Just in! 4 Police Officers Slain!

My guess is that the perp was recognised by the cops and was possibly asked to identify himself. Maybe they spotted the weapon and that sparked it.

I sure hope you're wrong because if you're right that means these cops really really sucked at their job. If they were given any kind of advanced warning and still managed to squander a 4 to 1 advantage and get themselves killed, that would be pretty surprising.
My guess is that the perp was recognised by the cops and was possibly asked to identify himself. Maybe they spotted the weapon and that sparked it.

I sure hope you're wrong because if you're right that means these cops really really sucked at their job. If they were given any kind of advanced warning and still managed to squander a 4 to 1 advantage and get themselves killed, that would be pretty surprising.

what makes you think they were given any advanced warning.

This isn't the movies

If they are in a coffee shop going over paperwork and someone just walks in and shoots a few rounds into each one they wouldn't even have time to react.

They would all be dead by the time they realized what was happening.

The perps could have walked in with gun in their pocket locked and loaded and just pulled and fired.
My guess is that the perp was recognised by the cops and was possibly asked to identify himself. Maybe they spotted the weapon and that sparked it.

I sure hope you're wrong because if you're right that means these cops really really sucked at their job. If they were given any kind of advanced warning and still managed to squander a 4 to 1 advantage and get themselves killed, that would be pretty surprising.

what makes you think they were given any advanced warning.

I don't. I was responding to Huggy's theory that they were.

Try to read for comprehension. mmkay?
I'm surprised at some of these comments:

Four police officers shot dead at coffee shop near Parkland | Breaking news - The News Tribune | Seattle-Tacoma News, Weather, Sports, Jobs, Homes and Cars | South Puget Sound's Destination

ClownPosse wrote on 11/29/2009 10:43:17 AM:

This is what happens, and will cntinue to happen when you have s State the values the criminal above society !

Another Washington State Hug-a-Thug moment !

PaulDF wrote on 11/29/2009 10:43:03 AM:

Sadness for all involved; and anger towards Liberals who enable such senseless loss.

The more armed and capable citizens who are willing to take self-defense seriously, the less something like this is possible.

In Florida, we have a significant percentage of the population trained, and armed, and you don't see massacres like this. We the people must stand for something, and we won't stand for this.

You are fucking retarded. The State of Washington does not "Hug Thugs".

I shot a gang banger a few years ago for beating up a female employee of mine right in front of me...There were plenty of witnesses...I admitted it in open court and the judge dissmissed the case and gave me back my pistol. We don't tolorate THUGS in our state.

I don't know, we have an old type satellight dish and I watched on "fat tuesday" while people were beating up people in the streets and the cops were watching and not doing ONE thing to stop it. I watch a couple of years ago as the cops pulled a white guy out of his car and slammed his face into the cement, breaking his nose for putting out "the finger" during one of the immigration protests. They didn't even let him put on the break in this car and did nothing to the illegals that smashed his vehicles to pieces...not one thing.

I watched when the WTC met in seattle and the cops did nothing as people were breaking windows...some of the peaceful protesters tried to stop them. The cops instead fired teargas at the whole crowd instead of stoping those few involved in the crimes. Meanwhile some peaceful protesters were beat up by the few breaking windows and trying to turn it violent. It's amazing what you see on sattelight before the media gets to it and puts their spin on it...
My guess is that the perp was recognised by the cops and was possibly asked to identify himself. Maybe they spotted the weapon and that sparked it.

I sure hope you're wrong because if you're right that means these cops really really sucked at their job. If they were given any kind of advanced warning and still managed to squander a 4 to 1 advantage and get themselves killed, that would be pretty surprising.

what makes you think they were given any advanced warning.

This isn't the movies

If they are in a coffee shop going over paperwork and someone just walks in and shoots a few rounds into each one they wouldn't even have time to react.

They would all be dead by the time they realized what was happening.

The perps could have walked in with gun in their pocket locked and loaded and just pulled and fired.

Speculation and concern is not the same thing as watching Fox and hoping to see a tragedy. We will in all likelyhood never know the real cause of the shootings. The cops are sure to be circling the wagons and rightfully so. The public is scared that this maniac or two will shoot anyone that looks at them crosseyed. In most cases like this the police will go in heavy if they locate him and the asshole will probably kill himself or get shot a couple of dozen times by the police. I guess from a report I just got from another citizen that the guy just got out of prison...a chi-mo. I'm wondering how he got a gun. Whoever gave him or sold him a weapon should go to prison.
This is getting stranger and more tragic by the hour. Willow cites a source on the "
other" thread that claims Huckabee turned this crazy fuck loose a few years ago. Woah!:cuckoo:
This is getting stranger and more tragic by the hour. Willow cites a source on the "
other" thread that claims Huckabee turned this crazy fuck loose a few years ago. Woah!:cuckoo:

The Seattle Times Huggies.. The Seattle Times. he is being sought for questioning. Don't jump the shark, umkay? it upsets the libtards.:lol:
My guess is that the perp was recognised by the cops and was possibly asked to identify himself. Maybe they spotted the weapon and that sparked it.

I sure hope you're wrong because if you're right that means these cops really really sucked at their job. If they were given any kind of advanced warning and still managed to squander a 4 to 1 advantage and get themselves killed, that would be pretty surprising.

what makes you think they were given any advanced warning.

This isn't the movies

If they are in a coffee shop going over paperwork and someone just walks in and shoots a few rounds into each one they wouldn't even have time to react.

They would all be dead by the time they realized what was happening.

The perps could have walked in with gun in their pocket locked and loaded and just pulled and fired.

And was their behaviour the norm going into this place to do their work? Were they being cased by the perps?
My guess is that the perp was recognised by the cops and was possibly asked to identify himself. Maybe they spotted the weapon and that sparked it.

I sure hope you're wrong because if you're right that means these cops really really sucked at their job. If they were given any kind of advanced warning and still managed to squander a 4 to 1 advantage and get themselves killed, that would be pretty surprising.

Blame the police for getting shot. Here's your prize of Hemlock. Drink up.
My guess is that the perp was recognised by the cops and was possibly asked to identify himself. Maybe they spotted the weapon and that sparked it.

I sure hope you're wrong because if you're right that means these cops really really sucked at their job. If they were given any kind of advanced warning and still managed to squander a 4 to 1 advantage and get themselves killed, that would be pretty surprising.

Blame the police for getting shot. Here's your prize of Hemlock. Drink up.

Another donkey with shitty reading comprehension. :thup:

I blame public schooling.
Mods, can you PLEASE intervene here?

This thread has 3 different topics. Topic 1 - 4 Police officers shot and killed. Topic 2 - Chrissie being a fucking asshole, Topic 3 - FoxNews being a fair and balanced source. Please move the other two topics out of here and leave this thread about the poor police officers who lost their lives.

Back off Davey. This is my thread. I encourage all comers and never try to inhibit the free speach. It will sort itself out.

1.... The initial story is still intact in the thread.

2.......Chris offered a tasteless reply which was fair game to respond to.

3.......How the media responds to this kind of tragedy is also part of the subject matter.

I request the Mods leave it alone unless it gets out of hand and in that case move it to flame.

In any case I hope that respect for the officers slain and the families of the fallen is upheld.

As I said, I thought it was a joke.

I never complain about the police. I think they do a great job.
I sure hope you're wrong because if you're right that means these cops really really sucked at their job. If they were given any kind of advanced warning and still managed to squander a 4 to 1 advantage and get themselves killed, that would be pretty surprising.

Blame the police for getting shot. Here's your prize of Hemlock. Drink up.

Another donkey with shitty reading comprehension. :thup:

I blame public schooling.

I figure you'll get enough negative feedback on that one, so I'll just take a pass for now. Maybe you should reread the post I quoted and think about how someone might come to my conclusion.
Blame the police for getting shot. Here's your prize of Hemlock. Drink up.

Another donkey with shitty reading comprehension. :thup:

I blame public schooling.

I figure you'll get enough negative feedback on that one, so I'll just take a pass for now. Maybe you should reread the post I quoted and think about how someone might come to my conclusion.

You're the one who needs to re-read it dumbass. I was responding to Huggy's theory, that if correct, most certainly would mean they sucked at their job. Hence the reason I prefaced my post with "I hope you are wrong."

Jesus Christ how some of you are even capable of logging on the internet is a fucking miracle.
Mods, can you PLEASE intervene here?

This thread has 3 different topics. Topic 1 - 4 Police officers shot and killed. Topic 2 - Chrissie being a fucking asshole, Topic 3 - FoxNews being a fair and balanced source. Please move the other two topics out of here and leave this thread about the poor police officers who lost their lives.

Back off Davey. This is my thread. I encourage all comers and never try to inhibit the free speach. It will sort itself out.

1.... The initial story is still intact in the thread.

2.......Chris offered a tasteless reply which was fair game to respond to.

3.......How the media responds to this kind of tragedy is also part of the subject matter.

I request the Mods leave it alone unless it gets out of hand and in that case move it to flame.

In any case I hope that respect for the officers slain and the families of the fallen is upheld.

As I said, I thought it was a joke.

I never complain about the police. I think they do a great job.

your still an emotional retard...
I started looking at this thread on page 1. I saw a post of yours that said msnbc didn't cover this because they don't work on weekends. That is a lie, I proved it with a link about that story and called you out.

If you said "I take that back", good for you. I just don't understand why you would say something that dumb in the first place.

At that point where you said they didn't work on weekends, did you lie?

no, their normal weekends schedules are life in prison and crime stories not news reporting. I did however flip and reported that they did in fact break this news and I did say I take that back,, but now you are too chickenshit to take yours back aren't you? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

so you did lie, then you took it back. Fair enough. Your an admitted liar. You must enjoy fox.

no asswipe, you are the liar! That's established fact.
Mods, can you PLEASE intervene here?

This thread has 3 different topics. Topic 1 - 4 Police officers shot and killed. Topic 2 - Chrissie being a fucking asshole, Topic 3 - FoxNews being a fair and balanced source. Please move the other two topics out of here and leave this thread about the poor police officers who lost their lives.

Back off Davey. This is my thread. I encourage all comers and never try to inhibit the free speach. It will sort itself out.

1.... The initial story is still intact in the thread.

2.......Chris offered a tasteless reply which was fair game to respond to.

3.......How the media responds to this kind of tragedy is also part of the subject matter.

I request the Mods leave it alone unless it gets out of hand and in that case move it to flame.

In any case I hope that respect for the officers slain and the families of the fallen is upheld.

As I said, I thought it was a joke.

I never complain about the police. I think they do a great job.

You should visit Schenectady, NY. There have been more scandals than I could count concerning the police there. The last one was the former police chief, but all the priors were lots of fun too.

Schenectady, NY — “Grand jury blames poor leadership for Schenectady police scandals” (Times Union, November 19, 2007) — According to the Times Union, the Grand Jury report “blames nearly two decades of Police Department scandals on lax oversight of vice cases.” To read a PDF of the grand jury report on the Schenectady Police Department’s vice squad, click here.
Rampant Police Misconduct Scandals in U.S. — (Part 1) « Spokane Police Abuses: Past to Present


Gregory Kaczmarek was chief of Schenectady Police Department from 1996 to 2002

Those don't even touch the history there. So, I'm sorry, but I don't share your high regard of the police. They targeted my boss' business for political reasons, and stole the money from the register every time they raided an establishment they refused to protect from drug dealers (shooed them inside every time the bartender called to report crack dealers harassing incoming customers).

so what's on MSNBC right now? It sure as hell ain't news.. lessee, that leaves CNN.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Fox: Fair and balanced liars. Fox fans, just idiotic sycophants who defend them endlessly.

they need no defense, they have been the Number one rated network for years and years, I hardly think they need my defending them. So, if you wish to remain clueless or just swallow the media matters kool aid far be it from me to interfere. Indoctrination suits many of you.. and I won't hold you back from your addiction to kool aid. What is today's flavor?

They are not. They are the #1 rated CABLE network for years. Your accuracy is about as good (or bad) as theirs. :lol::lol::lol:
fox: Fair and balanced liars. Fox fans, just idiotic sycophants who defend them endlessly.

they need no defense, they have been the number one rated network for years and years, i hardly think they need my defending them. So, if you wish to remain clueless or just swallow the media matters kool aid far be it from me to interfere. Indoctrination suits many of you.. And i won't hold you back from your addiction to kool aid. What is today's flavor?

they are not. They are the #1 rated cable network for years. Your accuracy is about as good (or bad) as theirs. :lol::lol::lol:

I'm surprised it hasn't happened before. I have to admit to being quite surprised at the way in which police officers in the US eat in restaurants on duty in uniform. I'm starting to see it here but it's mainly around HQ downtown and they go out for cofee (unarmed). If you're on patrol here you take your meal at your base or the nearest police station. And trust me it's far less hazardous in the job here.

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