Just paid $240.00 to fill my tank (3/4 of it that is) and 4 bags of groceries. Who are you voting for?

I understand what has got us to this situation so it will likely be third party again.
Conservatives have cut taxes, and fiscal conservatism has led to let the roofs leak and never get repaired. Fiscal conservatism has "created" failing bridges and dams, ignoring annual climate disasters such as hurricanes, tornados and flash floods.

The Biden Administration along with the Democrats in Congress has seen this and is putting dollars today to Make America fit, safer and less costly for decades to come.

Conservatives put profits before progress, before repairing, rebuilding and securing structures, thus, saving lives and animals and dollars saved by the people.

All the while promising to make the "rich pay their fair share" but doing what they do on debt.
Meanwhile of course, fresh off of giving away 2 trillion to "stimulate" the economy (handouts to free loaders) Biden is going to give trillions more out to free loading students! Thank you so much SCOTUS for, at least for now, for screwing over the people who pay for everything!

Fuel prices and inflation are worldwide.
Meanwhile of course, fresh off of giving away 2 trillion to "stimulate" the economy (handouts to free loaders) Biden is going to give trillions more out to free loading students! Thank you so much SCOTUS for, at least for now, for screwing over the people who pay for everything!
What are you driving?
Why blame Biden? Does he have stock in the major oil industries? Has President Biden created the world-wide inflation? Your hyperbole and biases are out of touch with reality.

The Republican Party has yet to do anything to mitigate these economic crises, all of which have been beyond the reach of The Congress or the White House, due to fiscal conservatism and tax cuts for the Wealthy and Corporations.

Trickle down hasn't helped the masses; it sure works well for the 5% earners and top employees in corporations.
They brag about an economy that was driven by trillions in free Fed dollars (inflationary), mashed interest rates (inflationary) and massive government spending (inflationary), calling it the "best economy ever" simply because their saint SAID it was.

No, this warped version of the Republican party has nothing to do with fiscal conservatism. The rank & file will just parrot the line because they're told to. Otherwise, they are largely and blissfully ignorant about macroeconomics and markets.

Because it's his fault DUH! Asshole Dems vow to "end fossil fuels" and crash the entire economy. The price of everything skyrockets. The Fed has to jack up interest rates which crashes the housing market, 'the' chief driver of the economy. Well done you bunch of morons. :talk2hand:

Meanwhile of course, fresh off of giving away 2 trillion to "stimulate" the economy (handouts to free loaders) Biden is going to give trillions more out to free loading students! Thank you so much SCOTUS for, at least for now, for screwing over the people who pay for everything!
I am voting a straight Democrat ticket in November. Here is why:
1) The Student Loan Forgiveness Act helps my granddaughter with her student loans.
2) Biden is helping retirees like me, get a great increase in their Social Security checks as of January 2023.
I drive a car that's good on gas. I eat healthy, simple foods, so my grocery bill is reasonable. It's more than it used to be, but I do OK.
I think the Democrats have a good chance to take the House AND the Senate in November 2022. :)
I am voting a straight Democrat ticket in November. Here is why:
1) The Student Loan Forgiveness Act helps my granddaughter with her student loans.
2) Biden is helping retirees get a great increase in their Social Security checks as of January 2023.
I drive a car that's good on gas. I eat healthy, simple foods, so my grocery bill is reasonable. It's more than it used to be, but I do OK.
I think the Democrats have a good chance to take the House AND the Senate in November 2022. :)

They already have the House and Senate.
Blaming Biden is silly. He's not an oil executive.. and the problem of high oil and gas prices is world wide and so is inflation.

Biden shares the blame (along with many others) as he did support the things that has led us to where we are now.
Biden shares the blame (along with many others) as he did support the things that has led us to where we are now.

Lol 😂 like what? He didn't cause the pandemic or the collapse of market demand for oil and gas.

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