We all love you dictating our lives. Idiots.

Your life has always been dictated to you when it comes to healthcare in america, you're just more comfortable being under corporate control than control you have a vote in.
"Always has" was 5-10%, not 350%.
Obamacare has imploded. Millions are losing their insurance now as a result because they simply must chose between food on the table or insurance.

It always was the case.

No, it wasn't. Only in your mythology you used to justify screwing us all over, has it "always been the case".

Oh, right, so millions of people didn't have to choose between healthcare and putting food on the table before? then explain why so many people didn't have healthcare before Obamacare then?
Why is Obama not suprised by the 350% rate hike and proposing fixes?
Because he never intended to fix anything. Obamadon'tcare was designed to make people so miserable they can be persuaded to give the same people that brought you the DMV control over your healthcare.

Like their senators and congressmen and presidents and vice presidents and military personel and all the medicare/medicaid patients who wail anytime someone hints at taking it away from them.
It always was the case.

No, it wasn't. Only in your mythology you used to justify screwing us all over, has it "always been the case".

Oh, right, so millions of people didn't have to choose between healthcare and putting food on the table before? then explain why so many people didn't have healthcare before Obamacare then?
Why is Obama not suprised by the 350% rate hike and proposing fixes?
Because he never intended to fix anything. Obamadon'tcare was designed to make people so miserable they can be persuaded to give the same people that brought you the DMV control over your healthcare.

Like their senators and congressmen and presidents and vice presidents and military personel and all the medicare/medicaid patients who wail anytime someone hints at taking it away from them.
There is a reason the Democrats who passed Hopeycare exempted themselves from it.
No, it wasn't. Only in your mythology you used to justify screwing us all over, has it "always been the case".

Oh, right, so millions of people didn't have to choose between healthcare and putting food on the table before? then explain why so many people didn't have healthcare before Obamacare then?
Why is Obama not suprised by the 350% rate hike and proposing fixes?
Because he never intended to fix anything. Obamadon'tcare was designed to make people so miserable they can be persuaded to give the same people that brought you the DMV control over your healthcare.

Like their senators and congressmen and presidents and vice presidents and military personel and all the medicare/medicaid patients who wail anytime someone hints at taking it away from them.
There is a reason the Democrats who passed Hopeycare exempted themselves from it.

Yes son, the substantial people always cut a better deal for themselves, all of them. When you grow up and want to go after the entire problem instead of one half of it, come back around.
In the case of my previous doctor he made the decision to drop people on ObamaCare because he was getting paid less for services for them then he was for those with private insurance plans. I couldn't "keep" my doctor because he wouldn't take my plan! Do you really not know that people all over the country are having a hard time finding doctors that accept ObamaCare patients?
This is total bullshit. There is nothing on your insurance card that indicates whether you went through an exchange or not. It's either an insurance corporation they accept, or it's not. The ACA has nothing to do with it.

You're confusing the ACA with Medicaid, which some doctors have refused to accept.
"The Affordable Care Act increased insurers’ costs by forbidding denial of coverage to consumers with pre-existing conditions and by imposing taxes and fees to fund aspects of the new law. To make up for ACA costs and keep premiums low, Blue Shield asked its doctors and hospitals to accept payments from the insurer at rates reduced up to 30 percent.
See? All about keeping profits high, for those $20 million per year executives and their quarterly Wall Street reports.

This is not "proof" that Obamacare is raising rates. It's only proof that insurance companies are determined to get everyone to pay more or accept less except for them.
do you have some kind of link with proof that the insurance companies on the Exchange pay less to doctors for specific procedures than they do with their insurance policies they offer off of the exchange?

You really ARE that clueless about what's going on with the ACA...aren't you, Care?

Most of the public is, including you, you're merely scratching an emotional itch.

A 350% increase in my premiums isn't an "emotional itch", you buffoon! You're even dumber than Care is...and that's saying something!

You're on Obamacare? Mine went up this year as well, 400%, and the deductable went up 300%, through the corporation I work for.

You might pass that information along to Ravi...who thinks I'm lying when I say my premiums are going up 350%!
If yours is going up 350% with an Obamacare policy, and Fenton's is going up 400% with a non-Obamacare policy, what does that tell you?

Think about it before posting.
Most of the public is, including you, you're merely scratching an emotional itch.

A 350% increase in my premiums isn't an "emotional itch", you buffoon! You're even dumber than Care is...and that's saying something!

You're on Obamacare? Mine went up this year as well, 400%, and the deductable went up 300%, through the corporation I work for.

You might pass that information along to Ravi...who thinks I'm lying when I say my premiums are going up 350%!

I said through the company I work for. THAT insurance.

Do you not understand THAT insurance's costs were affected by the provisions in the ACA?
Says who? Oh, that's right: says the insurance companies.
You really ARE that clueless about what's going on with the ACA...aren't you, Care?

Most of the public is, including you, you're merely scratching an emotional itch.

A 350% increase in my premiums isn't an "emotional itch", you buffoon! You're even dumber than Care is...and that's saying something!

You're on Obamacare? Mine went up this year as well, 400%, and the deductable went up 300%, through the corporation I work for.

You might pass that information along to Ravi...who thinks I'm lying when I say my premiums are going up 350%!
If yours is going up 350% with an Obamacare policy, and Fenton's is going up 400% with a non-Obamacare policy, what does that tell you?

Think about it before posting.

He'll claim mine is going up because of Obamacare, the perfect circular argument. Never you mind it's been going up for 5 decades of a working lifetime. You can't make sense with someone who's taken on a religious like fanaticism.
But you blame a 350% increase on the Heritage Foundation and not the Affordable Care Act? You might want to rethink your premise...
You can blame it on insurers who refuse to make a penny less profit. Daddy needs another Gulfstream jet!
The letter from Florida Blue arrived yesterday and my insurance premiums will have a 350% increase starting this January. Affordable Care Act? Thanks Barry! Thanks Harry! Thanks Nancy! Thanks Democrats!

What the hell happened to my savings of $2,500 a year?
Be thankful. Without Obamacare your premiums could have seen a 400% or higher increase. Or worse, if you got sick you would be dropped like a hot potato.

Perhaps you should consider moving to Pence territory: Indiana. There the rates dropped in 2016 and that trend is on track to continue into 2017. PSST: Mike Pence has been eerily silent on this… Hmmmm!

Indiana had biggest drop in Obamacare rates in 2016
Where's the lie, hack?

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