Just heard that the repubs ar thinking of renigging.

According to the Budget Control Act of 2011, the cuts are automatic unless the committee comes up with a plan.

Which means the claim made in this thread is a lie. The Republicans can not "renigg" it is already law.

They are talking of passing another law which usurps the first law and prevents any military cuts.

which would have to pass by a wide enough margin to over ride an Obama veto. Not gonna happen.
It's dishonest because they agreed to the trigger cuts and now, before the super committee is even done, they're already talking about backing out.


You might want to read a few more posts. The one right above your last one for instance.

What part of they can pass another law escapes you?

And why would Obama veto the next law on this anyway?

I read all the posts before I started this comment round. It is extremely unlikely you'll get the most divided congress in the last 100 years to agree on something to the extent that the President cannot veto it.
According to the Budget Control Act of 2011, the cuts are automatic unless the committee comes up with a plan.

Which means the claim made in this thread is a lie. The Republicans can not "renigg" it is already law.

Congress cannot pass a law that they can't renege on.

All it takes is passing another law.

Ok, a little Congressional fact and reality. In order to PASS a new law would require BOTH houses of Congress to pass it AND the signature of the President. The Senate is controlled by the Democrats and the President is Obama.

Remind us again what the chances of such a law being passed is?

Like I said, this is nothing more then a political lie designed to fear monger and cast doubt.
Remind us what that means. Taxes go up or down?

It means mostly accross the board % funding cuts including the military.

Including? Please it is heavily Weighted toward Defense cuts, and almost every expert agree the cuts would be sheer Lunacy. The Debt deal was always a joke, the Super Committee is a joke, We are screwed.

I say let the cuts go through. When Iran launches nuclear missiles at our European allies, the public might finally wake up to what a bunch of wackos the Dims are. Plus, we'll be rid of millions of socialists.
We need to get rid of the "supercommittee". Just more inept government.
It's a waste of time and Taxpayer funds as they quibble how best to TAX...albiet the Republicans came up with a plan to close loopholes while increasing revenues...Democrats balked saying it wasn't enough.
Which means the claim made in this thread is a lie. The Republicans can not "renigg" it is already law.

Congress cannot pass a law that they can't renege on.

All it takes is passing another law.

Ok, a little Congressional fact and reality. In order to PASS a new law would require BOTH houses of Congress to pass it AND the signature of the President. The Senate is controlled by the Democrats and the President is Obama.

Remind us again what the chances of such a law being passed is?

Like I said, this is nothing more then a political lie designed to fear monger and cast doubt.

Which shows us that none of this was ever designed to be passed...only being used as a tool to blame the result of it on Republicans.
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I don't think they have that option, actually.

The way I understood it from the fine folks at PBS News Hour is that they can renege on the deal, but it will take an act of congress. And they'll have to get it through both houses.

It's pretty tight but certainly not foolproof. It's going to be an interesting political winter.

In other words... they can do the same thing they'd have to do with any other law, signed by the President...pass another law countermanding it, have it passed in the House and Senate by a wide enough majority to over ride a Presidential veto.

It's not a unique reneging of this issue. So, in essense, the OP is in fact a lie.

No. The thesis of the O/P is that they (the republicans) are talking about it.

Which is the same thing I heard on the news tonight.
Which means the claim made in this thread is a lie. The Republicans can not "renigg" it is already law.

Congress cannot pass a law that they can't renege on.

All it takes is passing another law.

Ok, a little Congressional fact and reality. In order to PASS a new law would require BOTH houses of Congress to pass it AND the signature of the President. The Senate is controlled by the Democrats and the President is Obama.

Remind us again what the chances of such a law being passed is?

Like I said, this is nothing more then a political lie designed to fear monger and cast doubt.

I believe I addressed the chances here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...s-ar-thinking-of-renigging-2.html#post4408595

It is not a lie. Some republicans are talking about the pros, cons politics and legalities of attempting to back out of the deal completely and also parts of it. So are some Democrats.

JUDY WOODRUFF: And there's also reporting that there are efforts to get around the so-called sequester, wherein you would undo the penalty of these automatic cuts if you don't reach an agreement. Is that -- is there truth to that report?

REP. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN: Well, there are certainly people who say they want to get rid of the sequester.

Deficit Super Committee Stuck in Stalemate as Deadline Nears | PBS NewsHour | Nov. 14, 2011 | PBS
Hey lets take any spending cuts we can get. If this means real cuts,lets hope it happens. This "Super Committee" is anything but super anyway. Their proposed cuts are only a drop in a bucket. They should probably just disband this committee and save the Taxpayer's money. I mean how much Taxpayer cash are they spending on this "Super Committee?" I bet it's a pretty penny. Ditch em now.
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The 'smoking gun', as it were...

(from the link above)
Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) confirmed Thursday that they’re working on “alternative” legislation that would scale back the size of cuts that can be made to the Pentagon. On the other side of the political spectrum, liberals are talking about rolling back automatic cuts to domestic programs.

The answer remains: A fair and simple tax code, a budget balanced by law and then build an economy your kids can drive to the stars.

:smoke: It ain't rocket science, y'all.
Doesn't matter whether the automatic cuts are in defence or social services.

BOTH will be bad for this economy.

BOTH put people out of work, both mean less money in the economy.

And the reduction of spending won't do a damned thing to stimulate the economy.

Stupid stupid policy in this economy.
Doesn't matter whether the automatic cuts are in defence or social services.

BOTH will be bad for this economy.

BOTH put people out of work, both mean less money in the economy.

And the reduction of spending won't do a damned thing to stimulate the economy.

Stupid stupid policy in this economy.

Lets borrow MORE. Lets make MORE Government jobs. Lets put on hold real jobs like the Canada pipeline cause who wants real jobs? Isn't Obama great?
Congress cannot pass a law that they can't renege on.

All it takes is passing another law.

Ok, a little Congressional fact and reality. In order to PASS a new law would require BOTH houses of Congress to pass it AND the signature of the President. The Senate is controlled by the Democrats and the President is Obama.

Remind us again what the chances of such a law being passed is?

Like I said, this is nothing more then a political lie designed to fear monger and cast doubt.

I believe I addressed the chances here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...s-ar-thinking-of-renigging-2.html#post4408595

It is not a lie. Some republicans are talking about the pros, cons politics and legalities of attempting to back out of the deal completely and also parts of it. So are some Democrats.

JUDY WOODRUFF: And there's also reporting that there are efforts to get around the so-called sequester, wherein you would undo the penalty of these automatic cuts if you don't reach an agreement. Is that -- is there truth to that report?

REP. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN: Well, there are certainly people who say they want to get rid of the sequester.

Deficit Super Committee Stuck in Stalemate as Deadline Nears | PBS NewsHour | Nov. 14, 2011 | PBS

So some republicans AND some DEMOCRATS are talking of passing ne laws? BUT your head line only says Republicans? And you reported it with a straight face withut informing anyone of the omission?

Remind us again who is Reneging?
Doesn't matter whether the automatic cuts are in defence or social services.

BOTH will be bad for this economy.

BOTH put people out of work, both mean less money in the economy.

And the reduction of spending won't do a damned thing to stimulate the economy.

Stupid stupid policy in this economy.

And instead you would rather have us continue to borrow on top of the already $15 trillion we owe and force the Fed to print even more money to pay for it, thus devaluing our currency even more and contributing to even higher inflation, inflicting further pain on every American across the board, rather than just a few, yes? That's your solution?

It's clear you know absolutely nothing about economics and should really stop offering your idiotic opinions until you do.
ON the fallbuck cuts they agreed to if the supercomittee fails to reach accord.

I don't think they have that option, actually.

Sure they do. When the capture the Senate next Fall, they will have full authority to screw whatever the "super committee" represents.

:lol: Do you seriously believe the Republicans are going to cut spending? I'll make a wager right now that if the Republicans take control of the Senate and win the White House next year, the budget in 2013 will still increase over 2012. Mark my word.

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