Just how Dumb is trump!

Being from the South and not having much exposure, Jewish people voting heavily Democratic is a dynamic I have never fully understood. My only guess is that many Jews tend to be secular and Jewish by race, not faith. They also tend to live in large urban areas which are heavily Democratic anyway. I can't imagine why a religious Jew would think voting for Democrats is in their best interest as a Jew.
I don't suppose that defending the Charlottesville debacle with parading chants of "Jews will not replace us" and "Blood and Soil" has anything to do with the American Jewish Democratic vote. Nope, some of those chanters were 'good people' Trump told us!

Most weren't chanting. They were there to protest the destruction of history promulgated by the Democrats.
I need that explained to me. I did hear those words chanted from a tiki-carrying bunch of articulate marchers. What destruction of history were they protesting? The destruction of their own racial and ethnic and religious superiority looks to be the loss they fear most, but I'm at a loss to figure out the "history loss" part they blame on Democrats.

The Democrats are attempting to disengage from their history of slavery and black oppression by removing all reminders from the public square.

This doesn't have a thing to do with the OP, trying to put down Dems will not work.
Being from the South and not having much exposure, Jewish people voting heavily Democratic is a dynamic I have never fully understood. My only guess is that many Jews tend to be secular and Jewish by race, not faith. They also tend to live in large urban areas which are heavily Democratic anyway. I can't imagine why a religious Jew would think voting for Democrats is in their best interest as a Jew.
I don't suppose that defending the Charlottesville debacle with parading chants of "Jews will not replace us" and "Blood and Soil" has anything to do with the American Jewish Democratic vote. Nope, some of those chanters were 'good people' Trump told us!

Most weren't chanting. They were there to protest the destruction of history promulgated by the Democrats.
I need that explained to me. I did hear those words chanted from a tiki-carrying bunch of articulate marchers. What destruction of history were they protesting? The destruction of their own racial and ethnic and religious superiority looks to be the loss they fear most, but I'm at a loss to figure out the "history loss" part they blame on Democrats.

The Democrats are attempting to disengage from their history of slavery and black oppression by removing all reminders from the public square.

This doesn't have a thing to do with the OP, trying to put down Dems will not work.

Someone brought up Charlottesville. I'm merely responding about Democrat motives.
He said Jews are disloyal if they vote democratic.

List of Jewish members of the United States Congress - Wikipedia

well the republicans won't vote for Jews, they have 2 in the representative and none in the Senate.

Trumps a hell of a lot smarter than your stupid ass.

Hell He's the POTUS. What's your claim to fame??

Being stupid is your only claim to fame.

You mean because he spends his time suing or being sued and is a failed businessman?
Right Stormy Daniels sued Trump and the judge ordered her to pay Trump $293,000.00

You keep right on farting there agent X

Stormy Daniels Ordered to Pay Trump $293,000 in Legal Fees

Oh you get angry when I say something about your cult master. He has 6 bankruptcies under his belt.

Liar. He has NONE. STFU until you get your facts straight.

You must be a cult member, you sure get upset with me saying he is dumber than a doorknob.
Being from the South and not having much exposure, Jewish people voting heavily Democratic is a dynamic I have never fully understood. My only guess is that many Jews tend to be secular and Jewish by race, not faith. They also tend to live in large urban areas which are heavily Democratic anyway. I can't imagine why a religious Jew would think voting for Democrats is in their best interest as a Jew.
I don't suppose that defending the Charlottesville debacle with parading chants of "Jews will not replace us" and "Blood and Soil" has anything to do with the American Jewish Democratic vote. Nope, some of those chanters were 'good people' Trump told us!

Most weren't chanting. They were there to protest the destruction of history promulgated by the Democrats.
I need that explained to me. I did hear those words chanted from a tiki-carrying bunch of articulate marchers. What destruction of history were they protesting? The destruction of their own racial and ethnic and religious superiority looks to be the loss they fear most, but I'm at a loss to figure out the "history loss" part they blame on Democrats.

The Democrats are attempting to disengage from their history of slavery and black oppression by removing all reminders from the public square.
Sheesh, billy. You mean when all PUBLIC reminders are gone we will forget about slavery? Is THAT what the protest was about? Is THAT why they chanted "Jews will not replace us? Is THAT why they chanted 'Blood and Soil'?
He said Jews are disloyal if they vote democratic.

List of Jewish members of the United States Congress - Wikipedia

well the republicans won't vote for Jews, they have 2 in the representative and none in the Senate.
Jews make up something like 6% of voters and most are dems. Trump's not stupid. The Pro-uber Zionist vote is mostly the fundy Xians who already vote for him and want to see the Temple rebuilt to usher in the Rapture. LITERALLY.

a LIBERAL like AOC or Tlaib playing the anti-Semitism card is stupid, but it plays right to Trump's base (remember not all bad white supremacists in Charlottesvillw) and any American Jew who really believes in a Greater Israel with borders inside Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and all the Sinai is not put off by Trump.

Trump is not stupid and he knows his audience.

Buying Greenland is just a joke and chance to piss at Europe, which his base loves. And he distracts from flip flopping on background checks.
I don't suppose that defending the Charlottesville debacle with parading chants of "Jews will not replace us" and "Blood and Soil" has anything to do with the American Jewish Democratic vote. Nope, some of those chanters were 'good people' Trump told us!

Most weren't chanting. They were there to protest the destruction of history promulgated by the Democrats.
I need that explained to me. I did hear those words chanted from a tiki-carrying bunch of articulate marchers. What destruction of history were they protesting? The destruction of their own racial and ethnic and religious superiority looks to be the loss they fear most, but I'm at a loss to figure out the "history loss" part they blame on Democrats.

The Democrats are attempting to disengage from their history of slavery and black oppression by removing all reminders from the public square.

This doesn't have a thing to do with the OP, trying to put down Dems will not work.

Someone brought up Charlottesville. I'm merely responding about Democrat motives.
That was me, billy. Sorry about that!
Being from the South and not having much exposure, Jewish people voting heavily Democratic is a dynamic I have never fully understood. My only guess is that many Jews tend to be secular and Jewish by race, not faith. They also tend to live in large urban areas which are heavily Democratic anyway. I can't imagine why a religious Jew would think voting for Democrats is in their best interest as a Jew.
I don't suppose that defending the Charlottesville debacle with parading chants of "Jews will not replace us" and "Blood and Soil" has anything to do with the American Jewish Democratic vote. Nope, some of those chanters were 'good people' Trump told us!

Most weren't chanting. They were there to protest the destruction of history promulgated by the Democrats.
I need that explained to me. I did hear those words chanted from a tiki-carrying bunch of articulate marchers. What destruction of history were they protesting? The destruction of their own racial and ethnic and religious superiority looks to be the loss they fear most, but I'm at a loss to figure out the "history loss" part they blame on Democrats.

The Democrats are attempting to disengage from their history of slavery and black oppression by removing all reminders from the public square.
Sheesh, billy. You mean when all PUBLIC reminders are gone we will forget about slavery?

No, but in time the evidence of the Democrat's history and love of slavery would be suppressed.

Ever read Nineteen Eighty-Four? It's the current Democrat mission statement.
Most weren't chanting. They were there to protest the destruction of history promulgated by the Democrats.
I need that explained to me. I did hear those words chanted from a tiki-carrying bunch of articulate marchers. What destruction of history were they protesting? The destruction of their own racial and ethnic and religious superiority looks to be the loss they fear most, but I'm at a loss to figure out the "history loss" part they blame on Democrats.

The Democrats are attempting to disengage from their history of slavery and black oppression by removing all reminders from the public square.

This doesn't have a thing to do with the OP, trying to put down Dems will not work.

Someone brought up Charlottesville. I'm merely responding about Democrat motives.
That was me, billy. Sorry about that!

Sokay! It's a free country if you enforce it!
Being from the South and not having much exposure, Jewish people voting heavily Democratic is a dynamic I have never fully understood. My only guess is that many Jews tend to be secular and Jewish by race, not faith. They also tend to live in large urban areas which are heavily Democratic anyway. I can't imagine why a religious Jew would think voting for Democrats is in their best interest as a Jew.
I don't suppose that defending the Charlottesville debacle with parading chants of "Jews will not replace us" and "Blood and Soil" has anything to do with the American Jewish Democratic vote. Nope, some of those chanters were 'good people' Trump told us!

Most weren't chanting. They were there to protest the destruction of history promulgated by the Democrats.
I need that explained to me. I did hear those words chanted from a tiki-carrying bunch of articulate marchers. What destruction of history were they protesting? The destruction of their own racial and ethnic and religious superiority looks to be the loss they fear most, but I'm at a loss to figure out the "history loss" part they blame on Democrats.

The Democrats are attempting to disengage from their history of slavery and black oppression by removing all reminders from the public square.

This doesn't have a thing to do with the OP, trying to put down Dems will not work.

Democratics put themselves down, by being themselves.
Judging from the RINO's posting it shows who is without facts and use lies instead. That is not the democrats but Trumps Rino party. Do you really think it was smart to caner his overseas trip because the world laughed at him for thinking he could buy Greenland. The PM gave trump a good spanking and so trump does not want to face the ridicule he would receive by going over there and looking the fool which he proves everyday he is. Now if you cannot understand just how stupid this all is then we do have to wonder if you can even think.
Being from the South and not having much exposure, Jewish people voting heavily Democratic is a dynamic I have never fully understood. My only guess is that many Jews tend to be secular and Jewish by race, not faith. They also tend to live in large urban areas which are heavily Democratic anyway. I can't imagine why a religious Jew would think voting for Democrats is in their best interest as a Jew.
Jews vote liberal because conservatives have a long history of killing them,
democrats did that!! you forget the dems are the kkk. did you forget that? well here, let me remind you!!!

Now explain why someone being killed by a party wish to be in that party? hmmmmm. Fear?

No the southerners are the KKK now they are all over the place. tramps dad was a kkk.

You don't want us to start listing Democrat leaders who were in the KKK. We haven't got the time for the processing capabilities on this forum.

The southerners are the KKK now and they are the republicans, of course thy are spread out over the US and globe.

Sure if you can list the Democrats KKK?? Are you denying tramps daddy was a member of a the NY kkk?
where? name one? Robert Byrd remember him? hitlery was kissing him, democrat, leftist not conservative, demofks own the kkk and you follow them, means you're a kkker.

Hillary Clinton Kissed by Former Klan Member

Now you pull me one with a republican kissing another republican. hurry along now kkker.
Trumps a hell of a lot smarter than your stupid ass.

Hell He's the POTUS. What's your claim to fame??

Being stupid is your only claim to fame.

You mean because he spends his time suing or being sued and is a failed businessman?
Right Stormy Daniels sued Trump and the judge ordered her to pay Trump $293,000.00

You keep right on farting there agent X

Stormy Daniels Ordered to Pay Trump $293,000 in Legal Fees

Oh you get angry when I say something about your cult master. He has 6 bankruptcies under his belt.

Liar. He has NONE. STFU until you get your facts straight.

You must be a cult member, you sure get upset with me saying he is dumber than a doorknob.
but you belong to the demofk kkk cult. hmmmmm pot meeting kettle?
You mean because he spends his time suing or being sued and is a failed businessman?
Right Stormy Daniels sued Trump and the judge ordered her to pay Trump $293,000.00

You keep right on farting there agent X

Stormy Daniels Ordered to Pay Trump $293,000 in Legal Fees

Oh you get angry when I say something about your cult master. He has 6 bankruptcies under his belt.
How is your stock portfolio doing?
LOL Rachel Madcow proved that Trump paid more in taxes in one year than you will ever earn in 400 lifetimes, and as said

Right Stormy Daniels sued Trump and the judge ordered her to pay Trump $293,000.00

You keep right on farting there agent X

Stormy Daniels Ordered to Pay Trump $293,000 in Legal Fees

That was after his first year as "Real TV personality" and he couldn't hide it fast enough. I suspect he sent them to Johnson to be on the Maddow show. All we saw was the 1040.
Yup Rachel really fucked herself that day
Thank God I wasnt watching
Right Stormy Daniels sued Trump and the judge ordered her to pay Trump $293,000.00

You keep right on farting there agent X

Stormy Daniels Ordered to Pay Trump $293,000 in Legal Fees

Oh you get angry when I say something about your cult master. He has 6 bankruptcies under his belt.
How is your stock portfolio doing?
LOL Rachel Madcow proved that Trump paid more in taxes in one year than you will ever earn in 400 lifetimes, and as said

Right Stormy Daniels sued Trump and the judge ordered her to pay Trump $293,000.00

You keep right on farting there agent X

Stormy Daniels Ordered to Pay Trump $293,000 in Legal Fees

That was after his first year as "Real TV personality" and he couldn't hide it fast enough. I suspect he sent them to Johnson to be on the Maddow show. All we saw was the 1040.
Yup Rachel really fucked herself that day

I don't think so, that was probably the only year he paid taxes. She reports the news.
Think less know more, not that you ever will

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