Just nuke the Gaza strip and be done with this insanity.

It’s a nightmare to think how many of these Islamic terrorists Biden has welcomed into the country from the southern border.
Given paid transport to northern Mexico by muslim Arabs. Will be financed to create terror from abroad.
As a Christian I have had many Muslim friends and I have studied the Quran. It is a shame people hate Muslims so much and think they all are terrorists who hate Americans and Jews. I want to tell you a shocker many Muslims out there are actually just as outraged by the actions of terrorism as Christians and Jews are. I have known Muslims who actually had Jewish friends and liked Israel. I have known Muslim friends who were morally actually better upright than many Christians I know. I have actually a few doctors who are specialists who are Muslims. Very good doctors and very nice people.

Saying things like we should nuke the entire middle east is extremely disturbing, just because of some bad egg terrorists people have to label the whole Muslim population as evil is a shame. I know people just like applying blind stereotypes and saying to themselves "well all Muslims must think like terrorists", which is very sad.

No compassion, people just saying NUKE THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST and commit mass genocide. Hitler thought all Jews were alike and were evil and we should kill them all. Saying we should nuke all Muslims, well that's equivalent to a Hitler mentality. Blaming Arabs for all the problems and saying an easy solution is just to nuke and kill them all... mass genocide that is what Hitler believed in too.
OK mr. softy, how do you stop bon-stop un-provoked murder and mayhem by islamic terrorists? Ill wait.

the Islamic charter Is basically that all non Muslim must be eliminated or dominated .
What about Lebanese babies?
Have Israeli soldiers gone into the nursery of Lebanese families, walked over to the baby in the crib, and set the poor soul on fire?

The Jews are the moral ones in all this. The HAMAS barbarians are the evil ones.

And that you liberals support the evil side is disgusting.
OK mr. softy, how do you stop bon-stop un-provoked murder and mayhem by islamic terrorists? Ill wait.

the Islamic charter Is basically that all non Muslim must be eliminated or dominated .
These leftists can‘t distinguish good from evil. They think inadvertently killing “innocent” Muslims even though they’ve been given opportunity to escape is the same as intentionally hunting down Jews in their beds (or cribs) and stabbing them to death, setting them on fire, on lopping off their heads.
Alexander the Great besieged Gaza for 2 months, pits were dug under the walls, the earth was poured into ramparts, and then they climbed up them! - The first to climb was the Armenian satrap Neoptolemus. The head of Gaza, the Persian Batis, was executed, all the men were killed and the women were sold into slavery. Will Netanyahu be able to repeat Alexander's feat?
I also stand for Jewish babies in cribs not having their heads cut off, or burned alive.

It’s shameful how these libs have taken the side of savage barbarians.
So many lies…

Israeli Intelligence Suddenly Knows Exactly Where Hamas Is

It’s interesting how last week Israel had no idea what Hamas was up to, and yet this week they know every mosque, school and hospital that Hamas is hiding in.

When you live under an empire of lies
you’ll be asked to believe a lot of very stupid things. The dumbest thing we’re being asked to believe this week is that Israel’s intelligence services are simultaneously so incompetent that Saturday’s Hamas attack took them completely by surprise, but also so competent that all the buildings they’re destroying with their relentless bombing campaign on Gaza are directed solely at Hamas.

The phrase “Hamas targets” has been all over the news media the last few days in reference to the ongoing attacks on Gaza, which have as of this writing killed over 1,500 Palestinians, a third of them children.

“Israel conducts large-scale strikes on Hamas targets,” reads a CNN headline.

“Israel conducts ‘large-scale strike’ on Hamas targets,” reads the title of a segment for ABC News.

“Israel says it dropped 6,000 bombs so far against Hamas targets,” reads a report by The Washington Post.

Gosh, Israel must have really great visibility into Gaza to know that each of those 6,000 bombs was aimed “Hamas targets” and not just civilian buildings. - Caitlin Johnstone
There are huge similarities between September 11 and October 7. Superpowered intelligence agencies, perhaps the best in the world, make incredible blunders. And are they blunders? Look who benefits.
There is a total mass schizophrenization of consciousness.
Ukrainians planned by Hitler for extermination are zigging and reading "Mein Kampf", while jews saved from extermination by the Red Army are teaching ukrainian nationalists to kill russians.
There are huge similarities between September 11 and October 7. Superpowered intelligence agencies, perhaps the best in the world, make incredible blunders. And are they blunders? Look who benefits.
What I see in common are subhuman Muslim terrorists murdering as many innocent people as they can.

The difference is that 22 years years ago, we didn’t have hordes of college students, on campuses throughout the country, proudly exclaiming that they are on the terrorists’ side.
How fortunate that it is the Israeli army, with the support of Western countries, that is killing the people of the Gaza Strip. In any other case it would be a crime against humanity.
There are huge similarities between September 11 and October 7. Superpowered intelligence agencies, perhaps the best in the world, make incredible blunders. And are they blunders? Look who benefits.
There is a total mass schizophrenization of consciousness.
Ukrainians planned by Hitler for extermination are zigging and reading "Mein Kampf", while jews saved from extermination by the Red Army are teaching ukrainian nationalists to kill russians.
These things have happened so many times.
HUSH YOUR MOUF! Think of the possibilities! When all of this is over, there will be millions of people needing their bathrooms remodeled! Think of the business opportunities! :SMILEW~130:
Ten years from now, Gaza will be a modern, thriving seaside city, with $1 million dollar high-rise condos lining the shoreline.

The “Palestinians” should have accepted the land offer that Israel extended. Too bad their goal to eliminate Israel completely kept them from being smart.
Have Israeli soldiers gone into the nursery of Lebanese families, walked over to the baby in the crib, and set the poor soul on fire?

The Jews are the moral ones in all this. The HAMAS barbarians are the evil ones.

And that you liberals support the evil side is disgusting.
Yes, Israelites have a very high moral ground, but does that justify killing possibly thousands? Or more.

No good solutions while extreme religious people rule governments.

Denying a Palestinian state?
As I said day1, it is unlikely 2Nillion PAL are goung to march 50 miles southwest and stand in the deser waiting fo Israel to exterminate HAMAS Terrorist. Plus HAMAS would not allow the shields to leave.

without immediate Rich arab countries help, it will be messy for Israel ti locate and destroy all of the enemy combatants. Would need 24-7 evacuation started days ago into Egypt or Jordan.

what do the mush brains expect Israel to do?

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