JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured

The right to bail is not an automatic one. Judges deny bail lots of times.
A career criminal was out on bail with a felony charge pending against him.

There is no law that mandates bail for every criminal in the book.

There is not. There have been many rulings on this but all the same, we know our justice system is not blind like it is supposed to be.
This is why we have to go back to bail, especially for lowlife career criminals like the SUV driver. He already has demonstrated a propensity for violence, and combined with the leftist media riling up hatred and division, well….yesterday was the result. Five more people killed - and these, innocent people in a parade, not BLM thugs setting property on fire.

He should have been killed by a cop years ago.

The right to bail is automatic; that’s why bail can only be denied pursuant to a hearing, consistent with that right.
You just contradicted yourself in the space of two sentences. How does it feel?
Bail is customary. It's not automatic.
There is no law that mandates a criminal suspect be denied bail because of felony charge pending against him.

Likewise, subjective, pejorative terms such as ‘career criminal’ doesn’t justify denying a defendant his right to bail.
No. There is no law but a judge is not compelled to give a life time violent criminal bail automatically.

There is nothing "subjective" about the criminal record of Darell E. Brooks.
When used with malice or negligence, it is amazing how a Ford Escape can have the same outcome as an AR 15.
Which illustrates the hypocrisy of the right.

Rittenhouse was afforded bail pending the most serious of charges – the exact same process afforded the SUV driver conservatives now denounce and oppose.
Compare and contrast the the criminal histories of Kyle Rittenhouse and Darell E. Brooks.

You stupidly compare two things that aren't remotely similar. That is why decent people detest
lying leftists.
I hear what you're saying. Like the 2nd Amendment they were written at a far different time.... when people had a sense of honor, violent crimes were not as frequent and the capability for mayhem was limited. Different times now.
The Bill of Rights was written when government was perceived as the primary threat, not lawlessness and criminality.

The problem is that we’re victims of our own success – the rule of law and our democratic institutions are so deeply rooted in our national character that the idea of political prisoners is completely alien to us.

The problem is also that far too many don’t understand that law enforcement is also the government and part of the state – that law enforcement is also subject to the Bill of Rights.
Here again is another example of what I highlighted in another thread. First off we will have 50 different threads on this exact same thing. Second, it's put in the politics section. It's so sad that so many see something like this and the first thing they think is "how does this affect my politics" or "what political points can I make".

People are terrible creatures.
Well we'll see if you have the same comment next time there is a mass shooting and all the leftists on here are making it political.
The Bill of Rights was written when government was perceived as the primary threat, not lawlessness and criminality.

The problem is that we’re victims of our own success – the rule of law and our democratic institutions are so deeply rooted in our national character that the idea of political prisoners is completely alien to us.
Tell that to the people held in a dungeon since the Jan. 6 riots at the Capitol without any bail or redress of their
situations. Your blather about bail being an automatic feature of arrest is bullshit!

The problem is also that far too many don’t understand that law enforcement is also the government and part of the state – that law enforcement is also subject to the Bill of Rights.
Judges that turn criminals loose on society and that suffer no ill consequences themselves are part of the problem.
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This is why we have to go back to bail, especially for lowlife career criminals like the SUV driver. He already has demonstrated a propensity for violence, and combined with the leftist media riling up hatred and division, well….yesterday was the result. Five more people killed - and these, innocent people in a parade, not BLM thugs setting property on fire.

This Brooks guy looks like Kaepernick.
Our justice system has been incredibly one sided forever. A poor man does something and bail is set at 10k and he stays in jail. A rich man does the exact same thing and he has no problem getting out.
Was this guy rich? Did I miss something?
Your argument all along has been that this is only a problem with the right. It is not.

Conservatives have long exhibited their contempt for the rule of law and the right to due process – this thread is further proof is that, where they want the SUV driver held in perpetual custody because they ‘think’ he ‘might’ do something wrong.

Liberals have always supported and defended the rule of law and the right to due process, particularly with regard to criminal defendants vilified as ‘career criminals.’

The notion that ‘both sides’ are ‘the same’ is as ridiculous as it is wrong.
your prem

Conservatives have long exhibited their contempt for the rule of law and the right to due process – this thread is further proof is that, where they want the SUV driver held in perpetual custody because they ‘think’ he ‘might’ do something wrong.

Liberals have always supported and defended the rule of law and the right to due process, particularly with regard to criminal defendants vilified as ‘career criminals.’

The notion that ‘both sides’ are ‘the same’ is as ridiculous as it is wrong.
your premise is a lie and the rittenhouse case proves it,,
JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured, reports of shots fired. Triage strike team deployed, per police scanner

Still looking for suspects

The short list of his previous crimes...

We mentioned that he has a long rap sheet. Darrell Brooks's rap sheet includes — in addition to past convictions — multiple open cases. His 22-year-long published criminal record includes numerous weapons charges, battery and assault charges, all kinds of drug charges from meth to cocaine, vehicle theft, receiving stolen property, obstructing officers, domestic abuse, recklessly endangering safety, strangulation and suffocation...the list goes on and on.

Again and again, Darrell Brooks — the alleged driver in the Waukesha parade killings — was caught, processed, and intentionally released. Despite a history that demonstrates his ongoing threat to the community, charges were repeatedly dropped or pleaded down, sentences were reduced to time served (such as, in one case, just nineteen days), and he was always given work-release, probation, and bail, despite a record of continuing to perpetrate violations whenever he was set free.

If bail protocols were rational, he would be in jail awaiting the trials for the cases he already had pending, including felony assault just two days before the parade, after which he was, once again, arrested and released on bail.

He was free today to kill people in Waukesha only because he was set free, knowingly, by Milwaukee and Manitowoc and Wood and who knows how many other counties over the past twenty years.

You really need work on tenderizing and keeping sentences' brief and to
the point.Run-on sentence structure is uncomfortable and taxing on nerves.
As in ... The boy went over to the hardware store he bought
some nails he then thanked the man and left.
You’re not experienced in reading science, medicine, philosophy, psychoanalysis, etc. where the mind must be disciplined enough to understand the complexities the mother tongue is expressing. That is why you feel psychic pain. That is also why you should not fantasize about having control of your mother tongue.
The SUV driver has been out on bail for a violent felony before he committed this felony. He should not get bail again.
Our justice system has been incredibly one sided forever. A poor man does something and bail is set at 10k and he stays in jail. A rich man does the exact same thing and he has no problem getting out.

this guy was out on 1000 dollar bail and had a long criminal history. SO you would like more of this?

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