JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured

Which illustrates the hypocrisy of the right.

Rittenhouse was afforded bail pending the most serious of charges – the exact same process afforded the SUV driver conservatives now denounce and oppose.
youre premise is a lie,,
kyle had no record and the facts of his case showed clear self defense and he wasnt a flight risk,,
the SUV guy is far from that,,
And you’re back to siding with the criminals. Awwww…..let’s not be too hard on the black man who has committed crime after crime since 1999.

You want to talk about a punishment disportionate to the crime? That would be Kyle, a teen who killed in self-defense, and was maligned, defamed, and put in jail with a $2 million bail. (Schroeder bailed him out.)

So a teen whitey with no criminal record is put in jail with a $2 million bail, and a lifelong criminal with a violent record is let out in the street without bail?
This is a lie.

No one is ‘siding’ with criminals.

Acknowledging the right to due process, the right to a presumption of innocence, and the right to not be subject to cruel or unusual punishment is not to ‘side’ with criminals.
The small changes are all pretty much local. The DNC really is no different. They will say the right things but when it comes to doing it, not so much.

A really good example. Obama made a big to do about his justice department taking over the investigation on what happened to Eric Garner. What did they do? Absolutely nothing. They punted it to the Trump justice department.

Why did people feel they had to protest in front of Rahm Emmanuel's home? Why would the DNC pick the poster child for an unfair justice system as their VP choice?
This has nothing to do whatsoever with my post.

My post was in response to a conservative clearly not understanding why the SUV driver wasn’t held in custody prior to the incident.

Whether this is actual ignorance or willful ignorance on the part of conservatives is unknown; it’s sad and disturbing, nonetheless.
So far, there is no known connection to international or domestic terrorism, and it does not appear to be connected to the recent verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the sources said.

From CNN

They think he was fleeing a crime.
CNN...and you!

What does CNN base their conclusion on? The "sources" (CNN editors) once again are just putting
their slimy spin on things.

Who "flees a crime" by plowing into a street filled with people?

Once again innocent people pay the real price of a corrupt system that turns criminals loose on the streets.
Maybe... I'm not completely sure there is a happy medium here. But if someone had been arrested 6 times in 2 years, I think there is a pattern of not just criminal behavior but of that person being a criminal.
The core principle of American criminal law is that it’s preferable for a guilty man go free than for an innocent man lose his liberty.

It’s isn’t easy to be an American – but worth the effort.
Yup. She was raising funds to get arrested rioters back onto the streets so they could do more damage. And SHE is a heartbeat away from the presidency, someone who sides with criminals and encourages them to riot.
If a rich person commits the same exact alleged crime as the poor person, should they get out on bail, just because of being rich or having a rich daddy to pay the bail amount? While the person poor, or without a rich daddy, committing the same crime, has to stay in jail? Is that equal justice?

If a violent alleged crime, NEITHER should get out....
We keep them in jail if their crimes are violent and obviously unprovoked. The SUV driver will be in jail….FINALLY….but he should have been in jail already for the open violent felony for abuse.

This siding with criminals by leftists has got to stop, or we will effective,y have no laws at all. Where I live, they let a rapist out of prison because they were worried he might catch COVID, so what did he do? He went straight from the prison to his victim’s house, and killed her. That very morning.

Time to stop worrying so much about criminals and thugs and more about their would-be victims.

And how do you know they were "obviously unprovoked"?
An arrest isn’t a conviction; it’s only the start of due process – there are those who have many arrests but never incarcerated because they were found not guilty at trial.

Unfortunately, what we have in America is a de facto doctrine of a presumption of guilt:

“If you’re under investigation or under arrest, you must have done something wrong.”

“The police don’t investigate or arrest innocent people.”

Far too many Americans fail to understand the intent of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments; indeed, far too many have an unwarranted contempt for those Amendments, incorrectly perceiving them as being an impediment to law enforcement and a benefit to criminals who are allowed to ‘get off’ on a ‘technicality.’

I hear what you're saying. Like the 2nd Amendment they were written at a far different time.... when people had a sense of honor, violent crimes were not as frequent and the capability for mayhem was limited. Different times now.
The core principle of American criminal law is that it’s preferable for a guilty man go free than for an innocent man lose his liberty.

It’s isn’t easy to be an American – but worth the effort.
Well, we saw what a more-than-likely guilty man did yesterday.
The right to bail is not an automatic one. Judges deny bail lots of times.
A career criminal was out on bail with a felony charge pending against him.

There is no law that mandates bail for every criminal in the book.

The right to bail is automatic; that’s why bail can only be denied pursuant to a hearing, consistent with that right.

There is no law that mandates a criminal suspect be denied bail because of felony charge pending against him.

Likewise, subjective, pejorative terms such as ‘career criminal’ doesn’t justify denying a defendant his right to bail.
This has nothing to do whatsoever with my post.

My post was in response to a conservative clearly not understanding why the SUV driver wasn’t held in custody prior to the incident.

Whether this is actual ignorance or willful ignorance on the part of conservatives is unknown; it’s sad and disturbing, nonetheless.

Your argument all along has been that this is only a problem with the right. It is not.
I believe if true this guy { Darrell } had a rap sheet and was part of BLM.
Even had a statement { From Facebook ? } commenting about running people
down in a car.Like what Price would be payed if done by him.
If it's a Him at all.Seems more like a Demon.Just the kind of folk who
inspire confidence by Democrat Pols.The same bunch who like having control
over Blue State's and Blue City's.The better to manage { If the word " manage "
even fits } on their Government plantations.
Because he’s presumed innocent of the current charges until convicted in a court of law.
Yet criminals at times do have bail revoked because they are perceived as a threat to
the public, i.e. Charles Manson and Jeffery Dahmer.
"Math Boy Fly" was a career criminal and a violent racist with a real hatred of white people.

Bail is afforded pending trial; innocent people are not imprisoned because we ‘believe’ they ‘might’ do something wrong.
And five people are killed with dozens injured because we bend over backwards to treat career criminals
like we would Sunday school teachers and first time offenders.
Your stupidity and willful ignorance get people killed.
Of course, this isn’t the case for far too many poor Americans who can’t afford bail, who are held in custody pending trial.

That these fundamental facts of American jurisprudence and Constitutional law must be explained to conservatives comes as no surprise.
Someone should explain the atrocity in Waukesha to you.

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