Just in case you want to know what liberalism has done to America ( the world.)

That would be fine as long as it had some results. But as we all know, criminals don't go to gun stores to buy guns. In most cases, they get somebody to buy the guns for them, steal them, or buy them hot off of the street.

More gun laws only make more problems for legal gun owners. Criminals don't obey laws--that's why they are criminals in the first place.

Hey, do bathroom rapists obey laws? No?

They must, because we don't hear of many bathroom rapes; probably because the minute a male walks into a female bathroom, authorities are notified and they know that will happen up front.

But keeping the restrictions on bathrooms won't stop rape altogether. The rapists will still find victims elsewhere.

And you've just pulled all of that out of your ass.

What you should do is find a place/country that has these types of laws in the books and then take a statistical (not emotional anecdotes) and see how many rapes have taken place because of this law. You're making the claim that all these rapes are going to happen, stop the hysterics and back that up with something.

Oh..... that's just one of the problems off the top of my head. There are others as well.

But the liberal philosophy is to solve a problem for the fraction of 1% of our people, and create five new problems for the other 99% in it's place.

So here is the million dollar question: if a guy who thinks he's a girl, but knows deep down he's a guy, has to use a guy's restroom in order to protect the privacy and decency of women in our country, WTF is so hard about that? What is so torturous of a guy going to a guys bathroom?

But typical of liberalism, just another step into making our country a giant freak show, and they won't be happy until they accomplish that goal.

If it's only 1% then what are you worried about? Still haven't seen any evidence that there are any real detrimental affects. Guess you couldn't find anything.

For one, I'm worried about liberals turning this country into a huge joke. Two, I would never want to see women feel threatened just to use a bathroom because some Fn freak thinks it's okay to go there and spy on them.

And while on that subject, let me ask: how are we to have somebody prove they are a mental patient like these transgender people? What's stopping anybody from picking up a dress, making that claim, and exercising their perversion? Do you have a problem with your 15 year old daughter taking showers with 17 year old guys in schools?
Hey, do bathroom rapists obey laws? No?

They must, because we don't hear of many bathroom rapes; probably because the minute a male walks into a female bathroom, authorities are notified and they know that will happen up front.

But keeping the restrictions on bathrooms won't stop rape altogether. The rapists will still find victims elsewhere.

And you've just pulled all of that out of your ass.

What you should do is find a place/country that has these types of laws in the books and then take a statistical (not emotional anecdotes) and see how many rapes have taken place because of this law. You're making the claim that all these rapes are going to happen, stop the hysterics and back that up with something.

Oh..... that's just one of the problems off the top of my head. There are others as well.

But the liberal philosophy is to solve a problem for the fraction of 1% of our people, and create five new problems for the other 99% in it's place.

So here is the million dollar question: if a guy who thinks he's a girl, but knows deep down he's a guy, has to use a guy's restroom in order to protect the privacy and decency of women in our country, WTF is so hard about that? What is so torturous of a guy going to a guys bathroom?

But typical of liberalism, just another step into making our country a giant freak show, and they won't be happy until they accomplish that goal.

If it's only 1% then what are you worried about? Still haven't seen any evidence that there are any real detrimental affects. Guess you couldn't find anything.

For one, I'm worried about liberals turning this country into a huge joke. Two, I would never want to see women feel threatened just to use a bathroom because some Fn freak thinks it's okay to go there and spy on them.

And while on that subject, let me ask: how are we to have somebody prove they are a mental patient like these transgender people? What's stopping anybody from picking up a dress, making that claim, and exercising their perversion? Do you have a problem with your 15 year old daughter taking showers with 17 year old guys in schools?

So, you still can't prove why you are so pathetically afraid?
Aiding and abetting illegals who invade our country and kill our citizens should be a crime.

Again with the ridiculous hyperbole.

Illegals commit hundreds of thousands of crimes against American citizens, including murder, torture, rape, assault. Are you for enforcement of our immigration laws or not? Are you for securing the border or not? Are you for deporting these unwanted illegal invaders or not? I think we know the answer already, have the stones to admit in publicly.

I'm for a secure border and kicking out illegals who murder and rape. However, I don't consider this an invasion, that's just moronic. Immigrants on average commit fewer crimes than U.S. citizens.

I have no inclination to round up illegal immigrants with some sort of gestapo like police force and I think many undocumented should have a path to citizenship or legal residency.

You seem angry.

I'm outraged that illegals kill over 3,000 American citizens each year and people like you are not angry. Your loyalties seem questionable at best. Hell maybe you are an illegal if so get the hell out of my country.

There is that number again, 3,000.

P.S. I am illegal, where are all the white women at?

Ahahaha eat an ignore ban fool :banned03:
Again with the ridiculous hyperbole.

Illegals commit hundreds of thousands of crimes against American citizens, including murder, torture, rape, assault. Are you for enforcement of our immigration laws or not? Are you for securing the border or not? Are you for deporting these unwanted illegal invaders or not? I think we know the answer already, have the stones to admit in publicly.

I'm for a secure border and kicking out illegals who murder and rape. However, I don't consider this an invasion, that's just moronic. Immigrants on average commit fewer crimes than U.S. citizens.

I have no inclination to round up illegal immigrants with some sort of gestapo like police force and I think many undocumented should have a path to citizenship or legal residency.

You seem angry.

I'm outraged that illegals kill over 3,000 American citizens each year and people like you are not angry. Your loyalties seem questionable at best. Hell maybe you are an illegal if so get the hell out of my country.

There is that number again, 3,000.

P.S. I am illegal, where are all the white women at?

Ahahaha eat an ignore ban fool :banned03:

Banned? You're a tool.
They must, because we don't hear of many bathroom rapes; probably because the minute a male walks into a female bathroom, authorities are notified and they know that will happen up front.

But keeping the restrictions on bathrooms won't stop rape altogether. The rapists will still find victims elsewhere.

And you've just pulled all of that out of your ass.

What you should do is find a place/country that has these types of laws in the books and then take a statistical (not emotional anecdotes) and see how many rapes have taken place because of this law. You're making the claim that all these rapes are going to happen, stop the hysterics and back that up with something.

Oh..... that's just one of the problems off the top of my head. There are others as well.

But the liberal philosophy is to solve a problem for the fraction of 1% of our people, and create five new problems for the other 99% in it's place.

So here is the million dollar question: if a guy who thinks he's a girl, but knows deep down he's a guy, has to use a guy's restroom in order to protect the privacy and decency of women in our country, WTF is so hard about that? What is so torturous of a guy going to a guys bathroom?

But typical of liberalism, just another step into making our country a giant freak show, and they won't be happy until they accomplish that goal.

If it's only 1% then what are you worried about? Still haven't seen any evidence that there are any real detrimental affects. Guess you couldn't find anything.

For one, I'm worried about liberals turning this country into a huge joke. Two, I would never want to see women feel threatened just to use a bathroom because some Fn freak thinks it's okay to go there and spy on them.

And while on that subject, let me ask: how are we to have somebody prove they are a mental patient like these transgender people? What's stopping anybody from picking up a dress, making that claim, and exercising their perversion? Do you have a problem with your 15 year old daughter taking showers with 17 year old guys in schools?

So, you still can't prove why you are so pathetically afraid?

That's because there are few places that have done what liberals here are trying to do, plus I'm Republican which means I work for a living and have better things to do than research such subjects just to satisfy liberals.

Believe it or not, people are not like Americans all over the world. Therefore if a country tries something in one place doesn't mean that will work here. And it works the other way around as well.

For instance, Singapore has much less drug problems than we do in the US. That's because in Singapore, if you are caught selling drugs, they execute you almost on the spot. Should we do that here?
Again with the ridiculous hyperbole.

Illegals commit hundreds of thousands of crimes against American citizens, including murder, torture, rape, assault. Are you for enforcement of our immigration laws or not? Are you for securing the border or not? Are you for deporting these unwanted illegal invaders or not? I think we know the answer already, have the stones to admit in publicly.

I'm for a secure border and kicking out illegals who murder and rape. However, I don't consider this an invasion, that's just moronic. Immigrants on average commit fewer crimes than U.S. citizens.

I have no inclination to round up illegal immigrants with some sort of gestapo like police force and I think many undocumented should have a path to citizenship or legal residency.

You seem angry.

I'm outraged that illegals kill over 3,000 American citizens each year and people like you are not angry. Your loyalties seem questionable at best. Hell maybe you are an illegal if so get the hell out of my country.

There is that number again, 3,000.

P.S. I am illegal, where are all the white women at?

Ahahaha eat an ignore ban fool :banned03:

Oh,fyi Blue Balls, your 3000 number is a crock.

[VIDEO]Pete Sessions’ ‘murders every day’ claim about immigrants released by Obama
Illegals commit hundreds of thousands of crimes against American citizens, including murder, torture, rape, assault. Are you for enforcement of our immigration laws or not? Are you for securing the border or not? Are you for deporting these unwanted illegal invaders or not? I think we know the answer already, have the stones to admit in publicly.

I'm for a secure border and kicking out illegals who murder and rape. However, I don't consider this an invasion, that's just moronic. Immigrants on average commit fewer crimes than U.S. citizens.

I have no inclination to round up illegal immigrants with some sort of gestapo like police force and I think many undocumented should have a path to citizenship or legal residency.

You seem angry.

I'm outraged that illegals kill over 3,000 American citizens each year and people like you are not angry. Your loyalties seem questionable at best. Hell maybe you are an illegal if so get the hell out of my country.

There is that number again, 3,000.

P.S. I am illegal, where are all the white women at?

Ahahaha eat an ignore ban fool :banned03:

Oh,fyi Blue Balls, your 3000 number is a crock.

[VIDEO]Pete Sessions’ ‘murders every day’ claim about immigrants released by Obama

Illegal Immigrants Accounted for Nearly 37 Percent of Federal Sentences in FY 2014 - Breitbart
And you've just pulled all of that out of your ass.

What you should do is find a place/country that has these types of laws in the books and then take a statistical (not emotional anecdotes) and see how many rapes have taken place because of this law. You're making the claim that all these rapes are going to happen, stop the hysterics and back that up with something.

Oh..... that's just one of the problems off the top of my head. There are others as well.

But the liberal philosophy is to solve a problem for the fraction of 1% of our people, and create five new problems for the other 99% in it's place.

So here is the million dollar question: if a guy who thinks he's a girl, but knows deep down he's a guy, has to use a guy's restroom in order to protect the privacy and decency of women in our country, WTF is so hard about that? What is so torturous of a guy going to a guys bathroom?

But typical of liberalism, just another step into making our country a giant freak show, and they won't be happy until they accomplish that goal.

If it's only 1% then what are you worried about? Still haven't seen any evidence that there are any real detrimental affects. Guess you couldn't find anything.

For one, I'm worried about liberals turning this country into a huge joke. Two, I would never want to see women feel threatened just to use a bathroom because some Fn freak thinks it's okay to go there and spy on them.

And while on that subject, let me ask: how are we to have somebody prove they are a mental patient like these transgender people? What's stopping anybody from picking up a dress, making that claim, and exercising their perversion? Do you have a problem with your 15 year old daughter taking showers with 17 year old guys in schools?

So, you still can't prove why you are so pathetically afraid?

That's because there are few places that have done what liberals here are trying to do, plus I'm Republican which means I work for a living and have better things to do than research such subjects just to satisfy liberals.

Believe it or not, people are not like Americans all over the world. Therefore if a country tries something in one place doesn't mean that will work here. And it works the other way around as well.

For instance, Singapore has much less drug problems than we do in the US. That's because in Singapore, if you are caught selling drugs, they execute you almost on the spot. Should we do that here?

How about Colorado, Iowa or Connecticut?
I'm for a secure border and kicking out illegals who murder and rape. However, I don't consider this an invasion, that's just moronic. Immigrants on average commit fewer crimes than U.S. citizens.

I have no inclination to round up illegal immigrants with some sort of gestapo like police force and I think many undocumented should have a path to citizenship or legal residency.

You seem angry.

I'm outraged that illegals kill over 3,000 American citizens each year and people like you are not angry. Your loyalties seem questionable at best. Hell maybe you are an illegal if so get the hell out of my country.

There is that number again, 3,000.

P.S. I am illegal, where are all the white women at?

Ahahaha eat an ignore ban fool :banned03:

Oh,fyi Blue Balls, your 3000 number is a crock.

[VIDEO]Pete Sessions’ ‘murders every day’ claim about immigrants released by Obama

Illegal Immigrants Accounted for Nearly 37 Percent of Federal Sentences in FY 2014 - Breitbart

Breitbart needs to provide a link to their data, can you find it?

CNN does a better job of sourcing.
Immigrants and crime: Crunching the numbers - CNNPolitics.com

I guess we are giving up on the bogus 3,000 number, thank you.
I'm outraged that illegals kill over 3,000 American citizens each year and people like you are not angry. Your loyalties seem questionable at best. Hell maybe you are an illegal if so get the hell out of my country.

There is that number again, 3,000.

P.S. I am illegal, where are all the white women at?

Ahahaha eat an ignore ban fool :banned03:

Oh,fyi Blue Balls, your 3000 number is a crock.

[VIDEO]Pete Sessions’ ‘murders every day’ claim about immigrants released by Obama

Illegal Immigrants Accounted for Nearly 37 Percent of Federal Sentences in FY 2014 - Breitbart

Breitbart needs to provide a link to their data, can you find it?

CNN does a better job of sourcing.
Immigrants and crime: Crunching the numbers - CNNPolitics.com

I guess we are giving up on the bogus 3,000 number, thank you.

That doesn't debunk my post. But here are some highlights of yours:

The number of undocumented immigrants deported last year who were convicted criminals, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
That's 56% of last year's total number of deportations, according to ICE, and it's a group that the agency says it's putting first when it comes to deciding which cases to prioritize.

The number of people released from immigration custody who were later charged with murder between 2010 and 2014, according to figures from the Department of Homeland Security cited in a recent letter from two U.S. senators.

The number of inmates in state and federal prisons who are not U.S. citizens, according to the latest prison population report from the Bureau of Judicial Statistics.

No, Briebart did not provide a link, but if you read the article (which apparently you didn't) they posted their source. Allow me to paste it for you:

According to FY 2014 USSC data, of 74,911 sentencing cases, citizens accounted for 43,479 (or 58.0 percent), illegal immigrants accounted for 27,505 (or 36.7 percent), legal immigrants made up 3,017 (or 4.0 percent), and the remainder (about 1 percent) were cases in which the offender was either extradited or had an unknown status.

Breitbart needs to provide a link to their data, can you find it?

CNN does a better job of sourcing.
Immigrants and crime: Crunching the numbers - CNNPolitics.com

I guess we are giving up on the bogus 3,000 number, thank you.

That doesn't debunk my post. But here are some highlights of yours:

The number of undocumented immigrants deported last year who were convicted criminals, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
That's 56% of last year's total number of deportations, according to ICE, and it's a group that the agency says it's putting first when it comes to deciding which cases to prioritize.

Not disputing this. criminal deportations according to your source has incrased under Obama from the previous administration.

The number of people released from immigration custody who were later charged with murder between 2010 and 2014, according to figures from the Department of Homeland Security cited in a recent letter from two U.S. senators.

121 over four years. That's way less than 3,000 in a single year. This number will never be zero.

The number of inmates in state and federal prisons who are not U.S. citizens, according to the latest prison population report from the Bureau of Judicial Statistics.

No, Briebart did not provide a link, but if you read the article (which apparently you didn't) they posted their source. Allow me to paste it for you:

According to FY 2014 USSC data, of 74,911 sentencing cases, citizens accounted for 43,479 (or 58.0 percent), illegal immigrants accounted for 27,505 (or 36.7 percent), legal immigrants made up 3,017 (or 4.0 percent), and the remainder (about 1 percent) were cases in which the offender was either extradited or had an unknown status.

Actually I found the source and it's federal prisons only, most prisoners are in state control. The number representing immigrants is not illegal, just not US citizens. So, you have a small prison population that is incorrectly identified as illegal, or even from south of the border as the USC does not have a report for that info. It appears Breitbart didn't provide a link to their source which they misconstrued, gee, big surprise.

EDIT: Wow the post added a couple extra quotes.
The left and right both put out highly edited and selected 'man on the street' interview videos to allegedly prove a point. It's the dumbasses who fall for them.
Oh, so there is not a giant big deal all around the country being made by the left wing media about the horror of no transgender bathrooms?

Look everyone. A moron.

BTW, it is not a big deal, no matter how much the stupid morons on the left in the media claim it is.


If the media was truly left-wing, it would recognize that much of the what is involved in the gender roles that people identify with is artifice to begin with.

Breitbart needs to provide a link to their data, can you find it?

CNN does a better job of sourcing.
Immigrants and crime: Crunching the numbers - CNNPolitics.com

I guess we are giving up on the bogus 3,000 number, thank you.

That doesn't debunk my post. But here are some highlights of yours:

The number of undocumented immigrants deported last year who were convicted criminals, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
That's 56% of last year's total number of deportations, according to ICE, and it's a group that the agency says it's putting first when it comes to deciding which cases to prioritize.

Not disputing this. criminal deportations according to your source has incrased under Obama from the previous administration.

The number of people released from immigration custody who were later charged with murder between 2010 and 2014, according to figures from the Department of Homeland Security cited in a recent letter from two U.S. senators.

121 over four years. That's way less than 3,000 in a single year. This number will never be zero.

The number of inmates in state and federal prisons who are not U.S. citizens, according to the latest prison population report from the Bureau of Judicial Statistics.

No, Briebart did not provide a link, but if you read the article (which apparently you didn't) they posted their source. Allow me to paste it for you:

According to FY 2014 USSC data, of 74,911 sentencing cases, citizens accounted for 43,479 (or 58.0 percent), illegal immigrants accounted for 27,505 (or 36.7 percent), legal immigrants made up 3,017 (or 4.0 percent), and the remainder (about 1 percent) were cases in which the offender was either extradited or had an unknown status.

Actually I found the source and it's federal prisons only, most prisoners are in state control. The number representing immigrants is not illegal, just not US citizens. So, you have a small prison population that is incorrectly identified as illegal, or even from south of the border as the USC does not have a report for that info. It appears Breitbart didn't provide a link to their source which they misconstrued, gee, big surprise.

EDIT: Wow the post added a couple extra quotes.

Maybe I should try it this way:

The number of undocumented immigrants deported last year who were convicted criminals,

That doesn't debunk my post. But here are some highlights of yours:

The number of undocumented immigrants deported last year who were convicted criminals, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
That's 56% of last year's total number of deportations, according to ICE, and it's a group that the agency says it's putting first when it comes to deciding which cases to prioritize.

Not disputing this. criminal deportations according to your source has incrased under Obama from the previous administration.

The number of people released from immigration custody who were later charged with murder between 2010 and 2014, according to figures from the Department of Homeland Security cited in a recent letter from two U.S. senators.

121 over four years. That's way less than 3,000 in a single year. This number will never be zero.

The number of inmates in state and federal prisons who are not U.S. citizens, according to the latest prison population report from the Bureau of Judicial Statistics.

No, Briebart did not provide a link, but if you read the article (which apparently you didn't) they posted their source. Allow me to paste it for you:

According to FY 2014 USSC data, of 74,911 sentencing cases, citizens accounted for 43,479 (or 58.0 percent), illegal immigrants accounted for 27,505 (or 36.7 percent), legal immigrants made up 3,017 (or 4.0 percent), and the remainder (about 1 percent) were cases in which the offender was either extradited or had an unknown status.

Actually I found the source and it's federal prisons only, most prisoners are in state control. The number representing immigrants is not illegal, just not US citizens. So, you have a small prison population that is incorrectly identified as illegal, or even from south of the border as the USC does not have a report for that info. It appears Breitbart didn't provide a link to their source which they misconstrued, gee, big surprise.

EDIT: Wow the post added a couple extra quotes.

Maybe I should try it this way:

The number of undocumented immigrants deported last year who were convicted criminals,

What happened to them? They were deported? Who is against that?

Originally one of your goof ball buddies stated that undocumented immigrants were responsible for 3000 murders a year. That number is completely false, it's been proven. So, you come in, completely move the goal posts and tell us that undocumented immigrants who commit crimes are deported. OK, nobody said they shouldn't be.
Liberalism founded this country.

What's that? Oh yeah, you're welcome.
General MacArthur agreed: "For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."
Of course we must realize that MacArthur was government-schooled. West Point!

We are at a place where not only can we identify ourselves as men or women, but we can claim we are anything based on how we feel.

Like, I can claim I am 7 years old, if I "feel" that I am 7 years old. I can claim I am 6 foot 5 even if I am 5 foot 11. I can claim I am Chinese, even though I am not Chinese.

Just listen to these "tolerant" morons.

There it is folks. Liberalism. That is where we are. It is only going to get worse.

If you claimed you were 7 years old, there would be a class action lawsuit against you,

by 7 year olds.

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