Just My Opinion

The "Useful Idiots" in the Progressive party did not get the message that the the invasion of the Millions of illegal aliens were consuming the wealth, and the resources of our Country! As well as the Safety of the Nation.
Those IDIOTS will be the ruination of this country.
Boy, you're really onto something. You should run for political office using the slogan "Useful Idiots Are US!"
The "Useful Idiots" in the Progressive party did not get the message that the the invasion of the Millions of illegal aliens were consuming the wealth, and the resources of our Country! As well as the Safety of the Nation.
Those IDIOTS will be the ruination of this country.
I've never...ever..found idiots useful. Of whatever political persuasion.

'Useful idiots' are Trump's stock in trade as well, ya know~

Has it occurred to you that we've earned these immigrants? That our foreign policy for over 100 years milked their countries of their wealth, deliberately installed corrupt dictators who were given a green light to do whatever they wanted, as long as the bananas and coffee kept flowing? That we used our armed forces to crack the whip and enforce the economic slavery we were perpetrating?

Just saying..that we took a lot from Central America..now the bill is coming due. I would prefer to build up infrastructure in Honduras...to bloviating about the cheap labor everyone loves so much~
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