Just paid $240.00 to fill my tank (3/4 of it that is) and 4 bags of groceries. Who are you voting for?

Yeah, being treated much better than US citizens. And history shows 96% of those asylum seekers aren't qualified for it and the vast majority won't show up for their hearing.


The problem of illegals is easily solved. Neither party wants to do it. Trump's wall is a silly vanity.
Can you imagine if people like you (MAGA turds) actually embraced something new and better? More EVs = less demand for gasoline. And what happens when demand is less? Well, any none MAGA economist will tell you that the price drops. But since you're in the cult...I'm sure you think less demand will equal higher prices in the same way you guys think exporters pay tariffs.

And of course, at no point, did anyone try to make the fossil fuel industry the "enemy of the state". Virtually the only people who throw around the term are MAGA turds like yourself when you want to villify someone.
EVs will NEVER be the majority on the road. Ever. But you’re stupid enough to run out and buy one at almost double the price of a gas powered vehicle. Xiden states he was going to end the oil and gas industries as well as coal. But assholes like you keep denying it because.....cult.
The Repubs had the White House, Senate and House for two years and managed to almost double the deficit.

2016, Obama's last year, the deficit was $585b

Trump's first three years
The deficit in 2017 was $665b
The deficit in 2018 was $779b
The deficit in 2019 when the Democrats took over Congress $984.

The deficit in 2020 with a Democrat controlled Congress along with Trump initiatives to combat COVID was $3,132 because the government had to cover most of the population that the government was not allowing to work.

Obama's first four years:
The deficit in 2009 was $1,413b
The deficit in 2010 was $1,294b
The deficit in 2011 was $1,300b
The deficit in 2012 was $1,077b

Biden's first year:
The deficit in 2021 was $2772
The deficit this year is projected to be $1,000b which may or may not hold up. It won't be less than that.

Do you want to try again to demonize Republicans over the deficit issue?

What kind of tank are you filling if $240 only filled it up 2/3? I just paid $600 to fill my heating oil tank.

Ok, first of all it was 3/4 of a tank, second as you'll notice in my thread title it was also four bags of groceries.

Looking at my receipt for the gas, $5.79 a gallon, 25 gallons, $144.75. The rest was groceries.
I am voting a straight Democrat ticket in November. Here is why:
1) The Student Loan Forgiveness Act helps my granddaughter with her student loans.
2) Biden is helping retirees like me, get a great increase in their Social Security checks as of January 2023.
I drive a car that's good on gas. I eat healthy, simple foods, so my grocery bill is reasonable. It's more than it used to be, but I do OK.
I think the Democrats have a good chance to take the House AND the Senate in November 2022. :)

1. The courts have paused implementation of the program because it is likely unconstitutional for Biden to impose.
2. Your SS increase is set by law. Biden has NOTHING to do with it.
I am glad for you, but the Dems have already given up on the House and will likely lose the Senate.
I am voting a straight Democrat ticket in November. Here is why:
1) The Student Loan Forgiveness Act helps my granddaughter with her student loans.
2) Biden is helping retirees like me, get a great increase in their Social Security checks as of January 2023.
I drive a car that's good on gas. I eat healthy, simple foods, so my grocery bill is reasonable. It's more than it used to be, but I do OK.
I think the Democrats have a good chance to take the House AND the Senate in November 2022. :)

You could have simply said "I am stupid" and not bothered with the rest of your post.
My granddaughter is very honorable and responsible. She grew up poor, worked all the way thru college. I'm happy to see her and lots of other young people get a little help.
Whatever the reason for the Social Security increase, I'm glad to receive it. I hear Republicans would like to cancel Social Security benefits if they could.
Why should she get help? My daughter served 6 years in the Army to pay for her education! Does she get a refund? No!

You heard wrong. That is one of the libs favorite lies.
Ok, first of all it was 3/4 of a tank, second as you'll notice in my thread title it was also four bags of groceries.

Looking at my receipt for the gas, $5.79 a gallon, 25 gallons, $144.75. The rest was groceries.

My daughter paid $3.15
Silly vanity? That is why the Border Patrol loves it?

I used to know some Border Patrol agents in Marfa and Alpine way back in the early 1970s. They do a good job and now there's 21,000 of them.

The wall was Trump's monument to his ego.. There are solutions that have been extremely successful in other countries without violence.
Meanwhile of course, fresh off of giving away 2 trillion to "stimulate" the economy (handouts to free loaders) Biden is going to give trillions more out to free loading students! Thank you so much SCOTUS for, at least for now, for screwing over the people who pay for everything!
I pay $2k a month for fuel, not including groceries and other sundries. Do you want sympathy? Do you want me to blame the president? We don't get a choice in where the government chooses to appropriate our tax money.

What's the fuck is the point of bellyaching? Do you believe fuel will ever get below $2 again? Diesel?

If so, then you apparently live in a bubble of bullshit, and I don't really care about your concerns.
2016, Obama's last year, the deficit was $585b

Trump's first three years
The deficit in 2017 was $665b
The deficit in 2018 was $779b
The deficit in 2019 when the Democrats took over Congress $984.

The deficit in 2020 with a Democrat controlled Congress along with Trump initiatives to combat COVID was $3,132 because the government had to cover most of the population that the government was not allowing to work.

Obama's first four years:
The deficit in 2009 was $1,413b
The deficit in 2010 was $1,294b
The deficit in 2011 was $1,300b
The deficit in 2012 was $1,077b

Biden's first year:
The deficit in 2021 was $2772
The deficit this year is projected to be $1,000b which may or may not hold up. It won't be less than that.

Do you want to try again to demonize Republicans over the deficit issue?

That's quite a Deceptive and Blatant Piece of CHERRY PICKING you Slime bag!
Starting with 2009.
"Fiscal Year" 2009 is mostly laid out in Oct 2008. The first year of the Bush Crash and rescue spending: some already in the cards. Obama doesn't become Prez until Jan 20, 2009 and he and his congress can't do much in the way of spending for many months.
And it goes DOWN significantly in ALL but the last Obama year which is why you DISHONESTLY leave out 2013-2016 too.

2008 was $459b
2009 was $1,413b
2010 was $1,294b
2011 was $1,300b
2012 was $1,077b
2013 was $680b
2014 was $485b
2015 was $442b
2016 was $585b
2017 was $665b
2018 was $779b
2019 was $984b
2020 was $3,132b
2021 was $2,772b

Most notable is the deficit going Down Steadily through the Obama years, until it was BELOW BUSH last non-Crash year: 2008.
442 (2015) vs 459 (2008)
Doubling to $984b by 2019, Trump's second/third non-COVID year.

Trump, who you skip except to say he "combatted" the deficit! you DISHONEST Slimeball.
It's just "Biden's deficit" all of a sudden!

And you seem to Mix and Match who's President and who's in congress for partsian sake.
But the President sets the Budget tone/bulges as Trump did by ballooning Military spending.
Trump/His congress also passed an UNPAID FOR Tax cut in 2017 eventually costing Trillions that will raise the deficit for 10 years.
But for the first year or two it doesn't hurt Revs/Deficit because people/Corps jump on the lower rate to take profits. Also that cut it was Optimistically based on the econ growing every year .. but C19 hit blowing up even bad numbers into disastrous ones.

I am a financial professional, you are a Slimy Partisan Hack.
But obviously even you know the dishonesty you tried.

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I'm all for EV's, and I welcome their participation in allowing individuals the right to stay away from the state's sponsored mass transit. But we need a balance, and we need to get rid of leaders like Biturd who demonize the oil industry. We need oil, we need the products that are based in oil.
Balanced? You mean like more TVs to create a balance between ICEs and EVs?

Yet somehow your blob wants to "get rid of" EVs. Care to explain your support for Mara lard ass when he is diametrically opposed to what you're wanting?

EVs will NEVER be the majority on the road.
Probably true.
Ever. But you’re stupid enough to run out and buy one at almost double the price of a gas powered vehicle.
No..actually I own a car with an internal combustion engine. But I look forward to buying an EV.
More EVS=a lowered demand for gasoline. Lowered demand = lower prices. Those are the laws of economics.
Meanwhile of course, fresh off of giving away 2 trillion to "stimulate" the economy (handouts to free loaders) Biden is going to give trillions more out to free loading students! Thank you so much SCOTUS for, at least for now, for screwing over the people who pay for everything!

Really? You come on this forum all the time, and your "argument" is so simplistic it would make an elementary school kid cry from embarrassment.
Meanwhile of course, fresh off of giving away 2 trillion to "stimulate" the economy (handouts to free loaders) Biden is going to give trillions more out to free loading students! Thank you so much SCOTUS for, at least for now, for screwing over the people who pay for everything!

Do you have an education? These young people are our future.
Meanwhile of course, fresh off of giving away 2 trillion to "stimulate" the economy (handouts to free loaders) Biden is going to give trillions more out to free loading students! Thank you so much SCOTUS for, at least for now, for screwing over the people who pay for everything!

Why the fuck do you have a vehicle so big?

I'm totally on the side of "More Oil" but dude, I have zero sympathy if you need to spend $240 to fill up your vehicle.

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