Just nuke the Gaza strip and be done with this insanity.


Not my buddies.

More Israelis, and Palestinians in GAZA will die because of people like you.

yep all your buddies and your "squad buddies" too. If you don't want to get hammered, don't go sucker punch the neighborhood big guy.//

Reminder, Gaza doesn’t have shelters or an iron dome and to please pray for them. May peace prevail in the region and move us towards a moral awakening to care about the human suffering we are seeing. Palestinians are human beings who have been in besieged and are deserving of protection from the international community.
Not really my concern.

I don't really care about HAMAS. I only follow their shit that pops up in news.

I don't get all emotional over the Israeli losses as there are other losses happening all over the world.
translation: I don’t care when Jewish babies are massacred.
Oye vey. Jewish people don’t go around looking for Muslim babies to burn alive in their cribs.

There is NO moral equivalency between Jews and the Palestinian-elected HAMAS terrorists.

But I know….you’re a lib, so you can’t discern the difference. Can‘t figure out whether it’s antisemitism driving you, or just plain ignorance.
You are full of shit and twisting things posted and being all around disingenuous.

Sorry to say it,, have to break it to you in this way -- but the world will be a better place when you depart it.

Between Jews and Palestinians there are moral equivalencies. Jews own no moral high-ground.

Look at all the posts here supporting, even demanding Palestinians be slaughtered for the actions of HAMAS. Shame on you you old hag.
yep all your buddies and your "squad buddies" too. If you don't want to get hammered, don't go sucker punch the neighborhood big guy.//

Reminder, Gaza doesn’t have shelters or an iron dome and to please pray for them. May peace prevail in the region and move us towards a moral awakening to care about the human suffering we are seeing. Palestinians are human beings who have been in besieged and are deserving of protection from the international community.

I've always laughed at the Squad or whatever the hell people call them. I loved it when Speaker Pelosi said 'They have their four votes." :auiqs.jpg:
Syria, not Jordan, gave up the Golan Heights.

Did Palestinians live in the area prior to Israel coming into being?

Well actually we are both correct. It was Syria AND Jordanian territory. (I noticed the names on the map you used)
The "Sea of Galilee" has another name as well as the resort town on the east side of the "sea". (As a side note...sunrise on the body of water is extraordinarily wonderful)

The reason I say Jordan is that the "PLO" was known by another name during the time when they were destabilizing the Jordanian Government and the Jordanian King gave them two options: take the land that Israel took from us or die like when Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon has slaughtered your people when you started the same crap as you started here. So the PLO moved to there and changed their name to the PLO with Yasser Arafat as their leader.

Just saying...I do actually know the players and some of their motivations.
You are full of shit and twisting things posted and being all around disingenuous.

Sorry to say it,, have to break it to you in this way -- but the world will be a better place when you depart it.

Between Jews and Palestinians there are moral equivalencies. Jews own no moral high-ground.

Look at all the posts here supporting, even demanding Palestinians be slaughtered for the actions of HAMAS. Shame on you you old hag.
Done with you, asshole. IGNORE.

Not my buddies.

More Israelis, and Palestinians in GAZA will die because of people like you.
How so?? I dont have a hero like Hamas. Their very charter is the death of Israel. They and the Racism of the entire middle east is the problem.

For a very long time. The Arab world has said be like me or die. Well we can take your money and you can be our slave.

Throughout history men have said Fuck You and child molesting Mohamed. And we have went to War.

Nothing has changed except you have the internet to do your psychological warfare.

Supporters of both Israel and Palestinians (leave out HAMAS), are posting 'Oh the poor babies!" images.
Your side fired first. Now you say those fufhting back are at fault?? Screw you and the camel you rode in on.

You start wars knowing that those you killed families are going to hunt your sorry asses down.
How so?? I dont have a hero like Hamas. Their very charter is the death of Israel. They and the Racism of the entire middle east is the problem.

For a very long time. The Arab world has said be like me or die. Well we can take your money and you can be our slave.

Throughout history men have said Fuck You and child molesting Mohamed. And we have went to War.

Nothing has changed except you have the internet to do your psychological warfare.
Racism of the entire middle east?

The racism of some Israeli's is not the problem. I know many Israelis are Kahane-ites. The Arab race contains many types of people.

and your hateful rant is noted. Using this tragedy to hide behind shows how morally bankrupt you are.

But oh wait! Did you just do a Goose-Step and claims Jews area race? :auiqs.jpg:

These people are a pox on the house of Israel.

Racism of the entire middle east?

The racism of some Israeli's is not the problem. I know many Israelis are Kahane-ites. The Arab race contains many types of people.

and your hateful rant is noted. Using this tragedy to hide behind shows how morally bankrupt you are.

But oh wait! Did you just do a Goose-Step and claims Jews area race? :auiqs.jpg:

These people are a pox on the house of Israel.

Dont like the truth huh raghead?
Turn it to glass. Either that or migrate to America and STOP FIGHTING OVER SAND.
Why anyone would want to live somewhere where they are surrounded by people that hate their existence is beyond me.
Muslims have proven over and over they can not act like modern adult humans.
As a Christian I have had many Muslim friends and I have studied the Quran. It is a shame people hate Muslims so much and think they all are terrorists who hate Americans and Jews. I want to tell you a shocker many Muslims out there are actually just as outraged by the actions of terrorism as Christians and Jews are. I have known Muslims who actually had Jewish friends and liked Israel. I have known Muslim friends who were morally actually better upright than many Christians I know. I have actually a few doctors who are specialists who are Muslims. Very good doctors and very nice people.

Saying things like we should nuke the entire middle east is extremely disturbing, just because of some bad egg terrorists people have to label the whole Muslim population as evil is a shame. I know people just like applying blind stereotypes and saying to themselves "well all Muslims must think like terrorists", which is very sad.

No compassion, people just saying NUKE THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST and commit mass genocide. Hitler thought all Jews were alike and were evil and we should kill them all. Saying we should nuke all Muslims, well that's equivalent to a Hitler mentality. Blaming Arabs for all the problems and saying an easy solution is just to nuke and kill them all... mass genocide that is what Hitler believed in too.
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Proof of how vile and sick some supporters of Israel are.
It's not about Israel dumbass. It's about sub human savages slaughtering women, children & elderly.
But don't let me stop you or your equally disgusting leftist jackasses from making excuses for REAL TERRORISM

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