Just in time for Christmas...............

Classes (the in-group and the Other) are a social construct. The history of humanity is the history of class antagonism.

I stand by it being a political construct.

And no the history of humanity is not the history of class antagonism. That's only true in the fantasy world of Karl Marx.
Classes (the in-group and the Other) are a social construct. The history of humanity is the history of class antagonism.

I stand by it being a political construct.

And no the history of humanity is not the history of class antagonism. That's only true in the fantasy world of Karl Marx.
O really?

Open any history book. What do you read of? One class (in-group) versus another. You read of wars between Britain and its neighbors, the struggle between the Romans and the Gauls, the struggle between the gentry and the common man during the French Revolution, of the struggle between slaves/abolitionists and slavekeepers.

Always one class, one in-group, versus another.Those classes have largely been defined to socioeconomic status, though language and race have also been factors. But always the history if humanity is the history of class antagonism.
Sadly enough, it didn't. Letting the tax CUTS expire on the top 2 percent would mean that they would FINALLY have to pay their fair share.

You're in the top ten percent wealthiest people on the entire planet. I assume then, that you would not be opposed to a tax of 39% on your income implemented by the UN so you can pay your fair share to the rest of the world, no? There are a lot of starving kids in the Congo.

And yes.........250,000 is more money than I've ever seen in my life.

That's because you're a loser. Spend less time on the Internet and more time getting off your ass and working to better yourself instead of being jealous about what other people have. It's none of your business how much money someone else has or what they do with it. End of story.

Hey asshole.........quick question for you sportcheck.........ever seen how much an enlisted member of the US Military makes? It ain't much.

Oh yeah............I kinda thought that defending this country was a wee bit more important than becoming a selfish prick who looks down on those that make less money than they do.
Sadly enough, it didn't. Letting the tax CUTS expire on the top 2 percent would mean that they would FINALLY have to pay their fair share.

You're in the top ten percent wealthiest people on the entire planet. I assume then, that you would not be opposed to a tax of 39% on your income implemented by the UN so you can pay your fair share to the rest of the world, no? There are a lot of starving kids in the Congo.

And yes.........250,000 is more money than I've ever seen in my life.

That's because you're a loser. Spend less time on the Internet and more time getting off your ass and working to better yourself instead of being jealous about what other people have. It's none of your business how much money someone else has or what they do with it. End of story.

Hey asshole.........quick question for you sportcheck.........ever seen how much an enlisted member of the US Military makes? It ain't much.

Oh yeah............I kinda thought that defending this country was a wee bit more important than becoming a selfish prick who looks down on those that make less money than they do.

Oh I see, so you're serving your country to preserve your right to use our government to steal from other people and give what they have to you. Well, thank you for your service, Trotsky.
Wrong answer fuckwit........you stated that because I'd never seen 250,000 dollars/year or more I was a loser.

20 years in the military would beg to differ with that. I didn't serve because I was there to make money, I served because of my duty to my country and the fact that I was able to visit 26 different countries.

I served to preserve your right to be a greedy prick Don't Taze Me Brah.....
Wrong answer fuckwit........you stated that because I'd never seen 250,000 dollars/year or more I was a loser.

20 years in the military would beg to differ with that. I didn't serve because I was there to make money, I served because of my duty to my country and the fact that I was able to visit 26 different countries.

So it was your choice, so stop your fucking whining.

I served to preserve your right to be a greedy prick Don't Taze Me Brah.....

No, it was to protect your own greed, as exhibited by your Marxist plea of sorrow and sympathy.
You're in the top ten percent wealthiest people on the entire planet. I assume then, that you would not be opposed to a tax of 39% on your income implemented by the UN so you can pay your fair share to the rest of the world, no? There are a lot of starving kids in the Congo.

That's because you're a loser. Spend less time on the Internet and more time getting off your ass and working to better yourself instead of being jealous about what other people have. It's none of your business how much money someone else has or what they do with it. End of story.

Hey asshole.........quick question for you sportcheck.........ever seen how much an enlisted member of the US Military makes? It ain't much.

Oh yeah............I kinda thought that defending this country was a wee bit more important than becoming a selfish prick who looks down on those that make less money than they do.

Oh I see, so you're serving your country to preserve your right to use our government to steal from other people and give what they have to you. Well, thank you for your service, Trotsky.

I think the key to the problem would be "how do we pay for it?" That has always been the question

since they are pulling money out of their asses now to do all the things they are doing.....pull a little bit out and extend the benefits till at least Jan...certainly if they can bail out the assholes who had a great hand in getting us to where we are.....they can extend the benefits for those who just went to work everyday doing their best to take care of their families and became the victims of this shit.....tis the season of good will is it not?....

Till at least January???? Nothing will be "Till at least January", It's always extended long after that. Forgive me for being skeptical...I find it hard to believe a person that has been looking for a job for nearly two years can't find something, Harry. It may not be in his field of expertise, but he can find one that pays better than the government dole.
Somehow, I think you know exactly what I'm talking about.

i know exactly what your talking about Meister....but somehow i think if this money was going to run out say for.....the little pet projects of our esteemed Congress.....they would find a way to EXTEND the benefits ......and have a dam good reason WHY they had to do it.....
Er...Jesus is God. The Deity Incarnate. That means living God. And it isn't just the catholic church that considers this true. They all do.
Er...Jesus is God. The Deity Incarnate. That means living God. And it isn't just the catholic church that considers this true. They all do.

bullshit,no they all dont......if Jesus was God.....then tell me,who was he praying too?....who would the most Ultimate being in existence pray too?......and WHY did he call the one he was praying to..."Father"......i was raised a Catholic.....and those priest danced like Fred Astaire when asked questions like this......thats why at about the age of 18.....i said ...SEE YA....
So....definitions are now determined by the poor? Is that where we're at? What they say goes?

250 thou a year is not rich. Particularly if you are self employed and that is your gross.

You are not taxed on your gross.

So? I'm not talking about taxes. I'm talking about what is "wealthy" and 250 thousand a year isn't wealthy, even if you aren't taxed on ANY of it.
The word wealthy is very subjective. There are people making over million a year who do not consider themselves wealthy. I make less than $250k, but I consider myself wealthy because I have very low expenses.

I suggest sticking to the facts. At a taxable income of $250K, you are in the top 2%. That's a fact and not subject to interpretation.
i dont like this shit were they are cutting this at Christmas......i know a bunch of people who were laid off and have kids and these people are out there every couple of days job hunting.....they could have extended this until Jan at least for Christ sakes......like i have been saying for months.....i keep hearing things are getting better.....but yet i am delivering more NEW Unemployment checks every week.....plus a hell of a lot of the people who have been getting them for months....are still getting them....

Interesting day for me today....A radio host asked people who have been unemployed for some time now to call in and to let the audience in on how it's possible for a person to collect an unemployment check for 99 weeks and not get a job in all this time....

The answer from the first three callers was......

They will REALLY start to look for work when the benefits run out and they will have no choice but to get some type of employment.

It made no sense to them to get a job where they will have to pay taxes when they can stay at home and collect a check.

Nice huh?

The show was WABC AM radio in NY....:(
I was watching the news today and found some rather disturbing figures. It seems that the unemployment benefits for many in this country are going to expire JUST BEFORE Christmas.

There's also talk about the tax cuts for the very rich being extended.

Interestingly enough, both cost roughly the same. Extending the tax cuts on the wealthy will add to the deficit roughly the same amount as extending the unemployment benefits.

Guess what by the way? Seems that the figures of the past 10 years revealed something interesting. Middle class and poor people have seen their incomes increase roughly 11 percent.

The people who make over 1 mil/year? They saw their incomes go up 273 percent.

Anyone else think that the "party of family values" has no heart?

You can try to say Republicans have no heart, but that's an excuse to not talk about the actual issues. In this economy, wages are going down. People have to take jobs that pay less than their old jobs. That's just the reality. But many people are refusing to take these lower-paying jobs and are just collecting unemployment benefits. That's not going to help the economy. If their employment benefits ran out, they'd be forced to deal with reality and get a job.

How long should a person get unemployment benefits? Two years seems like a good amount of time. You should be able to line something up in two years, even if it's necessarily a step down from your old job. There should be other benefits out there for people who can't pay their bills, just to help them with their basic necessities, but it shouldn't be unemployment benefits.
You're in the top ten percent wealthiest people on the entire planet. I assume then, that you would not be opposed to a tax of 39% on your income implemented by the UN so you can pay your fair share to the rest of the world, no? There are a lot of starving kids in the Congo.

That's because you're a loser. Spend less time on the Internet and more time getting off your ass and working to better yourself instead of being jealous about what other people have. It's none of your business how much money someone else has or what they do with it. End of story.

Hey asshole.........quick question for you sportcheck.........ever seen how much an enlisted member of the US Military makes? It ain't much.

Oh yeah............I kinda thought that defending this country was a wee bit more important than becoming a selfish prick who looks down on those that make less money than they do.

Oh I see, so you're serving your country to preserve your right to use our government to steal from other people and give what they have to you. Well, thank you for your service, Trotsky.
You're just being a prick
Jesus is God

God wrote the laws of nature

Jesus is God

i dont think so....unless of course your a Catholic.....then you have been sold a bunch of bull.....

I and the Father are One

He was killed for this claim

Jesus is the Word. The word is God. The Word became flesh.

Just ask Thomas

According to Peter, Jesus is our God and Savior


Now shut the fuck up and sit down; I know more about the bible and its teachings than most Christians.

Sincerely, the Reverend James T. Beukema
Er...Jesus is God. The Deity Incarnate. That means living God. And it isn't just the catholic church that considers this true. They all do.

bullshit,no they all dont......if Jesus was God.....then tell me,who was he praying too?....

God the Father

He is god the son

he sent the Holy Spirit, which is the spirit of God

Genesis 1:26
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

Notice the plurality

.i was raised a Catholic

You were raised a satanist.
Sometimes a visual helps.


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