JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured

One person speeding may not be able to afford rent after paying the fine. Another person may not really care one bit over paying a fine.
So if the consequence is too harsh then avoid the actions that would bring it on.
See how easy personal responsibility really is!!
You just learned something! Now pass it on!
Equality of outcome is not guaranteed in America. Equality of opportunity is the only thing guaranteed. Moral issues should not be decided by government. If you live in a society where the well off don't care about the less well-off the problem is YOURS to do something about. Take responsibility YOURSELF.

Nearly all of our laws are moral issues.
So if the consequence is too harsh then avoid the actions that would bring it on.
See how easy personal responsibility really is!!
You just learned something! Now pass it on!

Right, and those who can afford the consequences can continue on speeding.
Let me guess how this will go with the filthy MSM:

• He dindu nuffin'.

• Aspiring rapper just turning his life around, on the verge of a contract.

• Can't separate him from his 7 childrun/he's a great Dad.

• Raciss cops chased him into the parade route.

• Shouldn't have religious celebrations (Christmas parades) in tax payer funded public areas.

• If he were white, there would be no charges.

Then of course we will have "the Whites deserved it because of the Rittenhouse verdict".
Right, and those who can afford the consequences can continue on speeding.
By that logic shouldn’t there be lots more rich people out there speeding simply because they can afford the fines?

a) they’d eventually get enough points to get their license suspended

b) some people actually do obey laws just because it’s the right thing to do
How is it equal for one to become homeless and the other to pay something they wouldn't even miss?
How is it better to need to write 100 speeding tickets in Compton to equal 1 speeding ticket in Beverly Hills? Take your Marxist wealth redistribution bullshit somewhere else.
Wouldn’t there be lots more rich people out there speeding simply because they can afford the fines?

a) they’d eventually get enough points to get their license suspended

b) some people actually do obey laws just because it’s the right thing to do

Many do obey the laws simply because it's the right thing to do. We have lawyers who make their living off of getting rich people's points reduced.
depends on the size of the vehicle,,

and I have never seen a parking place on a street that requires this type of parking,, they are all in parking lots,,

have you ever noticed that forklifts have the turning wheels on the back so they can get in tight spaces better??
But…but…but…excuses noted.
Maybe a bail based upon one's net worth? (there would be more to it than that, but that's a start.).

Fines should be based upon the same.
I believe that’s why states went to traffic points rather than just fines. A wealthy person could afford to ignore traffic laws. I’ve heard a wealthy acquaintance say that he drove in the HOV lane alone because his time was worth far more than the fine on the rare occasions he got caught.
Law enforcement said that.
Yes that is what the murderer told them and the “I was fleeing a knife fight and how to run over dozens of people with my truck to save my own life”
That scenario is across the board bullshit and probably being used to buy time and quiet things down with some form of, albeit awful, “excuse”. 1,000,000 to 1 this holds up as an exhoneration .
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Apparently the perp was a 'frequent flyer' and was free on bail from another incident. They said he was fleeing yet another 'domestic incident' when he ran those folks down in the parade. Law enforcement was not pursuing him when he ran the parade down.
depends on the size of the vehicle,,

and I have never seen a parking place on a street that requires this type of parking,, they are all in parking lots,,

have you ever noticed that forklifts have the turning wheels on the back so they can get in tight spaces better??
You’ve obviously never seen most people attempt to parallel park on a street. That takes backing. Most people need three or four attempts to get into a space. I don’t think they even teach driving students how to do it anymore.
I believe that’s why states went to traffic points rather than just fines. A wealthy person could afford to ignore traffic laws. I’ve heard a wealthy acquaintance say that he drove in the HOV lane alone because his time was worth far more than the fine on the rare occasions he got caught.
Yes it’s the well offs fault that criminals and other dregs can’t afford fines so rather than change the behavior, do away with the fines and laws that produce fines .
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