Just in! 4 Police Officers Slain!

Whomever did this was targeting cops.

If one of the barristas had had a sawed off shotgun under the counter, she could have taken him out.
Hey, I'm just looking at the limited facts available objectively.

The odds that these four cops were simply picked at random is slim to none. So it's highly probable that they were targeted for a reason. What that reason may be is pure speculation at this point, but them being involved in something unseemly is certainly among the reasonable choices.

Or it is very possible this guy just wanted to kill cops and these are the first 4 he came across.

There is no such thing as "very" possible. A thing is either possible or it isn't, there are no degrees. Yes that is possible. But if you want to talk "probable," then what you suggest is highly improbable.

If I want a grammar lesson from you I will pm you now I got to get around to answering posts by the non anal members of this board.
I just hope they catch the shooter alive. I'd like to hear the "why" straight from the horses mouth so to speak. But I don't hold out much hope of that.
I want to know what division the cops worked in.

Were they normal patrol? The fact they were getting paperwork ready leads me to believe they work in a specific division be it narcotics, gangs etc...

I have a feeling either they arrested this guy before and he saw them and got his revenge


they were getting close to someone and this was a targeted hit
Or it is very possible this guy just wanted to kill cops and these are the first 4 he came across.

There is no such thing as "very" possible. A thing is either possible or it isn't, there are no degrees. Yes that is possible. But if you want to talk "probable," then what you suggest is highly improbable.

If I want a grammar lesson from you I will pm you now I got to get around to answering posts by the non anal members of this board.

It wasn't a grammar lesson, it was a vocabulary lesson.

You're welcome.
Huggy had the same problem. They're not my comments. I just found them interesting. And I don't know what the gun laws are like in the Seattle area. In Arkansas, there would've been a good chance that several people in the coffee shop would've been armed. Of course, the criminals would not know who was armed, which is usually a deterrent. And the cops were caught off-guard, so it doesn't matter how much training they had. Don't sell 'Joe Six-pack' short. Armed citizens can and do prevent crime. When the criminals started shooting, the officers may not have survived, but the perps probably wouldn't have survived, either.

A guy that would ambush 4 police officers would have no problem slaughtering a few more people in a coffee shop if he thought they were armed and going to fight him.

I disagree. The cops were 'catching up on paperwork' and were not paying attention. While the perp was shooting the cops, someone could have taken him out.

Yeah ok 4 well trained Police Officers all go down without fighting back because the attack happened so quickly but joe blow who shoots at cans on weekends will disregard the shock, confusion, and utter terror, pull out his gun and kill this hardcore killer before he himself gets killed by the killer of the well trained Police Officers, this happened in real life not an action movie.
EXACTLY :eusa_angel: That's precisley what I have done! Haven't watched 20 seconds of Fox in weeks n weeks, and the cloud cover has lifted from my eyeballs and the fuzz came out of my brain...........ok....:lol: don't say it......:lol:

so what's on MSNBC right now? It sure as hell ain't news.. lessee, that leaves CNN.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Fox: Fair and balanced liars. Fox fans, just idiotic sycophants who defend them endlessly.

they need no defense, they have been the Number one rated network for years and years, I hardly think they need my defending them. So, if you wish to remain clueless or just swallow the media matters kool aid far be it from me to interfere. Indoctrination suits many of you.. and I won't hold you back from your addiction to kool aid. What is today's flavor?
There is no such thing as "very" possible. A thing is either possible or it isn't, there are no degrees. Yes that is possible. But if you want to talk "probable," then what you suggest is highly improbable.

If I want a grammar lesson from you I will pm you now I got to get around to answering posts by the non anal members of this board.

It wasn't a grammar lesson, it was a vocabulary lesson.

You're welcome.

You do know being an anal asswipe is not a redeeming quality?
so what's on MSNBC right now? It sure as hell ain't news.. lessee, that leaves CNN.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Fox: Fair and balanced liars. Fox fans, just idiotic sycophants who defend them endlessly.

they need no defense, they have been the Number one rated network for years and years, I hardly think they need my defending them. So, if you wish to remain clueless or just swallow the media matters kool aid far be it from me to interfere. Indoctrination suits many of you.. and I won't hold you back from your addiction to kool aid. What is today's flavor?

and Jackass on mtv gets better ratings than upstairs downstairs does on pbs, ratings dont equate to quality.
Fox: Fair and balanced liars. Fox fans, just idiotic sycophants who defend them endlessly.

they need no defense, they have been the Number one rated network for years and years, I hardly think they need my defending them. So, if you wish to remain clueless or just swallow the media matters kool aid far be it from me to interfere. Indoctrination suits many of you.. and I won't hold you back from your addiction to kool aid. What is today's flavor?

and Jackass on mtv gets better ratings than upstairs downstairs does on pbs, ratings dont equate to quality.

And I have waaaay more rep power than the Bare Knuckle Pundit. :D
Fox: Fair and balanced liars. Fox fans, just idiotic sycophants who defend them endlessly.

they need no defense, they have been the Number one rated network for years and years, I hardly think they need my defending them. So, if you wish to remain clueless or just swallow the media matters kool aid far be it from me to interfere. Indoctrination suits many of you.. and I won't hold you back from your addiction to kool aid. What is today's flavor?

and Jackass on mtv gets better ratings than upstairs downstairs does on pbs, ratings dont equate to quality.

tell that to Fox.. what's on MSNBC right now? not even quantity.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Salivated? Damn you are one stupid puppy, Dog. I was entertained by it, nothing more. A couple of posts musing on the hilarity of it is hardly 'salivating'.... but I guess it suits your purpose to overstate things - you're quite the typical liberal at times.

Well tell us Nancy Drew, why were these cops picked out specifically? It was a planned ambush obviously.

And nice to see that continuing abuse of words that you continue to show you have no knowledge of. :thup:

Unlike you, I prefer to wait for facts to emerge rather than speculate when it comes to this type of incident. If you refer back to the Ft Hood incident, I was one of the few who refused to speculate and jump to conclusions. We don't know jack shit right now - the incident only happened a couple of hours ago.

Intelligent people don't leap to conclusions. They wait for factual information to come out. Silly little puppy.
But CC, if you don't speculate, then you forfeit any possibility of ever getting to say I told you so. :)


I'm just sort of made that way - politics, hell yea - I'll speculate with everyone else but with this kind of thing..... There are people dead.... it is tasteless to joke about it, and stupid to speculate - and fucking retarded to argue about it..... until we actually KNOW stuff.
Travolta and Jackson?

have i not been telling you what an asshole you are Chris.....all this phony bullshit you pass around here how compassionate you are and how Conservatives are uncompassionate....you are a fucking hypocrite....and an asshole...
Travolta and Jackson?

real funny joke you dumb asshole. 4 officers getting killed is surely a laughing matter.

I'd love to smash your skull right now

why do you hate free speech?
No. He hates dumb assholes.

Travolta and Jackson?

real funny joke you dumb asshole. 4 officers getting killed is surely a laughing matter.

I'd love to smash your skull right now

Sorry, I thought you were joking.

I have always thought of cops as heroes.
You quoted HUGGY, not him. I see comprehension is not your strong suit.

why do you hate free speech?

he doesn't asshole, he is practicing it.

he wants to beat up a guy because he exercised his right to speak.
No...because the guy is a dumb asshole and disrespectful of the dead police.

Far from it.

Whoever did this I hope gets to meet the families of the fathers and husbands they took away from us today. These assholes deserve worse than death. Maybe we should use them as test subjects to see how long it takes the human body to die when exposed to semi-lethal nerve agents... not too much, but just enough to barely kill someone, but not for a while... let these mother fuckers feel the pain. Killing a cop is one of the most disgusting, deplorable things you can do. 4 cops... there's a special place in hell for these guys.
Maybe you could resurrect Josef Mengele.:rolleyes:

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