JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured

It's isn't just black people who back in. It's just common sense to back in for safety reasons. Haven't you ever taken a driving class?

A lot of people don't back in because they're not very good drivers.
You do not need to back in and it’s certainly not safer
Many cars are dinged as people don’t have the skill and keep trying over and over. Probably 75% of the time you could drive head in and straight thru to the other lane where you would be facing out and can quell your self absorbed notion of what is convenient for you.
Also, there are no “driving manuals” that suggest backing is is the way to go
Money says you don’t have nor drive a car
I drive two. My van...and a spare car now that Hubby cannot drive any more. At least for now anyway. AND...dmv mails my license renewal to me. Has done so for years. I'm a damn good driver. Can parallel park easily too. What does that have to do with the topic at hand?

Here's a question for ya, since you seem so focussed on driving and parking.

You won or bought or were gifted a ferrari. Brand new. Not a mark on it. Do you squeeze into a space in a lot where you can barely get out, or do you park away from that spot so nobody bonks your spanking new ride? Probably away, right? Is that not "I don't care what you think, I'm parking HERE"?

And...this is a thread about the horror of what happened. Why are you so damn focused on parking????
Of course not. But I do pull through or back into parking spaces whenever possible.

I can leave easier, especially when it is a busy parking lot.
And I am the guy who blows the horn while 2/3 of us sit in a busy parking lot waiting for you to pull off the maneuver which almost always takes multiple tries. NOBODY does it in a one time fluid motion like pulling straight in almost always does..
Got that Mr Inconsiderate ??
And I am the guy who blows the horn while 2/3 of us sit in a busy parking lot waiting for you to pull off the maneuver which almost always takes multiple tries. NOBODY does it in a one time fluid motion like pulling straight in almost always does..
Got that Mr Inconsiderate ??
What's yer hurry? What if the person being careful and slow parking their car is handicapped? Do you honk then? Probably. You sure are upset about this, lol.

This must be you.

So let’s do a test to see who is a considerate versus inconsiderate versus clueless driver.
1. Do you drive with high beams on? Do you keep them on even when flashed?
2. Do you use turn signals?
3. Do you discharge or pick up passengers in the travel lanes rather than turning onto a side street or driveway (no backing into the driveway but let’s hear your excuse for that one also)
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What's yer hurry? What if the person being careful and slow parking their car is handicapped? Do you honk then? Probably. You sure are upset about this, lol.

Not a matter of hurry although only irresponsible lib loons would turn it that way to declare that people should wait for and on them or such people are the “guilty” party
5 ppl are dead.....who cares what color they are.
So Paul said what he said in which garnered your response here, as if he figured that the event at the parade was a retaliation strike due to the Rittenhouse verdict ??
So let’s do a test to see who is a considerate versus inconsiderate versus clueless driver.
1. Do you drive with high beams on? Do you keep them on even when flashed?
2. Do you use turn signals?
3. Do you discharge or pick up passengers in the travel lanes rather than turning onto a side street or driveway (no backing into the driveway but let’s hear your excuse for that one also)
After being deluged with “I’ll park anyway I want to regardless of other drivers” its crickets on these three simple questions. Any truthful answers would likely be revelatory as to the inconsiderations.
Did not intend for this to be a microcosm of America today but it well may be—
I wonder how the answers would break along lines of party affiliation, race, income, education, religion if any?
So Paul said what he said in which garnered your response here, as if he figured that the event at the parade was a retaliation strike due to the Rittenhouse verdict ??
I think we need to stop putting more importance on one race over another.
It's horrible when any race gets killed or any child or senior citizen gets killed.
The cause of one death is no worse than the cause of another death.
Death is bad....no matter what. Even when it's the unborn.
Being mostly white....I don't care more if a white person is murdered than if a black person is murdered.
Both are equal in my eyes.
What's really bad about this attack is that it is engineered recidivism.....where it could have been avoided if the left didn't believe in releasing repeat offenders into our streets......allowing them to commit one crime after another till eventually they commit a mass-murder like this one. This is part of their plan to bring our society down, thanks to people like George F**king Soros.
I think we need to stop putting more importance on one race over another.
It's horrible when any race gets killed or any child or senior citizen gets killed.
The cause of one death is no worse than the cause of another death.
Death is bad....no matter what. Even when it's the unborn.
Being mostly white....I don't care more if a white person is murdered than if a black person is murdered.
Both are equal in my eyes.
What's really bad about this attack is that it is engineered recidivism.....where it could have been avoided if the left didn't believe in releasing repeat offenders into our streets......allowing them to commit one crime after another till eventually they commit a mass-murder like this one. This is part of their plan to bring our society down, thanks to people like George F**king Soros.
Dead is dead I agree. But it is worthy discussion when there is a trend to the type of people causing the deaths
Dead is dead I agree. But it is worthy discussion when there is a trend to the type of people causing the deaths
Clearly one race does more than their share of violent crime....but the point of this should be that Democrats are letting these people out of prison to get into fights with cops and to run grandmothers and kids over during Christmas parades.
That is the cause of this.
That monster should have been locked up.....and he wasn't, thanks to progressives.
Clearly one race does more than their share of violent crime....but the point of this should be that Democrats are letting these people out of prison to get into fights with cops and to run grandmothers and kids over during Christmas parades.
That is the cause of this.
That monster should have been locked up.....and he wasn't thanks, to progressives.
Yes it’s a dangerous myth that people like him have been or are being persecuted. Criminals are criminals entirely of their own doing and not because of any white oppression. It’s an excuse for the inexcusable
Did the OP mis-title this thread? Should the title have been about parking technique? I thought not titling appropriately was against the rules.

39 pages in, I'm not going to try to catch up but I'm going to comment on the title, rather than parking. Hope I don't get banned for it.
I just want to know when we're going to have mandatory background checks for getting a drivers license and buying a car. In fact, even to get gas for the car. Cars should not go faster than a person can run away from them. They most certainly should not hold more than 10 gallons of gasoline.

We definitely need car control in this country.
It must matter the color of perps seein' as CNN and other leftist Ene-media keep telling the leftist viewers that White men are the problem..that there is nothing scarier than an angry white man, that white men are domestic terrorists. Thing is ....a lot of these guys sayin' stupid stuff like this ARE white men. right Fredo? LOLOL
Another layer to the murderous criminal that intentionally hit all those peoples. Cause they guilty of bein' white.

Look for the congressional Squat members to defend this murderer.

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