JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured

Odd that if someone, like this BLM dirtbag, can lose their 2nd amendment rights for felony bail jumping, they do not face losing their right to bail. How does that make sense?
only thing we can do about that is call them on it and fight to have them removed,, tearing down the system when you have nothing to replace it isnt the answer,,,

I do not recall people demanding he be fired and held accountable for his actions.

Trump Defends Labor Secretary Acosta Over Epstein Plea Deal

We have a huge system in place to vet nominee's. Do you not find it sad that not a single person seemed to have said.......'hey, wait a minute, do you know what this guy did"?
and you're a stereotyper.

a friend who was in the military said they're trained in the military to back in because if "shit happens" you have no idea how much time you have to leave.

whatever dude. keep stereotyping.
You obviously don’t live in a black neighborhood. I do. My assumptions or stereotypes, as you call them, are based in empirical observation.
Take it up with the self-segregationists.
technically its easier to back in than pull in,, so its less time blocking traffic both directions,,
Then you must not be driving.
Pulling into a space is a fluid one step move. Backing out mostly the same even if you may have to exert and turn your head a bit. Never seen 3/4 retries in backing out nor driving in, see it most all the time trying to back in. Dont think I have ever seen a back in do it in one fluid move. Pulling head in is accomplished in one fluid move 90%+ of the time. No one gives a fuck about what you might have to “endure” later when you are leaving. Very liberal of you to trouble us with your self serving feelings about what best suites you. Not virtuous at all hypocrite.
Naturally you lie in order to justify others waiting for and waiting on you..
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One person speeding may not be able to afford rent after paying the fine. Another person may not really care one bit over paying a fine.
but person that breaks into a shed to steal a shovel should be fined less than a person that breaks into a house with a family sleeping in it,,

and a speeding ticket is minimal so all should be fined the same,,
News conference just now, police chief says Darrell is only perp and was fleeing a knife fight. No other info other than announcing names of the deceased. All older folks. Chief says the incident was not a terrorist incident. Nothing to see hear...move along now.
Fleeing a knife fight ?
Let’s see how much BLM mileage bullshit that can achieve.!
Then you must not be driving.
Pulling into a space is a fluid one step move. Backing out mostly the same even if you may have to exert and turn your head a bit. Never seen 3/4 retries in backing out, see it all the time trying to back in. Dont think I have ever seen a back in do it in one fluid move. Pulling head in is accomplished in one fluid move 90% of the time. No one gives a fuck about what you might have to “endure” later when leaving. Very liberal of you to trouble us with your self serving feelings about what best suites you. Not virtuous at all hypocrite.
Naturally you lie in order to justify others waiting for and waiting on you..
depends on the size of the vehicle,,

and I have never seen a parking place on a street that requires this type of parking,, they are all in parking lots,,

have you ever noticed that forklifts have the turning wheels on the back so they can get in tight spaces better??
How is it equal for one to become homeless and the other to pay something they wouldn't even miss?
Equality of outcome is not guaranteed in America. Equality of opportunity is the only thing guaranteed. Moral issues should not be decided by government outside of laws that SOCIETY has deemed moral. If you live in a society where the well off don't care about the less well-off the problem is YOURS to do something about. Take responsibility YOURSELF.

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