Just Like His Brother George, Jeb Bush Smoked Pot and Drank.

The days of having candidates who have not done drugs are, for the most part and with few exceptions, over...

Exactly. What we should be more worried about today, is if they are stilling doing drugs.

boy they are rolling out the DIRT on Republicans now eh?

You EVER see them talk Obama and the drugs he did? it's called desperation for the Democrat party and dirty politics with nothing but SMEARS. You think they would of learned by helping in sending their party into minority statues in just SIX YEARS under their ugly BS such as this.

guess not. keep track folks in the upcoming Presidential elections.
Drugs Obama DID?

Look at that fucker's red eyes an tell me he ain't still on the kindbud.
Did he inhale?

Did he experiment with cigars-as-tampons?

Is that now an absolute litmus test to be passed before being allowed to even run for president?
I hope he did a little blast at some of those college parties. Drink and bud alone'll leave you speechless and glued to your chair. I hope he's the kinda guy who's smart enough to fire a bump or two up his nose from time to time to keep the party social. :)
did Bush killed or chopped or mutilated somebody?

no he didn't

what was his sin?

he drunk?

Excuse me but ...why try to start a thread and incite hatred?

because a humanoid drunk? or smoke pot?

I want to puke here and now!
i have seen the Right drone on and on about Obama's drug college drug use......the right has no problem with dirty politics or smears thats for sure- but I think it Bush's drug use in college is as irrelevant as Obama's- what about you?

algore...? Drugs left him imagining global warming.
Left his supporters imagining he won the election too!
I see the far left can not handle that Obama was mocked for his excessive drug use and dog eating as they mocked the previous president for doing much less than the Obamanator..
i have seen the Right drone on and on about Obama's drug college drug use......the right has no problem with dirty politics or smears thats for sure- but I think it Bush's drug use in college is as irrelevant as Obama's- what about you?

algore...? Drugs left him imagining global warming.
Left his supporters imagining he won the election too!

Maybe Al Gore invited the crack that all the far left on this board seems to be smoking!
Say what? The low information left snickered when Bubba Bill Clinton admitted he smoked pot but "didn't inhale". They also snickered when the freaking rapist escaped prosecution for a capital crime when the statute of limitations ran out. Where was Hillary when Bubba Bill told his victim "you better put some ice on that eye"? Hillary was out threatening the lives of Bill's victims if they came forward.
So what? If anything that makes him even more relatable.
So did Clinton and Obama enjoy the fail.
So have I!!! So fucking what.

Legalize pot
and enjoy the drink

Colorado regrets their decision to legalize pot. No need to make this mistake everywhere. Increase jail time for smoking it and even admitting it.
So have I!!! So fucking what.

Legalize pot
and enjoy the drink

Colorado regrets their decision to legalize pot. No need to make this mistake everywhere. Increase jail time for smoking it and even admitting it.

They regret the decision all the way to the bank. It is making them loads of money. Don't like pot? Don't smoke it. Instead you go running off to get the nanny state to legislate morality. Small government indeed.
Jeb Bush was perma-stoned bullying 8216 D 8217 student at chi-chi prep school say classmates

But because he is after a bush, a RePug and ConJob all will be forgiven.
Obama smoked weed and snorted cocaine, so you have nothing to criticize the Bush brothers over. At least the Bush brothers didnt have gay sex in the back of a limo like Obama did with Larry Sinclair.

You don't know what the Bush boys have done any more than you know what President Obama has done.

You really think these ASSSinine lies help your cause?

George W is an alcoholic. If Jeb is a social drinker who tried pot, it means nothing. If he's an alky like his brother, we need to know it.

Not that it would matter to people who lie about our president.
Jeb Bush was perma-stoned bullying 8216 D 8217 student at chi-chi prep school say classmates

But because he is after a bush, a RePug and ConJob all will be forgiven.
Obama smoked weed and snorted cocaine, so you have nothing to criticize the Bush brothers over. At least the Bush brothers didnt have gay sex in the back of a limo like Obama did with Larry Sinclair.

You don't know what the Bush boys have done any more than you know what President Obama has done.

You really think these ASSSinine lies help your cause?

George W is an alcoholic. If Jeb is a social drinker who tried pot, it means nothing. If he's an alky like his brother, we need to know it.

Not that it would matter to people who lie about our president.
LMAO, the stupid just keeps on truckin' on. You are comical.
I wonder about the Bush Clan when they name the smart one Jeb.

If you go by how a Governor is rated, JB is rated quite high. Christie also rates high. The others on the Red Side can't say as much. I would go for Christie first and JB next.

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