JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured

In his social media post, he has expressed a racist hatred for white people. That would lead one to believe his motivation for the attack to be the race of the people, and that would be racist since the parade was predominantly white. In conclusion, the guy is a racist.

I hope that doesn’t shock anyone because it is just the way it is. All humans are the same; if there are white racists, there must be black racists
The Waukesha massacre was a domestic terror attack committed by a BLM supporter. It was no accident.
The Not " Curious Yellow " mellow tone by the left is simply
predictable.Just Ignore Folks.Move on along now.
Nothing more to see or hear now.
This kinda Mainstream media crap would never pass muster for
a lonely minute in days pass.
You would have most every Constable in most every Community
demanding ... Here ye ... Here Ye.
Court is now In order.
Anyone ... I mean ANYONE even attempting to downplay this
verifiable MASSACRE is now on notice.You will be served a summons to
appear in Court.To Explain yerself.
You know like what this dopey January 6th Insurrection Committee is
all about.
Sounds like you're calling for an all-out war and it was in the United States. If there is one it would be the extreme right against the extreme left please leave all of us regular people out of the damn situation.
Seems the LEFT started this fight. I say Regular Americans should bring looters to street Justice.
The Waukesha massacre was a domestic terror attack committed by a BLM supporter. It was no accident.
How do you know he is a BLM supporter?
It's being reported that before this Cretin Black Supremacist
was at the Parade he was warned by a cop,pointing to the Barricades
to not pass.He Swerved in order to do what he was of a mindset to do.
Not merely to Hate on Whitey { we have him on that count,multiple ways }
but to make sure and Obliverate Whitey.
Permanently Cripple or Dismember.
This in many ways is far worse than what Islamic Terrorist used
in Iraq and Afghanistan { IED's } This was far more personal.
I'm not going to believe it until I have heard it come straight out of the horse's mouth. Because the way the media lies and this crew that lurks in the shadows, that I want to hear it come from the guy's mouth.
This guy was on something that made him delusional. He even attacked his girlfriend. I guess he had done that because she is Whitey.

And remember, officers at the Jan 6th reported things that the Jan 6th protesters didn't do, in order to label Pres. Trump's supporters domestic terrorists.

They have done these kinds of tricks with other countries like Russia, N. Korea and Japan. And now they are doing it to China. Spreading false reports to start a war with them. And they have done this in the past during the civil war. That nobody wanted to fight the war, especially the South. But two Indian raped a White woman and the news media at the time spread the news around very quickly. That everyone wanted to stop the war and go after the entire Indian nation. But Lincoln said he wasn't going to start a war on the entire nation because of a couple of bad ones.
But this time they want to build up a climate of hate to start a race war so that it will give the government the power over our lives. Saying the public are incapable of making their own decisions. That the public must become wards of the state.
And that is why they are keeping close tabs on the racial issue. Documenting every incident down so they can start a case. And afterward, the U.S. government will be calling Mr. United nation man to come and take their children from off of their hands.

But this guy and others has been toatlly drugged out over a long period. That someone is putting thoughts into his and others heads.
The media knows that this guy is on some heavy drugs but pretending as if he is just your average Black man.

In the United States, the parens patriae doctrine has had its greatest application in the treatment of children, mentally ill persons, and other individuals who are legally incompetent to manage their affairs. The state is the supreme guardian of all children within its jurisdiction, and state courts have the inherent power to intervene to protect the best interests of children whose welfare is jeopardized by controversies between parents. This inherent power is generally supplemented by legislative acts that define the scope of child protection in a state.

The state, acting as parens patriae, can make decisions regarding mental health treatment on behalf of one who is mentally incompetent to make the decision on his or her own behalf, but the extent of the state's intrusion is limited to reasonable and necessary treatment.

The doctrine of parens patriae has been expanded in the United States to permit the attorney general of a state to commence litigation for the benefit of state residents for federal antitrust violations (15 U.S.C.A. § 15c). This authority is intended to further the public trust, safeguard the general and economic welfare of a state's residents, protect residents from illegal practices, and assure that the benefits of federal law are not denied to the general population.

States may also invoke parens patriae to protect interests such as the health, comfort, and welfare of the people, interstate Water Rights, and the general economy of the state. For a state to have standing to sue under the doctrine, it must be more than a nominal party without a real interest of its own and must articulate an interest apart from the interests of particular private parties.

The words, ‘insure domestic tranquility’, are of prime significance in the Preamble. Let us take a closer look at the precise meaning of every word individually. In the phrase, ‘domestic’, roughly indicates ‘the country’; it indicates anything and everything that occurs within the country―work activities, the society, people’s welfare, etc. ‘Tranquility’ means peace, calm, protection, law, and safety issues. ‘Insure’ implies maintaining, ensuring, or preserving.

Thus, ‘to insure domestic tranquility’, means to ensure that peace and order (tranquility) exists in the country (domestic).

The History

  • The meaning of domestic tranquility indicates protection and security of the American citizens by the government.
  • The concept was mainly brought forth for the farmers―they needed peace and security from riots and wars so that they could lead a peaceful life, devoid of fear and peril.

How do you know he is a BLM supporter?
You watch African American children get slaughtered and blame the right. Prog African American women have no control in those areas. It is constant mop up duties for their irresponsible ways from the women with their sad look faces blaming someone else. Even if they have a few children out of wedlock with no father figures.

The one below the woman is lying to cover up what the government has been doing for years.

Another layer to the murderous criminal that intentionally hit all those peoples. Cause they guilty of bein' white.

Look for the congressional Squat members to defend this murderer.

I was going to read it but that site is the worst user experience I've ever seen in a web site. Try again.
THe reading of the article i posted shows what was on this guys social media page. What he considered himself, his beliefs.

What is so crazy is that these guys believe that there is a 'ten percent' here for teaching all the others...that be the earth shaker elites and the pitiful infidels about love justice mercy equality. And if you think their techniques contain any of that then...i got a vaccine for ya.
The Dancing Grannies really got hit hard...most of the deaths were from them.

However a child has died now from injuries....60-some odd other people with injuries from his tirade. He is going away for a very long time with nothing more than a public defender for court. No respected lawyer will touch the case.
And the charges are all murder one...

He will do good to not die in prison. He isn't ever getting out.
What is it about modern, political, jurisprudence that makes you assume he's going to get a stiff sentence? He might but it's not at all certain.
I'm not going to believe it until I have heard it come straight out of the horse's mouth. Because the way the media lies and this crew that lurks in the shadows, that I want to hear it come from the guy's mouth.
This guy was on something that made him delusional. He even attacked his girlfriend. I guess he had done that because she is Whitey.

I think you're right on one regard; we should wait until we hear all of the evidence at trial before deciding the real cause of this attack. That it was an attack is indisputable. That the guy is a cretin is indisputable. That the guy was convicted of raping a minor is indisputable - having been through the justice system and convicted of a jury on that one we know his character, or lack thereof.

That the judge in the assault on his child's mother gave him 1000 dollar bail even though there was a warrant for his arrest is indisputable. But maybe the Nevada judge, being glad to know Brooks wasn't in Nevada, said, "Hell no, don't send him back here." So maybe the Wisconsin judge was right to not hold him for Nevada but, no matter what, we know that the judge did approve a recommendation from a DA with murderous intent to let a repeat felon, repeat domestic abuser, child rapist with outstanding warrants out on a 1000 dollar bail.

Unfortunately, we don't yet know the name and face of the judge who allowed this travesty; he or she is hiding behind his or her robes while the public outrage points in the direction of the DA, John Chisholm. We definitely need to be outraged at Chisholm and all DAs like him and Milwaukee voters need to end his political career but we also need to know who is the judge who approved it.

So, yes, you're right. There's that little bit we don't know about what was in Brooks' mind but there's a hell of a lot we know and we know that Brooks, the DA, and a judge all need to be removed from society for society's sake and safety.
How do you know he is a BLM supporter?
Reliable reports indicate that he had pro-BLM statements on his Facebook account but Mark Zuckerberg conveniently deleted Brooks' account so we can no longer get it for actual verification.

Here are some interesting links on the topic of Brooks and BLM:

Interestingly, I find myself looking at some of his memes and saying, "Yup, true statement". But you cannot deny that Brooks is a racist, white hater, and anti-Semite. Racism is wrong; it's always wrong. To accuse everyone of a race for the actions of a few, even for the actions of many, and even for the actions of most, is always wrong and ignorant.
I'm not going to believe it until I have heard it come straight out of the horse's mouth.
I was searching for where you said you weren't going to believe that Kyle Rittenhouse was a racist until you heard it from his mouth but I can't find it at all. Can you provide the link?
Reliable reports indicate that he had pro-BLM statements on his Facebook account but Mark Zuckerberg conveniently deleted Brooks' account so we can no longer get it for actual verification.

Here are some interesting links on the topic of Brooks and BLM:

Interestingly, I find myself looking at some of his memes and saying, "Yup, true statement". But you cannot deny that Brooks is a racist, white hater, and anti-Semite. Racism is wrong; it's always wrong. To accuse everyone of a race for the actions of a few, even for the actions of many, and even for the actions of most, is always wrong and ignorant.

If sucklaburg deleted his account, then Facebook/Meta should be abandoned by anyone who has a smidgen of decency left in their bones. What a dirt bag.
Reliable reports indicate that he had pro-BLM statements on his Facebook account but Mark Zuckerberg conveniently deleted Brooks' account so we can no longer get it for actual verification.

Here are some interesting links on the topic of Brooks and BLM:

Interestingly, I find myself looking at some of his memes and saying, "Yup, true statement". But you cannot deny that Brooks is a racist, white hater, and anti-Semite. Racism is wrong; it's always wrong. To accuse everyone of a race for the actions of a few, even for the actions of many, and even for the actions of most, is always wrong and ignorant.

So…there is nothing that says he was active or active,y supporting in BLM, I suspect tagging him with it is just away make it about BLM (like automatically radical whites as white supremacists).

He sounds like generic violent racist piece of shit…which is pretty obvious given his actions and criminal record.

“The suspect identified for the terrifying act was Darrell Edward Brooks, Jr. He is a felon with a sex offender record and a lengthy criminal background, including counts for felony domestic abuse, sex offenses, resisting an officer, and possession of cocaine.”

I don’t support the death penalty because it is inequatible and often unjustly applied, but this is one person that doesn’t need to be alive.

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