Just How Bad Will "It" Get . . . For You?

Let us go ahead and dismiss outright all the radicalized individuals, the arguers for argument's sake and the otherwise bored internet trolls who will in turn outright dismiss this post, either with a drive-by word's or phrase's worth of potshot, a downvote or the ever popular and intellectually mind-blowing laughing emoticon. I am likely ignoring you anyway, so do carry on.

"Protestors" rioting over the recent deaths of black criminals have already damaged, ruined, harmed or taken the property or the very lives of hundreds if not thousands of Americans coast to coast. That precedent has been established. There's no hiding it or taking back. No amount of postmodernist spin, deconstruction or factual relativism will or can change the hell many Americans have already suffered at the hands of executioners of radical political ideology and their mobs of cultist reactionaries.

The question then begs: just how universally shit-is-hitting-the-fan-bad will American life get for the rest of us in the coming days, weeks and months leading up to election 2020? Not all of us will be robbed, raped, maimed or murdered by rampaging race warrior mobs, there's just too many of us, perhaps (don't buy into a false sense of herd safety). Which leaves the rest of us who are at higher risk of receiving mob violence due to our geographical locations to play a lottery of sorts where the winners lose their homes, businesses and/or maybe get their faces kicked in or are held down while Gorillas wearing human skin rape our wives. So who will win that lottery? Who will spin the roulette wheel of normal daily routine only to have it interrupted by barbarian hordes smashing down the gates of their lives?

How far and wide will the mobs spread their violence? Will the murder and mayhem parties overflow shithole city limits and hit up the burbs? What happens once they've finished burning suburbia? Isolated homes and farms are much less anonymous. Trust me, you don't want to play those percentages (of being selected to receive pillaging) if you're the only house or farm or spread along some dark country backroad.

While it's certainly not healthy to OD on social media and 24/7 fear mongering cable news, what is damn smart is keeping one's ear to the ground so one always knows which way the wind is blowing and what blazes rage nearby. I suppose the other sort of smart question to ask ourselves is who are we going to rely on when and if the mob comes to a "silver screen" near you.

The wealthier Burbs and zip codes will be well protected by cops and Guard units, and the military; the working class areas will be left on their own, except for tracking down and arresting any uppity white proles who dare protect themselves from the hate crimes and feral animals. I doubt the 'SJWs' try more than a few, since they're cowardly animals and only prey on weakness, they aren't afraid of the police, only morons keep claiming that about these thugs, but nobody out here in the burbs is buying rubber bullets and tear gas, trust me.

But, it would be wise to form self-protection groups, kind of like a local IRA, just in case, for those in your situation. Getting outside volunteers will be made 'illegal' most likely, for those zip codes below a certain income and asset level of wealth, but you have neighboring communities, and smart people can think of some good plans and keep it off grid from the scum's protectors and enablers.
How about a Neighborhood watch where everyone is a concealed carry permit holder and if the lame stream media shows up, put a few rounds in their communistic direction..

I'm a big fan of concealed carry; 'open carry' is just a disaster waiting to happen in general, as the McMichaels are fiding out. Nobdy should be having to wrestle with feral animals over their firearms as they did, they just become targets themselves. If the criminal hadn't seen the weapon, he would have kept going. As for the media, they rarely show up unless there are cops around protecting them, as they then go to extremes to make those same cops look as bad as possible. They aren't a real Press any more, they're partisan traitors and criminal associates.
I spent 3 years in Tucson Az where it was always open carry. I went around with my magnum on my hip, no gunfights like hollyweird always portrays the west, nope not one, because everyone respected each other who carried. By the way, there wasnt much crime there either, but once in a while, an illegal would try to rob a store, didnt go well for him/her/it.

My brother lives in Arizona now; lots of retired cops and military there, at least when you get away from Phoenix an Tucson. He likes the mountains, well more like rocky hills there in the northern parts, but they call them 'mountains' anyway.
Let us go ahead and dismiss outright all the radicalized individuals, the arguers for argument's sake and the otherwise bored internet trolls who will in turn outright dismiss this post, either with a drive-by word's or phrase's worth of potshot, a downvote or the ever popular and intellectually mind-blowing laughing emoticon. I am likely ignoring you anyway, so do carry on.

"Protestors" rioting over the recent deaths of black criminals have already damaged, ruined, harmed or taken the property or the very lives of hundreds if not thousands of Americans coast to coast. That precedent has been established. There's no hiding it or taking back. No amount of postmodernist spin, deconstruction or factual relativism will or can change the hell many Americans have already suffered at the hands of executioners of radical political ideology and their mobs of cultist reactionaries.

The question then begs: just how universally shit-is-hitting-the-fan-bad will American life get for the rest of us in the coming days, weeks and months leading up to election 2020? Not all of us will be robbed, raped, maimed or murdered by rampaging race warrior mobs, there's just too many of us, perhaps (don't buy into a false sense of herd safety). Which leaves the rest of us who are at higher risk of receiving mob violence due to our geographical locations to play a lottery of sorts where the winners lose their homes, businesses and/or maybe get their faces kicked in or are held down while Gorillas wearing human skin rape our wives. So who will win that lottery? Who will spin the roulette wheel of normal daily routine only to have it interrupted by barbarian hordes smashing down the gates of their lives?

How far and wide will the mobs spread their violence? Will the murder and mayhem parties overflow shithole city limits and hit up the burbs? What happens once they've finished burning suburbia? Isolated homes and farms are much less anonymous. Trust me, you don't want to play those percentages (of being selected to receive pillaging) if you're the only house or farm or spread along some dark country backroad.

While it's certainly not healthy to OD on social media and 24/7 fear mongering cable news, what is damn smart is keeping one's ear to the ground so one always knows which way the wind is blowing and what blazes rage nearby. I suppose the other sort of smart question to ask ourselves is who are we going to rely on when and if the mob comes to a "silver screen" near you.

Here's the thing. I'm totally against rioting and looting and destruction of property.

It would have been really nice if black folks had peacefully protested and we had a national discussion about police brutality and misconduct. Oh ,wait. Someone tried that.

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Did we say, "Wow, you bring up a legitimate point, Colin. We need to totally have a peaceful discussion about this problem and find solutions!"

Fuck no! We ruined the man's career!!! We demonized him. The President of the United States denounced him.

View attachment 350511

Now, that said, we've had dozens of incidents like this over the last ten years, and they didn't result in riots or at worst, riots that were limited to just the city they happened in after the justice system failed to act.

What was different this time? Well, I think that the economic stressors of Covid-19 and the Recession had an effect, but it was probably nothing more than people just got sick of asking nicely.
There have been endless conversations about the police and minorities in most blue cities over and over. Progs have had chance after chance to change their jurisdictions. I don't care about sports like I used to. And I do not care about the safety of those who go to the games anymore. What happens, happens!
Let us go ahead and dismiss outright all the radicalized individuals, the arguers for argument's sake and the otherwise bored internet trolls who will in turn outright dismiss this post, either with a drive-by word's or phrase's worth of potshot, a downvote or the ever popular and intellectually mind-blowing laughing emoticon. I am likely ignoring you anyway, so do carry on.

"Protestors" rioting over the recent deaths of black criminals have already damaged, ruined, harmed or taken the property or the very lives of hundreds if not thousands of Americans coast to coast. That precedent has been established. There's no hiding it or taking back. No amount of postmodernist spin, deconstruction or factual relativism will or can change the hell many Americans have already suffered at the hands of executioners of radical political ideology and their mobs of cultist reactionaries.

The question then begs: just how universally shit-is-hitting-the-fan-bad will American life get for the rest of us in the coming days, weeks and months leading up to election 2020? Not all of us will be robbed, raped, maimed or murdered by rampaging race warrior mobs, there's just too many of us, perhaps (don't buy into a false sense of herd safety). Which leaves the rest of us who are at higher risk of receiving mob violence due to our geographical locations to play a lottery of sorts where the winners lose their homes, businesses and/or maybe get their faces kicked in or are held down while Gorillas wearing human skin rape our wives. So who will win that lottery? Who will spin the roulette wheel of normal daily routine only to have it interrupted by barbarian hordes smashing down the gates of their lives?

How far and wide will the mobs spread their violence? Will the murder and mayhem parties overflow shithole city limits and hit up the burbs? What happens once they've finished burning suburbia? Isolated homes and farms are much less anonymous. Trust me, you don't want to play those percentages (of being selected to receive pillaging) if you're the only house or farm or spread along some dark country backroad.

While it's certainly not healthy to OD on social media and 24/7 fear mongering cable news, what is damn smart is keeping one's ear to the ground so one always knows which way the wind is blowing and what blazes rage nearby. I suppose the other sort of smart question to ask ourselves is who are we going to rely on when and if the mob comes to a "silver screen" near you.

These OPs are always amusing to me, because they lay on the fear propaganda aspect thick. I also find them rather tone deaf because they assume every American lives in the cozy confines of cities and suburbs. The very idea of 'mobs' spreading violence beyond suburbs to the rural countryside is certifiably laughable, not credible. Especially when the terrain itself can kill you, not to mention the wild animals for good measure.

Keeping an ear to the ground is simply part of survival. My area has no local law enforcement, just county sheriff. The last contact I had with a local LEO officer was probably 20 years ago when I lived in the suburbs.

So I don't see any 'shit' hitting the fan anytime soon in my area. Any violence I will see will be happening on a screen somewhere. The protests, Antifa and BLM might as well exist in another country for me. I initially support protest against LEO brutality, but I don't support much of anything that's come out of it since. More senseless deaths seem counterproductive to solving society's problems. Stealing and destruction of property seems counterproductive to solving society's problems. I don't care about CHAZ or CHOP, or whatever they're calling it this week. Allowing that space to be occupied was the city government's decision and they can face any consequences for it. The PC backlash is getting worse and worse. LEOs seem to be leaving departments in droves because they don't feel like they are being supported by their cities. That just means more crime in the future. A well earned consequence of the politicization of everything. Fuck all that. I'm stay far away in the sticks watching cities burn while you extremists from the political tribes point your fingers at each other.

The sheriff only gets called for things like lost pets, welfare checks and/or car accidents around here. We caught a thief in the neighborhood several years ago that was restrained by myself and other neighbors and held until the sheriff scooped him up easy peasy. These kind of incidents are pretty simple to address since we all know each other well, we are all armed here and look out for each other's interests.
It would be interesting to see them do it only for the inquisitive reason of seeing if they would be self sufficient in surviving in areas with much less food, water, medical and comfort.
Typical victim of liberalism.....He was a failure, was going to be let go, so he knelt to the National Anthem to get his moment, this cause the NFL to lose plenty of Revenue. He got canned...You the fucking racist of all time, use these people just so your side can have power, once they get it, they throw these people to the wolves. That is why more blacks are going to vote for President Trump.

You miss my point, dear fellow. My point was that when Colin peacefully took his knee to protest police brutality, we didn't say, "Hey, maybe he has a point, we should review it." Nope. People protested the NFL. The NFL fired Colin and threatened other players. The President denounced him.

In short. He asked peacefully. We ignored him. The next batch of upset people started riots and looting. They now have our UNDIVIDED attention. They'll end up getting at least SOME reforms. Republicans are now talking about ending no-knock warrants and choke holds. (Why either of those were still a thing is amazing.)

And Joe, you racist prick, who was the President of the United States when Colen Pimpleneck first took a knee? Oh yeah, your great messiah who was going to bring Hope and Change, that guy who didnt do shit for blacks, but that Colen sure was displeased with America..



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