JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured

Good jew lawyer whos uncle is a judge ? DA ? PA ?
They has a consultation over an 8-ball at the Sin-a-gag and made a deal ?
If you're consumed with this story my advice would be to take a break from this subject until solid information is made public.
Keep yourself from being consumed with hate. That does nothing for you except shorten your life and make you miserable.
Then we have that clown Chucky Moron weighting in on the incident.

I don't have a link but I read something a little while ago that said that the shithead was running away from a drug deal gone bad. Don't know if it true or not.

There was a 911 call before he ran them over. It had something to a stabbing that took place during a drug deal, and the vehicle described was the same one that ran over those people.
The sonofabitch has extensive BLM/Black Nationalism ties and was the typical Moon Bat sex offender.
JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured, reports of shots fired. Triage strike team deployed, per police scanner

Still looking for suspects
I don't like the way this is being investigated.I hope the Feds { FBI } don't
try and take over.I heard that as many as 3 others may have been in the vehicle
as well.I think at least 3 total were in that red vehicle.With one cell phone
video capturing the vehicle from the side up close as it stormed by.
They can Freeze a frame of the cell phone video and enlarge and easily
determine how many were in said vehicle.I'm wondering if by any
chance the Driver was ID'd and maybe due to race is not being released.
For a myriad of reasons.Meaning were back to square one and Race being
A black guy in a SUV...........who would have guessed.

It's a Dem ran state, nothing will happen to the psycho. He will be patted on the back, given awards, and have statues erected in front of the governors office of him.

The N-crowd is out to get infamy and money any way possible in Dem ran states now. And they just don't give a damn how they get it.
Again, all about the melanin.
This is why we have to go back to bail, especially for lowlife career criminals like the SUV driver. He already has demonstrated a propensity for violence, and combined with the leftist media riling up hatred and division, well….yesterday was the result. Five more people killed - and these, innocent people in a parade, not BLM thugs setting property on fire.

Double whammy should be he used a gas powered vehicle.
Here again is another example of what I highlighted in another thread. First off we will have 50 different threads on this exact same thing. Second, it's put in the politics section. It's so sad that so many see something like this and the first thing they think is "how does this affect my politics" or "what political points can I make".

People are terrible creatures.
Because the decision to bail out criminals IS political, done by liberal politicians. The NYC mayor tried to abolish bail altogether.

The reason you don’t want it in politics is because it shows the damage that results from fsr-left policies that side with criminals.
Nope think it is over what the libs did-------tell the criminals that they could do no wrong, and that it was society and the cops that were bad to them. It was just a bunch of white kids---whites bad and all. The criminal felt entitled to run them over. And hell, the libs would make sure that he got out again after making more excuses for his evil behavior.

So far, there is no known connection to international or domestic terrorism, and it does not appear to be connected to the recent verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the sources said.

From CNN

They think he was fleeing a crime.

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