JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured

The 'official' line of fleeing a different crime makes no sense. We are to believe that a career criminal making his escape, decides to take the path that requires him to smash through a POLICE BARRICADE? Seriously, we are supposed to believe that? WPD better get their shit together.
They need desperately to reconsider correcting that mistake. Is Wisconsin a leftist dim bulb state ??
Not really, it's currently purple and confused. Thankfully Tony the Tyrant is quickly reminding people why we were red in 2016.
Not really, it's currently purple and confused. Thankfully Tony the Tyrant is quickly reminding people why we were red in 2016.
Hopefully red will return to her quickly. Just sad that it takes stuff like this to wake the state back up, and if this don't do it nothing will.
The Dancing Grannies really got hit hard...most of the deaths were from them.

However a child has died now from injuries....60-some odd other people with injuries from his tirade. He is going away for a very long time with nothing more than a public defender for court. No respected lawyer will touch the case.
And the charges are all murder one...

He will do good to not die in prison. He isn't ever getting out.
How does this grab yer Nuts.Like it wasn't expected.
How Wikipedia Titles this Massacre.Considering it a Car Rampage.
- 2021 Waukesha Christmas parade car rampage -.
Yeeah ... Keeping in step with the tradition.
How about ...
The Day a Confirmed Black Supremacist decided to mow
down as many White Woman,Grandmas and Children as
Poss-ee-bow and then speed off Unscathed -
People think that this guy had done this act because he hated Whites. But from watching the car plowing into the parade it looks like he was trying to get away from someone. And since marijuana was legalized in some cities that it is having others to gain easy access to it. And marijuana does cause paranoia which has an effect on the brain. And from what I've heard about this new marijuana that it is more potent than the ones back in the days. That it is causing schizophrenic behavior all around the country. It even caused Jesse Ventura to have an episode when he was being interviewed by Watter world's host, Jesse Watter.

Marijuana is a MK Ultra drug. That it is easy to persuade someone that uses marijuana to do certain things. And that is why there are so many violent crimes that are going on.
And even this guy had violently attacked his girlfriend.
This guy is mentally insane.


The Dancing Grannies really got hit hard...most of the deaths were from them.

However a child has died now from injuries....60-some odd other people with injuries from his tirade. He is going away for a very long time with nothing more than a public defender for court. No respected lawyer will touch the case.
And the charges are all murder one...

He will do good to not die in prison. He isn't ever getting out.
In the State of Wisconsin when bail is set it must be paid In Full by the Perp.
The Bail amount was $ 5 Million.I doubt any Oligarch is willing to touch that
bail amount with a 10 foot Bronzed Statue of LeBron.
Or that plus a truckload of 22's.Preferably Old English or Country Club.
I doubt Congress light beer.Who knows maybe ...;
Meister Brau Happy Days
People think that this guy had done this act because he hated Whites. But from watching the car plowing into the parade it looks like he was trying to get away from someone. And since marijuana was legalized in some cities that it is having others to gain easy access to it. And marijuana does cause paranoia which has an effect on the brain. And from what I've heard about this new marijuana that it is more potent than the ones back in the days. That it is causing schizophrenic behavior all around the country. It even caused Jesse Ventura to have an episode when he was being interviewed by Watter world's host, Jesse Watter.

Marijuana is a MK Ultra drug. That it is easy to persuade someone that uses marijuana to do certain things. And that is why there are so many violent crimes that are going on.
And even this guy had violently attacked his girlfriend.
This guy is mentally insane.

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Confirmed firsthand witness acoounts recall different.
That the Black Supremacist was swerving.
That he could have turned onto a side street.He Purposedly was swerving.
This Black Cretin Thug.
Confirmed firsthand witness acoounts recall different.
That the Black Supremacist was swerving.
That he could have turned onto a side street.He Purposedly was swerving.
This Black Cretin Thug.
If someone is going to plow into a crowd to kill them. They will not be swerving.

If someone is going to plow into a crowd to kill them. They will not be swerving.

It's being reported that before this Cretin Black Supremacist
was at the Parade he was warned by a cop,pointing to the Barricades
to not pass.He Swerved in order to do what he was of a mindset to do.
Not merely to Hate on Whitey { we have him on that count,multiple ways }
but to make sure and Obliverate Whitey.
Permanently Cripple or Dismember.
This in many ways is far worse than what Islamic Terrorist used
in Iraq and Afghanistan { IED's } This was far more personal.
It's being reported that before this Cretin Black Supremacist
was at the Parade he was warned by a cop,pointing to the Barricades
to not pass.He Swerved in order to do what he was of a mindset to do.
Not merely to Hate on Whitey { we have him on that count,multiple ways }
but to make sure and Obliverate Whitey.
Permanently Cripple or Dismember.
This in many ways is far worse than what Islamic Terrorist used
in Iraq and Afghanistan { IED's } This was far more personal.
thats what blacks want.

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