JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured

We let violent people out on bail all the time. The other day, a guy who shot and killed 2 people before shooting a third was out on bail.

Do conservatives really not know this?
Why do you use this as an example? This guy didn't just pick his riffle and go to shoot people because something flashed in his head.
Here's some more of what Surada doesn't know. Gee whiz. Surada has more in common with that murderer than she knows...

Darrell Edward Brooks, the man who was taken into custody by police over the #Waukesha Christmas parade mass casualty incident, expressed hatred of former president Donald Trump in one of his rap tracks. He also expressed black nationalist antisemitic views. #BLM pic.twitter.com/BhT7BrX5mL
— Andy Ngô \uD83C\uDFF3??\uD83C\uDF08 (@MrAndyNgo) November 22, 2021
I back my truck up into my driveway quite often.

FYI... not black.
You’re an outlier. And it does nothing to change the fact that blacks back their cars into spaces as a ‘black’ thing.
BTW, unless you have a loading issue or intend to rob a store and need a quick getaway, backing a car into a parking space is counterintuitive and runs against the design of the car and the space.
Here's some more of what Surada doesn't know. Gee whiz. Surada has more in common with that murderer than she knows...
Busy little Black beaver wasn't he.I don't suppose he knew how to dribble
a basketball or shoot craps { Nah that's for street smart Whiteys }.
Too bad Wisconsin abolished the death penalty. This POS should fry, and instead Wisconsin residents will have to feed him three times a day and pay for medical care for the next 50 years
Prisoners should work if they want to get decent food and 'accommodation'.
Read again. I wanted you to argue that it WAS excessive. You said you wouldn’t do that. Hence, you think it was an OK amount.

Now that your free English tutoring is over, may I assume you meant to say that you agree the boy’s bail WAS excessive. If so, we are in agreement for the first time.

Reading comprehension around here has a lot to be desired.

Conservatives have long exhibited their contempt for the rule of law and the right to due process – this thread is further proof is that, where they want the SUV driver held in perpetual custody because they ‘think’ he ‘might’ do something wrong.

Liberals have always supported and defended the rule of law and the right to due process, particularly with regard to criminal defendants vilified as ‘career criminals.’

The notion that ‘both sides’ are ‘the same’ is as ridiculous as it is wrong.

"The same" isn't really an argument I'm interested in.
how does that fix a broken system??

It doesn't. It just makes it all fair.
Nope. I think he's a stupid kid and a victim. I don't support BLM or Antifa either. Never have. I think the law is for Democrats and Republicans alike and I despise militias and vigilantes of any ilk.
Prove it.Why are the January 6th Insurrectionists { Not charged with Insurrection just
Trespassing and Property damage basically } still locked in seclusion.
One shower a week.No Visiters.Not even Family.Trial date not until next spring.
Yet this Career Black Puke gets bail faster than the Roadrunner.
Who cares? He's an idiot.. Do you favor vigilantes? Rittenhouse says he supports BLM.

I don't like vigilantes or thugs or militias of any polical party. Don't you get it yet? The Constitution and the law is the same for everyone.

This has NOTHING to do with rich kids with trust funds. What's YOUR background?
Oh please. Kyle doesn’t support BLM. They’re a hate-filled, violent, racist terrorist movement. He just knows that BLM savages are still aiming to kill him, and that, combined with the U.S. President saying he’s a racist and the liberal media stoking the rage against him, he has to appease them.

That won’t work of course. I am sure he has hired full-time security to protect him and his family from BLM monsters.
Prove it.Why are the January 6th Insurrectionists { Not charged with Insurrection just
Trespassing and Property damage basically } still locked in seclusion.
One shower a week.No Visiters.Not even Family.Trial date not until next spring.
Yet this Career Black Puke gets bail faster than the Roadrunner.

Property damage totaled $30 million, taxpayer.

Its time you realized that the Jan 6th mob who stormed the Capitol are no better than the Kenosha rioters. The damned law is for EVERYONE.
Oh please. Kyle doesn’t support BLM. They’re a hate-filled, violent, racist terrorist movement. He just knows that BLM savages are still aiming to kill him, and that, combined with the U.S. President saying he’s a racist and the liberal media stoking the rage against him, he has to appease them.

That won’t work of course. I am sure he has hired full-time security to protect him and his family from BLM monsters.
actually kyle did support BLM,, and if you can find it you will see a vidoe early in the night where kyle and his friends say no lives matter until black lives matter,,

hard to find since its been scrubbed due to media narrative,,
Who cares? He's an idiot.. Do you favor vigilantes? Rittenhouse says he supports BLM.

I don't like vigilantes or thugs or militias of any polical party. Don't you get it yet? The Constitution and the law is the same for everyone.

This has NOTHING to do with rich kids with trust funds. What's YOUR background?
Yer entire IQ is defined by those two words " Who Cares ".
Yeah righto ringo.We get it.
Should BLM supporters care if they get bail.
Should BLM members care if the Mainstream Media defames them each
day.Makes sure their Real Names are written about and followed up on.
You just gave away yer true intent.
With two words " Who Cares ".
Property damage totaled $30 million, taxpayer.

Its time you realized that the Jan 6th mob who stormed the Capitol are no better than the Kenosha rioters. The damned law is for EVERYONE.
Name the stuff that was damaged ... Mister or Miss Low IQ.
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