Just nuke the Gaza strip and be done with this insanity.

The Israelis have given fair warning. More than the animals did for Jewish children.
They have no place to go

Hamas needs to take the first step of releasing all hostages I fear it's to late to appease the horror Israel has seen

They are entitled to their rage
The Israelis have given fair warning. More than the animals did for Jewish children.
How many children in Gaza have been murdered by Israel? It’s a big number I suspect and will no doubt jump in the days to come.

Of course, you’ll contort this sane response into support of terrorism.
How many children in Gaza have been murdered by Israel? It’s a big number I suspect and will no doubt jump in the days to come.

Of course, you’ll contort this sane response into support of terrorism.

its said there are millions of children in gaza..a hard figure to believe ...the deaths will be huge...the air attacks are just that not focused strikes..
its said there are millions of children in gaza..a hard figure to believe ...the deaths will be huge...the air attacks are just that not focused strikes..
I’ve read that roughly half the 2.2 million Gazans are children. Israel’s bombing campaign will kill thousands of children, but establishment western media will ignore their deaths.
There were a lot of good people in WWII Germany. But they died just the same as the evil Nazis . That is what happens in War. The endless attacks on Israel must end. Every year rockets and mortars are fired at Israel.

They must take this place back over for it to end.
How many children in Gaza have been murdered by Israel? It’s a big number I suspect and will no doubt jump in the days to come.

Of course, you’ll contort this sane response into support of terrorism.
That isn’t their aim, and in fact Israel issues warnings to avoid it.

How can you compare that to the Islamist terrorist who go house to house hunting down and killing children?
I’ve read that roughly half the 2.2 million Gazans are children. Israel’s bombing campaign will kill thousands of children, but establishment western media will ignore their deaths.
HAMAS cares nothing about this, as they knew that massacring Jews would bring about a response, and Palestinian children would unavoidably be killed. HAMAS doesn’t care.

You liberals always the wrong people.
Outside the normal rhetoric....

Hamas has never been elected except by Hamas members...not the average person they claim to be a representative of. In other words no real elections have ever taken place. (Despite their claims)

Hamas has been kicked out of every nation they have been in....including Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan for trying to destabilize the existing government to the point of taking over. (This is from the Tunisian Yasser Arafat leadership days)

After Israel took the Golan Heights from Jordan (as the only high ground in the area) after the 6 day war....the King of Jordan gave this seized land to the "Palestinians" to get back at Israel and kicked them out of Jordan upon threats of doing like the previously named nations and slaughter them wholesale.

Since Hamas had taken an instant adversarial role against the Israelis....Israel has treated them extremely harshly. Little wonder since "Death to Little Satan" has been their motto for decades. The Gaza Strip has been a thinly veiled open air prison...
Little wonder since Hamas has never once relented on their desires to utterly destroy the Jews and Israel and has used every opportunity to do so. This oppression has been capitalized upon by Hamas and regularly used as propaganda to nakedly seek retribution against Israel.

And we have seen this naked hatred in the form of inhumane treatment of civilians for no other reason than they are outside the fence.

Destroy Hamas?
Absolutely agree with this. Where there actually are humanitarian sections of Hamas that build community playgrounds and swimming pools and etc....most of the money this group receives goes towards terrorist actions.

Since the Gaza Strip residents are incapable and unwelcome anywhere in the Middle East....I have no idea where to send them. But Israel will slaughter them if they don't. And the pro Palestinian groups around the world are extremely troubling everywhere they exist since Hamas embraces terrorism as a perfectly viable means to their ends.

Rape, murder, theft and desecration of innocent deaths accounts proudly cheered and heralded by all makes them unfit for modern society anywhere in the world....maybe the CCP has something for them but we have enough thugs now.
HAMAS cares nothing about this, as they knew that massacring Jews would bring about a response, and Palestinian children would unavoidably be killed. HAMAS doesn’t care.

You liberals always the wrong people.
Not a liberal and yes Hamas may not care about children killed, just like Israel doesn’t. Isn’t this apparent to you? Israel is bombing children in Gaza right now.

Tit for tat with no end.
Not a liberal and yes Hamas may not care about children killed, just like Israel doesn’t. Isn’t this apparent to you? Israel is bombing children in Gaza right now.

Tit for tat with no end.
That you can’t see the STARK difference between Hamas and Israel is driven by antisemitism.
Turn it to glass. Either that or migrate to America and STOP FIGHTING OVER SAND.
Why anyone would want to live somewhere where they are surrounded by people that hate their existence is beyond me.
Muslims have proven over and over they can not act like modern adult humans.

You do realize that if Israel nukes Gaza, the fallout would make Israel uninhabitable, right?
Is it a trolling post? No sane American can be serious about using nuclear weapons. Maybe there is an insane left wing cabal that would talk a mentally impaired president into condoning a nuclear strike. That's the scariest scenario since JFK brought us to Defcon 2.
How many children in Gaza have been murdered by Israel? It’s a big number I suspect and will no doubt jump in the days to come.

Of course, you’ll contort this sane response into support of terrorism.
How many children died when we nuked Japan?

THAT is how you win wars and make the opposition capitulate. Enough of these asinine rules of engagement that only serve to prolong wars that always end in stalemate with plenty of angry hostiles left in the wings.

War is not the nursery ryme our media or toothless politicians want to make believe it is.

How many children died when we nuked Japan?

A lot. But the nukes had very little to do with Japan's surrender. Japan was already seeking peace terms, and the USSR opening a new front in Manchuria/Korea pretty much sealed their surrender.

THAT is how you win wars and make the opposition capitulate. Enough of these asinine rules of engagement that only serve to prolong wars that always end in stalemate with plenty of angry hostiles left in the wings.
You think that Palestinians are going to stop being angry because you murder more of them?

War is not the nursery ryme our media or toothless politicians want to make believe it is.

IF the Zionist Entity nuked Gaza, the fallout would poison the rest of the Levant. This is why we tested nukes out in the middle of the desert, and we still ended up poisoning people.
Outside the normal rhetoric....

Hamas has never been elected except by Hamas members...not the average person they claim to be a representative of. In other words no real elections have ever taken place. (Despite their claims)

Hamas has been kicked out of every nation they have been in....including Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan for trying to destabilize the existing government to the point of taking over. (This is from the Tunisian Yasser Arafat leadership days)

After Israel took the Golan Heights from Jordan (as the only high ground in the area) after the 6 day war....the King of Jordan gave this seized land to the "Palestinians" to get back at Israel and kicked them out of Jordan upon threats of doing like the previously named nations and slaughter them wholesale.

Syria, not Jordan, gave up the Golan Heights.

Did Palestinians live in the area prior to Israel coming into being?

How many children died when we nuked Japan?

THAT is how you win wars and make the opposition capitulate. Enough of these asinine rules of engagement that only serve to prolong wars that always end in stalemate with plenty of angry hostiles left in the wings.

War is not the nursery ryme our media or toothless politicians want to make believe it is.

Proof of how vile and sick some supporters of Israel are.

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