JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured

You’re an outlier. And it does nothing to change the fact that blacks back their cars into spaces as a ‘black’ thing.
BTW, unless you have a loading issue or intend to rob a store and need a quick getaway, backing a car into a parking space is counterintuitive and runs against the design of the car and the space.
and you're a stereotyper.

a friend who was in the military said they're trained in the military to back in because if "shit happens" you have no idea how much time you have to leave.

whatever dude. keep stereotyping.
The Milwaukee County DA is trying to cover his own ass.


I’ll just wait until the facts come in. Was he provoked ? Was this payback for shittenhouse ? Who knows ?
What provocation could there possibly be for driving a car through a Christmas parade? It certainly wasn’t because the people he killed were attacking him. But I will await the facts to opine if he should be charged with first degree murder or simply vehicular homicide and hit and run.
Until we fix our broken system I support letting everyone out on no bail.
that's a bit drastic. by definition our system will be forever broken and it's worse if you get "emotional" about it. WE LOST ITS RIGGED is far too common these days. all around.

the judge has the discretion to do what he/she needs to do. let them. but to say everyone goes free because there's problems in the system is a step back in being able to even try to enforce the laws we have.
Condolences from the UK.

Its a fact that leaves us astonished over here. Millions of people of all creeds and colour live in the US, But crimes only seem to be committed by Black people.

As this one incident has proven.

I can understand why totally law abiding white folks get angry about this.

An act like this could not have been committed by a white man and his son with a friend following and filming it. They would have got out of the van and shot their victims. In a Christian way naturally.
England brought their black slaves over here and continued

Thanks a lot, you British bastards are really responsible

Ever realize that stupid. You are the cause
Five white ppl are dead. Let’s b clear on that. Five white ppl. You hear me ?
The blood is on your hands.
You are a racist idiot Paul. I don’t care if the five people he and his two friends killed were black, he still committed a horrendous action.
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actually kyle did support BLM,, and if you can find it you will see a vidoe early in the night where kyle and his friends say no lives matter until black lives matter,,

hard to find since its been scrubbed due to media narrative,,
Really….wow. And how awful that the leftists, in their pursuit of unfairly attacking him as a white supremacist, are erasing evidence that shows he is anything but.

Once leftists position you as the enemy - and in this case, they were angry because the teen “interfered” with the BLM arsonists - they not only refuse to hear the facts, the hide any facts that reveal their lie.

Every day, I hate leftists more and more.
Khalid Muhammad said

“You have to speak the language of the white man and the white man only understands violence. So you have to talk in a way that he understands”
You know Paul, you are an idiot and a racist, but I have come to the conclusion that you are simply evil now.
Property damage totaled $30 million, taxpayer.

Its time you realized that the Jan 6th mob who stormed the Capitol are no better than the Kenosha rioters. The damned law is for EVERYONE.
BLM riots cost $2 billion in damage, and took 30 lives. The one riot those people had on Jan 6 pales in comparison.
Well it is better than the alternative. If you don't want to address it, you don't. Oh well.
The alternative is letting criminals walk free to mow down 40 people and kill 5 of them. I don’t think that’s the better alternative.

You are erring on the side of lifelong criminal thugs.
I back my truck up into my driveway quite often.

FYI... not black.
When you drive a vehicle with limited rear visibility, it’s the safest way to park since you aren’t backing out blind. I often park that way as well. Plus it’s easier to back into a confined space than to pull into one, when backing the car tends to pivot on the inner rear wheel, when pull in it follows an arc.
that's a bit drastic. by definition our system will be forever broken and it's worse if you get "emotional" about it. WE LOST ITS RIGGED is far too common these days. all around.

the judge has the discretion to do what he/she needs to do. let them. but to say everyone goes free because there's problems in the system is a step back in being able to even try to enforce the laws we have.

They do have the discretion. The judge had the discretion to give the guy who pled guilty to raping 4 girls nothing more than probation but that doesn't make it right.

No, we will never have a perfect system but we could do much better.

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