Just paid $240.00 to fill my tank (3/4 of it that is) and 4 bags of groceries. Who are you voting for?

My granddaughter is very honorable and responsible. She grew up poor, worked all the way thru college. I'm happy to see her and lots of other young people get a little help.
Whatever the reason for the Social Security increase, I'm glad to receive it. I hear Republicans would like to cancel Social Security benefits if they could.
Oh, by the way, those automatic Social Security COLAs that occur due to whatever inflation is in any given year was signed into law in 1972 by Richard Nixon, a Republican. Biden had zero to do with it. The only involvement Biden has had in Social Security is that he voted to tax more of it in 1993 as well as other huge taxes increases with a Democrat majority in both houses of Congress and Bill Clinton signed it into law. That plus Hillary's disastrous health care reform plan is what cost the Democrats both houses of Congress in the election of1994.
Progs have passed legislation that has us printing trillions and trillions of dollars. Much more than the economy declined due to Covid shutdowns. Repubs will at least stop that. You have voted for people who are impoverishing people you say you represent.

The Repubs had the White House, Senate and House for two years and managed to almost double the deficit.
LOL The South Pacific mainly.
Undeveloped rain forest you @sshole.
They grow their on guava. :^)

Canada, our Drowning in Oil Northern Neighbor, has 7.6% Inflation.
UK 10.1%
etc through the MOST of the First World.

Is there a translation program to convert that ^^^^^^^^^^^^ to English?

Meanwhile of course, fresh off of giving away 2 trillion to "stimulate" the economy (handouts to free loaders) Biden is going to give trillions more out to free loading students! Thank you so much SCOTUS for, at least for now, for screwing over the people who pay for everything!
I paid fifty six dollars for a ten pound bag of ribeye.
Is there a translation program to convert that ^^^^^^^^^^^^ to English?

You're a deceptive little shlt but too stupid to pull it off.
Try comparing the USA to other Western developed countries, including out Oil-Rich neighbor to the North.

Blo me!

Meanwhile of course, fresh off of giving away 2 trillion to "stimulate" the economy (handouts to free loaders) Biden is going to give trillions more out to free loading students! Thank you so much SCOTUS for, at least for now, for screwing over the people who pay for everything!

Why is it that PEOPLE who get money from the government are "freeloaders", but corporations and billionaires who get money from the government are not???

How have you managed to let Republicans convince you that when YOU get money from the government, it's a bad thing, but when the government gives your money to a business or an investor, it's a good thing? PEOPLE spend that money on things they want or need, and that creates jobs for everyone.

If I can afford to go out to dinner once a week, that helps the local restaurants make money. If I can't afford to go out and only eat at home, they'll go out of business. They're small family owned diners. What my friend calls "cheap and cheerful". Part of the community. They sponsor local events, and kids teams.
You're a deceptive little shlt but too stupid to pull it off.
Try comparing the USA to other Western developed countries, including out Oil-Rich neighbor to the North.

Blo me!


You have to dumb down your posts for OK to comprehend what you said. The post was entirely too correct and accurate for him to ever admit you're right.
Because creepy Joe cancelled the Keystone pipeline THE DAY HE TOOK OFFICE. That would have supplied 800,000 barrels of oil PER DAY into the market. That would stabilize supply and bring down cost.

He's done all he can to cause gas prices to go up so people would buy into this electric car bullshit. All it's done is make people angry and want him OUT.

Higher energy prices also run up the price of everything else.

hey!! dont complain!! gas went down 10 cents this week!! wow! thank you joe biden! now I can afford to put 5 gallons in my gas tank!!
Have never seen so many right wingers who are so poor that they cant pay for gas or food & complain all the time. Thought you said it was left leans that cried for reductions all the time.
You're a deceptive little shlt but too stupid to pull it off.
Try comparing the USA to other Western developed countries, including out Oil-Rich neighbor to the North.

Blo me!


You know large fonts just make your stupidity more obvious, right?
including out Oil-Rich neighbor to the North.
what the fuck does that mean? ROFLMFAO


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