JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured

We let violent people out on bail all the time. The other day, a guy who shot and killed 2 people before shooting a third was out on bail.

Do conservatives really not know this?
. Second, it's put in the politics section. It's so sad that so many see something like this and the first thing they think is "how does this affect my politics" or "what political points can I make".

People are terrible creatures.
Domestic terrorist attacks are, by definition, about politics.
Our justice system has been incredibly one sided forever. A poor man does something and bail is set at 10k and he stays in jail. A rich man does the exact same thing and he has no problem getting out.

Indeed, in many cases it doesn’t even get to the point of bail, where the rich aren’t even charged to being with.
If so, WHY was he out in bail committing yet ANOTHER crime? This was a lowlife career criminal with an open felony charge (abuse) against him! Answer: because criminal-siding leftists let this scumbag out of jail, and now 5 people are dead. Regardless if the reason.

We need to lock up career criminals and stop releasing scumbags back into the street. I don’t care if leftists are doing it because blacks are disproportionately committing violent crimes and thus are disproportionately being thrown in jail.
They have this system of bail when you get arrested ever hear of it?
You don’t get to use a racist term to define your group and not have all those the racist term mentions, boycotted. Not if you’re intelligent.
That statement needs unpacking.I was under the distinct Impression that
BLM does not { like Never Ever } Requires Permission for anything they do.
Or is that Too Bold an assumption.
Do Not Assume more than you can handle.Or Tussle.
The right to bail is one of the basic ones, look it up.
Yeah, but these leftists are eliminating bail so criminals like the SUV murderer can continue their crimes. He should have been in jail, but lefties would cry raacism.
We let violent people out on bail all the time. The other day, a guy who shot and killed 2 people before shooting a third was out on bail.

Do conservatives really not know this?
One has a right to due process of the law and a presumption of innocence, and that prior convictions have no bearing on current charges.

This is what conservatives seem to not understand – or more likely, have contempt for.
Basically.Like the move played by the MSM when the Hunter Biden Laptop
scandal broke wind.
Or the opposite.The Non-stop ever ridiculous Mention of the - Insurrection -.
But this is different.It combines all the folly of the MSM and the unamerican
games they play while getting paid handsomely for { or fir }.
This is why we have to go back to bail, especially for lowlife career criminals like the SUV driver. He already has demonstrated a propensity for violence, and combined with the leftist media riling up hatred and division, well….yesterday was the result. Five more people killed - and these, innocent people in a parade, not BLM thugs setting property on fire.

I thought there were claims he was BLM, or a marxist, or a muslim terrorist.
They have this system of bail when you get arrested ever hear of it?
Maybr you should learn more the racist thug before you comment. I’m not talking about the CURRENT crime. I’m talking about his previous one - still pending - an open felony. If the leftists weren’t so concerned that we weren’t being nice to a black lifelong criminal (he has a long record), his would have been in jail for THAT one. And five people who didn’t wake up this morning would have.
It was reported last night the Vehicle was part of some earlier
infraction.Maybe leading to a chase from not being stopped.
Meaning the Driver was a special kind of stupid.
No matter what you don't Drive at high speed in the middle of
Christmass Parade.Or any Parade.
Even Peter Fonda { Captain America } and Dennis Hopper { Billy }
knew that much at the Southern Parade they followed with their
Choppers.Landing them in some cryptic Southern Jail.
Meeting up with Jack { Local Half-drunk Lawyer } Jack Nicholson.
If so, WHY was he out in bail committing yet ANOTHER crime?
Because he’s presumed innocent of the current charges until convicted in a court of law.

Bail is afforded pending trial; innocent people are not imprisoned because we ‘believe’ they ‘might’ do something wrong.

Of course, this isn’t the case for far too many poor Americans who can’t afford bail, who are held in custody pending trial.

That these fundamental facts of American jurisprudence and Constitutional law must be explained to conservatives comes as no surprise.

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