JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured

This guy is a troll. Probably some white guy from Kansas trying to come on and rile people up. Just ignore him. It's a waste of keystrokes to engage some people.
Paul isn’t a troll, but he normally cofines his evil dribble to the race forum with IM2.
The alternative is letting criminals walk free to mow down 40 people and kill 5 of them. I don’t think that’s the better alternative.

You are erring on the side of lifelong criminal thugs.

"Lifelong criminal thugs"............oddly we rarely consider economic crimes as criminal. Some continue to commit them because they are never personally criminally held accountable.
wrong,, people are corrupt,, the system was taken advantage of by corrupt people,,

I know its complicated but its still the truth,,

It's a waste of time to argue it's the people running the system, not the system. I have no desire to even argue that.

But all the same, you never answered my question.
Looks like President Potatohead ain't saying jackshit about the Negro thug that ran into the parade in Wisconsin.

If it had been a White guy killing Negroes or Commies I bet Potatohead would yelling about "White Supremacist" and how they are the greatest threat to national security.

Joe Biden Silent After Wisconsin Christmas Parade Tragedy

President Joe Biden was silent on Monday morning after a vehicle plowed into a crowd at a Christmas parade in Wisconsin, killing at least five people.

Biden did not make any statement about the incident, several hours after a red SUV drove into a crowd of people attending a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

Police officers have identified the person driving the vehicle as Darrell Brooks, released on bail on Friday on a $1,000 bond after being charged with resisting an officer, reckless homicide, and disorderly conduct, according to the Associated Press.

In July 2020, he was charged with reckless endangering and illegal possession of a firearm.

The White House told reporters Sunday it was “closely monitoring the situation” and “our hearts go out to everyone who has been impacted by this terrible incident.”

“We have reached out to state and local officials to offer any support and assistance as needed,” the White House said.

But by Monday morning Biden had not reacted to the tragic report – even after it was clear at least five people had been killed and more than 40 people were injured.

The president released his statement on renominating Jerome Powell for another term on the Federal Reserve.

Biden’s social media accounts also showed no mention of the tragedy in Wisconsin.

America needs steady, independent, and effective leadership at the Federal Reserve. That’s why I will nominate Jerome Powell for a second term as Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and Dr. Lael Brainard to serve as Vice Chair of the Board of Governors.

— President Biden (@POTUS) November 22, 2021
It's a waste of time to argue it's the people running the system, not the system. I have no desire to even argue that.

But all the same, you never answered my question.
I did answer,, it wasnt fair epstein got away due to corrupt people,,

if the system would have been applied correctly he wouldnt have walked like he did,,
I did answer,, it wasnt fair epstein got away due to corrupt people,,

if the system would have been applied correctly he wouldnt have walked like he did,,

He got away because he had $$$$$$$. That is our system.

To note, Trump even hired the "corrupt" system employee.
and you're a stereotyper.

a friend who was in the military said they're trained in the military to back in because if "shit happens" you have no idea how much time you have to leave.

whatever dude. keep stereotyping.
Well we are not military. Backing in holds up other people so you virtue signalers should be all over it as poor conduct
What provocation could there possibly be for driving a car through a Christmas parade? It certainly wasn’t because the people he killed were attacking him. But I will await the facts to opine if he should be charged with first degree murder or simply vehicular homicide and hit and run.
Most likely another venter upset over Rittenhouse or some other imagined white supremacy atrocities that he has had to endure.
Looks like President Potatohead ain't saying jackshit about the Negro thug that ran into the parade in Wisconsin.

If it had been a White guy killing Negroes or Commies I bet Potatohead would yelling about "White Supremacist" and how they are the greatest threat to national security.
Can it ever be not about racism?
And American did it, not a black, white, yellow, purple, pink one!
If a rich person commits the same exact alleged crime as the poor person, should they get out on bail, just because of being rich or having a rich daddy to pay the bail amount? While the person poor, or without a rich daddy, committing the same crime, has to stay in jail? Is that equal justice?

If a violent alleged crime, NEITHER should get out....
Nobody said the system is perfect, it's just better than the second place country's legal system.
Can it ever be not about racism?
And American did it, not a black, white, yellow, purple, pink one!
Precedence has been set. The country is polarized, so the answer to your question is "no".
If it changes, it has to be from the top down, not the bottom up.
Nobody said the system is perfect, it's just better than the second place country's legal system.

Our system as set up is pretty good. As it's carried out not so good. Some places do things better. In England an attorney is not permitted to represent someone as innocent that they know is not.
Can it ever be not about racism?
And American did it, not a black, white, yellow, purple, pink one!

A goddamn Negro thug that was a blatant BLM supporter that posted a fantasy about using a vehicle to plow through Whites ain't racism?
When you drive a vehicle with limited rear visibility, it’s the safest way to park since you aren’t backing out blind. I often park that way as well. Plus it’s easier to back into a confined space than to pull into one, when backing the car tends to pivot on the inner rear wheel, when pull in it follows an arc.
Backing in over how you need to drive out fast and easy later like at end of sports event , concert, maybe extremely crowded mall is fine otherwise it’s rude and discourteous as you come to a complete stop right in the middle of traffic and others have to wait while you back and fill, often very unskillfully. Drive your ass directly in and don’t hold others up. You probably like other discourtesy like- no turn signal, high beams on,No Mufflers(when did that become legal?) , discharging and picking up other 3rd worlders in the main lanes of travel and other imported bad driving behavior.
Backing in suites you and you alone while other sit and wait for you to achieve your comfort level of parking. Not very virtue signaling by you virtue addicts. Shall we say hypocrites.?
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