Just nuke the Gaza strip and be done with this insanity.

You didn’t hear those college students chanting “WE are HAMAS”? They might not have played it on the lib channels since it shows liberals supporting Islamic terrorists against innocent Jews.
Well, they got their stupid asses mentioned on some channel. Who exactly do they represent?
Well, they got their stupid asses mentioned on some channel. Who exactly do they represent?
The mindset of college students, being indoctrinated against Jews.

Did you hear about the Stanford professor who asked Jewish students to raise their hands, and then told them to stand in the corner?

Bet your lib channels don’t mention that, either.
The mindset of college students, being indoctrinated against Jews.

Did you hear about the Stanford professor who asked Jewish students to raise their hands, and then told them to stand in the corner?

Bet your lib channels don’t mention that, either.
So some people are assholes.
Ten years from now, Gaza will be a modern, thriving seaside city, with $1 million dollar high-rise condos lining the shoreline.
The “Palestinians” should have accepted the land offer that Israel extended. Too bad their goal to eliminate Israel completely kept them from being smart.

Well, I'm not an expert on the subject but I did a little reading up on the subject years ago and as I recall, the Israelites have been there a lot longer than the Palestinians, a few thousand years vs. a few hundred, in an unclaimed piece of land called the Levant. It was kind of a dumping ground for people with no clear home. And there has been conflict between the parties ever since.

Little by little, Israel acquired more of the land until the Palestinians and Jews were fairly separate then the UN came along and drew up an agreement delineating areas for each back in the late 40s or early 60s. Israel was eager to accept the deal and move on but the Palestinians and arabs would not agree and would not accept any Jews in the region at all. And there has been fighting ever since. Had the Palestinians accepted the deal back then, they would be far better off than today. Instead, there has been fighting and killing ever since.

Then nearly 20 years ago, Israel wanted to wash their hands of it, decided that the Palestinians could or would manage the Gaza strip all by themselves and entirely pulled out giving all control and rights and resources in the area to them, but they never developed any of it. Then Hamas moved in and killed their leaders and took over and have been fighting with Israel ever since using northern Gaza as a launching off place. Now today, Palestine is a poor and broken region of conflict and this attack last week by Hamas has simply gone past the point where Israel can no longer accept living under this perpetual threat any longer and is resolved now to settle the matter one way or the other.

From what I've seen and heard, Gaza is fairly destroyed now and there is no turning back. As the Scottish say, the haggis is in the fire. Hamas has done broken the last straw.
So many lies…

Israeli Intelligence Suddenly Knows Exactly Where Hamas Is

It’s interesting how last week Israel had no idea what Hamas was up to, and yet this week they know every mosque, school and hospital that Hamas is hiding in.

When you live under an empire of lies
you’ll be asked to believe a lot of very stupid things. The dumbest thing we’re being asked to believe this week is that Israel’s intelligence services are simultaneously so incompetent that Saturday’s Hamas attack took them completely by surprise, but also so competent that all the buildings they’re destroying with their relentless bombing campaign on Gaza are directed solely at Hamas.

The phrase “Hamas targets” has been all over the news media the last few days in reference to the ongoing attacks on Gaza, which have as of this writing killed over 1,500 Palestinians, a third of them children.

“Israel conducts large-scale strikes on Hamas targets,” reads a CNN headline.

“Israel conducts ‘large-scale strike’ on Hamas targets,” reads the title of a segment for ABC News.

“Israel says it dropped 6,000 bombs so far against Hamas targets,” reads a report by The Washington Post.

Gosh, Israel must have really great visibility into Gaza to know that each of those 6,000 bombs was aimed “Hamas targets” and not just civilian buildings. - Caitlin Johnstone
Hamas hides behind civilians and in hospitals and churches and schools and so on and so forth.
So some people are assholes.
It’s indicative of the antisemitism sweeping the country.

And when a black brings up a racist, do you also shrug your shoulders and say “eh.….so there’s an asshole”? Nope. You are alarmed by syatemic racism.

You libs sure are tolerant of antisemitism.
Sorry I don't do mud brick lol

Well, if YOU are unwilling to capitalize on the business opportunity, I will! :banana:

Hamas hides behind civilians and in hospitals and churches and schools and so on and so forth.
Our distrustful media claims that, but they’re well known liars.

At any rate, do you think Israel killing civilians to kill Hamas is acceptable?
Our distrustful media claims that, but they’re well known liars.

At any rate, do you think Israel killing civilians to kill Hamas is acceptable?
War is war. If hamas is gonna hide behind them and they do not oust hamas so be it.
Ten years from now, Gaza will be a modern, thriving seaside city, with $1 million dollar high-rise condos lining the shoreline.

The “Palestinians” should have accepted the land offer that Israel extended. Too bad their goal to eliminate Israel completely kept them from being smart.

Actually, the Zionists will go into Gaza for a couple of weeks, murder tens of thousands of innocent people, lose any good will around the world they have now, and withdraw when Hamas gives them a bloody nose with IED's and guerilla tactics.

Why should the Palestinians accept Zionist theft of their land?

It would be like if I took over your house, got a corrupt judge to go along with it, and then "generously" offered to let you live in the unheated garage if you came by and did menial work for me once a week.

I don't think you'd be keen on my "generosity".

Got all the standard excuses of why Hamas went out to slaughter women and children in Israel.

Fuck Hamas. Fuck Gaza... You start a War killing thy neighbor and wantvl them to respond with a pillow.

Dont want this shit. Stop starting it
hamas underestimated the sheer fucking will of the israel people...and the reaction of the us...israel has come together the reservists are reporting in the thousands...the us is silent and the world is watching israel destroy a homeland for millions...
for a few hours israel was shaken to its core...its defense systems failing...the iron dome beginning to be overwhelmed ..those few hours are over...now they are mobilized as one people facing one enemy ...god doesnt seem to be involved with either side

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