Just in case you want to know what liberalism has done to America ( the world.)

Oh, so there is not a giant big deal all around the country being made by the left wing media about the horror of no transgender bathrooms?

Look everyone. A moron.

I think there is too big an issue being made about transgender bathrooms, from the left who, at least while wanting to do good seem to have an inflated view of this topics importance. To the right who are pants shitting about transgenders being able to use a facility that in no way at all will interfere with the wingnuts day to day life.

Then there is you, obviously one of the pants shitters, afraid and gullible enough to post an edited one sided video somehow conflating age, height and race with gender identity.

It's really simple...

I don't want that perverted shit (trannies) anywhere NEAR my wife and daughters and nieces...

Neither do most Americans with an ounce of brains and the courage to speak out...

Your post is so brave.

In other news, you're a coward.
Don't over-think it, Princess... you're not up to the challenge...

Now, do you anything to contribute, other than unproviked ad hominems against folks who disagree with you?

Maybe I'm wrong, but he doesn't have a video to contribute.

A video showing wingnuts in a bad light? What would be the point in posting one?
I think there is too big an issue being made about transgender bathrooms, from the left who, at least while wanting to do good seem to have an inflated view of this topics importance. To the right who are pants shitting about transgenders being able to use a facility that in no way at all will interfere with the wingnuts day to day life.

Then there is you, obviously one of the pants shitters, afraid and gullible enough to post an edited one sided video somehow conflating age, height and race with gender identity.

It's really simple...

I don't want that perverted shit (trannies) anywhere NEAR my wife and daughters and nieces...

Neither do most Americans with an ounce of brains and the courage to speak out...

Your post is so brave.

In other news, you're a coward.
Don't over-think it, Princess... you're not up to the challenge...

Now, do you anything to contribute, other than unproviked ad hominems against folks who disagree with you?

Maybe I'm wrong, but he doesn't have a video to contribute.

A video showing wingnuts in a bad light? What would be the point in posting one?

It's really simple...

I don't want that perverted shit (trannies) anywhere NEAR my wife and daughters and nieces...

Neither do most Americans with an ounce of brains and the courage to speak out...

Your post is so brave.

In other news, you're a coward.
Don't over-think it, Princess... you're not up to the challenge...

Now, do you anything to contribute, other than unproviked ad hominems against folks who disagree with you?

Maybe I'm wrong, but he doesn't have a video to contribute.

A video showing wingnuts in a bad light? What would be the point in posting one?

I'm not sure what your point is. You really don't think there are one sided videos that portray wingnuts badly?

We are at a place where not only can we identify ourselves as men or women, but we can claim we are anything based on how we feel.

Like, I can claim I am 7 years old, if I "feel" that I am 7 years old. I can claim I am 6 foot 5 even if I am 5 foot 11. I can claim I am Chinese, even though I am not Chinese.

Just listen to these "tolerant" morons.

There it is folks. Liberalism. That is where we are. It is only going to get worse.

Every single teacher and professor in the Nation needs to be fired at once. HOLY MOLE!
Liberalism founded this country.

What's that? Oh yeah, you're welcome.
Indeed, its founding was right-wing.

Well no, not Right-Wing, Classical Liberalism is Conservatism of the Centrist variety.
The Federalists were centrist, or just right of center, maybe. The Whiggish antifederalsits - and others - were dubious of the constitutional convention. Patrick Henry "smelt a rat," and declined his invitation to attend as a delegate.

America's founding was Lockean, absolutely to the right of the Constitution, which certainly was not an instrument that created a leftist regime.

It wasn't "right" or "left" --- it was Liberal.

Deal with it.

We are at a place where not only can we identify ourselves as men or women, but we can claim we are anything based on how we feel.

Like, I can claim I am 7 years old, if I "feel" that I am 7 years old. I can claim I am 6 foot 5 even if I am 5 foot 11. I can claim I am Chinese, even though I am not Chinese.

Just listen to these "tolerant" morons.

There it is folks. Liberalism. That is where we are. It is only going to get worse.

Every single teacher and professor in the Nation needs to be fired at once. HOLY MOLE!

Speaking of over reaction. MIGHTY MOUSE!
Here go folks. Well, this is from 2010.

But, you get the point.

Can anyone prove this video isn't faked?

Oh, right. Forgot who I was asking. Y'all believe in Breitbart and WeaselZippers.
Check out all of the liberals (socialist leftist scumbags who are not liberals at all, but that is what we call them) sure are offended by this.

Look at how the pathetic blobs are so defensive.

I didn't call you mighty mouse, btw. However, a solution for a made up problem is not to fire everyone. We are not living an episode of reality fiction show the Apprentice
I was pointing to the obvious by being absurd to highlight my point. I've seen a lot of those ask the dumb student questions videos before but none of them concerned me more than this one. I take back the Minni thing btw
Liberalism founded this country.

What's that? Oh yeah, you're welcome.

Not today what we refer to as Liberalism, America's Founding Father's were Classical Liberals, today we refer to this as Conservatism.

No, not quite. "Classical Liberal" and "Conservative" are not synonyms.

In fact, conservatism came into existence as a partial rejection of "classical", Locke-style liberalism. Traditional conservatism, Burke-style, took a moderated view on what it saw as the radicalism and chaos of liberalism, which to them was borderline anarchy. Conservatism was a a half-step between the traditional European monarchies and the freedom of a liberal democracy.

Neither the term "liberal" nor "conservative" have any real meaning outside of the above, which are for the most part only used in academia.
I didn't call you mighty mouse, btw. However, a solution for a made up problem is not to fire everyone. We are not living an episode of reality fiction show the Apprentice
I was pointing to the obvious by being absurd to highlight my point. I've seen a lot of those ask the dumb student questions videos before but none of them concerned me more than this one. I take back the Minni thing btw

Why does this concern you more than other types of videos? How about all the people they interviewed and didn't use in the video? Do we even know what that number is? I think the far right is being taught to fear change and that is absolutely what this video is trying to do, make you fear change, whether real or imagined.
Why does this concern you more than other types of videos? How about all the people they interviewed and didn't use in the video? Do we even know what that number is? I think the far right is being taught to fear change and that is absolutely what this video is trying to do, make you fear change, whether real or imagined
I don't know HJ but when we begin to lie to ourselves and refuse to be honest in order to save someones feelings I think we are in big trouble. We have gone from Gay and Straight to absolute fantasy and ridiculousness beyond belief. I don't know the numbers but I'm sure many students are just like these kids. Mixed up and ill educated as hell.
Why does this concern you more than other types of videos? How about all the people they interviewed and didn't use in the video? Do we even know what that number is? I think the far right is being taught to fear change and that is absolutely what this video is trying to do, make you fear change, whether real or imagined
I don't know HJ but when we begin to lie to ourselves and refuse to be honest in order to save someones feelings I think we are in big trouble. We have gone from Gay and Straight to absolute fantasy and ridiculousness beyond belief. I don't know the numbers but I'm sure many students are just like these kids. Mixed up and ill educated as hell.

We all lie to save others' feelings.

As far as this video goes, I'm pretty liberal and I thought everyone (including the interviewer) were idiots. However, the video is anecdotal at best, highly edited or a lie at worst. Probably somewhere in the middle.
Liberalism founded this country.

What's that? Oh yeah, you're welcome.
Unfortunately, the liberals who founded this country (back when liberal meant "supporting liberty") have nothing in common with the big-govt socialists who hijacked the name in the last few decades.

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