Just Imagine Gays Saying What Heterosexuals Say!


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Much as I like the idea, not everybody consumes information by way of a video. Been noticing a lot of links people use to support their assertions are to videos. Are people watching tv and thinking that that's "proof-of-concept?"

"I weep for the future."
- "Ferris Buehller's Day Off"
Much as I like the idea, not everybody consumes information by way of a video. Been noticing a lot of links people use to support their assertions are to videos. Are people watching tv and thinking that that's "proof-of-concept?"

"I weep for the future."
- "Ferris Buehller's Day Off"
Well you know they say a picture is worth a thousand words. But just think of how much more a video would be worth, the thought provided there that might not be put into words as easily.
You mean like this? Face it. There are jackasses on all sides. Until you realize that and work to end intolerance BY ALL PEOPLE, you are doing nothing but fueling the fires...

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This is....well....just too good to pass up. It is an experience many will not soon forget!

If Gay Guys Said the Stuff Straight People Say | The Bilerico Project

You can't reason with these people. Look at some of the crap they post. In their mind it's okay to restrict freedom to homosexuals because they believe that it's going to "end the world" or "encourage children to be homosexual" or "that homosexuals are pedophiles" or what have you. Basically their ends justify their means. Their views are borderline sociopathic. The homosexual population has already been demonized. You won't make them see the error of their ways, they don't believe they have made an error.

Thus all you should do is mock them. Provoke them into cussing you out, give them enough ropeto hang themselves. Sit back and watch.
There's a group of these videos making the rounds on YouTube.

If Latinas said what White People said.
If Asians said what White people said.
If Blacks said...

It's designed to Shame White people into shutting up. "Oh Please! I'm not a Racist!"

F*ck off! It aint working.

Just look at the comments:

"White people don't say this sh*t'.
You mean like this? Face it. There are jackasses on all sides. Until you realize that and work to end intolerance BY ALL PEOPLE, you are doing nothing but fueling the fires...


Why did those idiots crash a gay pride picnic? Looking for dates?

But you're right....there are jackasses on both sides. In this case it wasn't the gays.

No....it was BOTH groups. Them for taking their stupid signs, and the gays for resorting to violence which is what these clowns wanted. Until you understand that you are merely a pawn...
You mean like this? Face it. There are jackasses on all sides. Until you realize that and work to end intolerance BY ALL PEOPLE, you are doing nothing but fueling the fires...


Why did those idiots crash a gay pride picnic? Looking for dates?

But you're right....there are jackasses on both sides. In this case it wasn't the gays.

i Wouldn't have even acknowledged the protesters.
Do you know what a protester is without any attention? A lunatic with a sign. Don't give them the satisfaction of an asswooping it will just make them a martyr. Ifthey aren't even noticed it's not even a news story. It likely wouldn't be an interesting youtube video.

If you want to make them look even worse go over and welcome them, ask them if they want water, it looked like a hot day. And when they say no, fuck you faggot, or start in with the bible verses. You say, "i am sorry you have a nice day." You make them look likecompletely unreasonable whack jobs.

But you can't change their mind they have abandoned all reason. But this can work in your favor. When you act completely reasonable back toward them, or don't act at all, you give them the rope.

Violence is sometimes the only answer, but I think those days have been long past.

Also, indifference is the worst insult.
You mean like this? Face it. There are jackasses on all sides. Until you realize that and work to end intolerance BY ALL PEOPLE, you are doing nothing but fueling the fires...


Why did those idiots crash a gay pride picnic? Looking for dates?

But you're right....there are jackasses on both sides. In this case it wasn't the gays.

No....it was BOTH groups. Them for taking their stupid signs, and the gays for resorting to violence which is what these clowns wanted. Until you understand that you are merely a pawn...
I tend to agree. If the picnicers had just not even looked at them, people setting this video wouldn't even understand the protesters.

Also placing your hands on somebody for evoking the right to free speech rights, you have crossed a line.

But I am one of those types that live by the motto, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
You mean like this? Face it. There are jackasses on all sides. Until you realize that and work to end intolerance BY ALL PEOPLE, you are doing nothing but fueling the fires...


Why did those idiots crash a gay pride picnic? Looking for dates?

But you're right....there are jackasses on both sides. In this case it wasn't the gays.

i Wouldn't have even acknowledged the protesters.
Do you know what a protester is without any attention? A lunatic with a sign. Don't give them the satisfaction of an asswooping it will just make them a martyr. Ifthey aren't even noticed it's not even a news story. It likely wouldn't be an interesting youtube video.

If you want to make them look even worse go over and welcome them, ask them if they want water, it looked like a hot day. And when they say no, fuck you faggot, or start in with the bible verses. You say, "i am sorry you have a nice day." You make them look likecompletely unreasonable whack jobs.

But you can't change their mind they have abandoned all reason. But this can work in your favor. When you act completely reasonable back toward them, or don't act at all, you give them the rope.

Violence is sometimes the only answer, but I think those days have been long past.

Also, indifference is the worst insult.

Exactly! Just like those asshole Westboro loons protest to get their names in the news, the best way to deal with them is to wall them off from their intended victims and IGNORE them, so too would that have been the best way to deal with these people.
Why did those idiots crash a gay pride picnic? Looking for dates?

But you're right....there are jackasses on both sides. In this case it wasn't the gays.

No....it was BOTH groups. Them for taking their stupid signs, and the gays for resorting to violence which is what these clowns wanted. Until you understand that you are merely a pawn...
I tend to agree. If the picnicers had just not even looked at them, people setting this video wouldn't even understand the protesters.

Also placing your hands on somebody for evoking the right to free speech rights, you have crossed a line.

But I am one of those types that live by the motto, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Me too. A good friend of mine is an abortion doctor who always had people protesting in front of his home. At the city council meeting to enact a law to ban that practice he was the ONLY one (other than the abortion protestors) who argued AGAINST the law.

He was a Green Beret and stated that he had fought for the right of the people to protest in that manner. A very cool guy!
This is....well....just too good to pass up. It is an experience many will not soon forget!

If Gay Guys Said the Stuff Straight People Say | The Bilerico Project

You can't reason with these people. Look at some of the crap they post. In their mind it's okay to restrict freedom to homosexuals because they believe that it's going to "end the world" or "encourage children to be homosexual" or "that homosexuals are pedophiles" or what have you. Basically their ends justify their means. Their views are borderline sociopathic. The homosexual population has already been demonized. You won't make them see the error of their ways, they don't believe they have made an error.

Thus all you should do is mock them. Provoke them into cussing you out, give them enough ropeto hang themselves. Sit back and watch.

^ Isn't it just as unfair to generalize "these people" as unable to reason with. ^

Aren't you as fast to point out flaws when other people generalize that
"liberals are lying to themselves and can't be reasoned with" -- where
people deliberately focus on just the bad examples to discredit everyone else.
Don't you hate that, so why do the same thing?

there are some people who DO attack religion and think it is all bad and harmful.
as there are those who fear all homosexuality as bad and harmful.
By why keep focusing the media and discussion on THOSE folks;
why not demand that the focus be placed on GOOD examples of people who CAN have constructive dialogue
and include all differences without this fearbased slamming and rejection going on. Why give the bad examples all the attention?

Isn't it equally unfair to say that all people in those groups are trying to do that?
I agree there are closedminded extremists in any group,
and it's only fair to go after those in your own camps equally as you would elsewhere
to stop the projections and generalizations blocking constructive communication.
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