Just paid $240.00 to fill my tank (3/4 of it that is) and 4 bags of groceries. Who are you voting for?

So Biden won fair and square?

A simple yes or no please.

I don't know if the entire election was "fair and square" but I have all along been willing to accept the outcome.

So tell us, was the 2000 election (Florida) stolen? The 2004 (Ohio) stolen? 2016 (Russia)? I always get a kick how you guys point fingers and call everyone names for not accepting the outcome of 2020, but you conveniently forget about the times your side raised holy hell for years about the examples I give here!
Why not? Repeat after me... 2020 election was stolen in the middle of the night.

Maybe, maybe not. I simply do not know one way or the other. Obviously there were "irregularities", but I have no idea what to believe and what not to believe.
This is what Americans should focus, if gives you the facts about which side wants to destroy the fossil fuel industry.

Biden: “I Guarantee You We’re Going To End Fossil Fuel”​

Maybe, maybe not. I simply do not know one way or the other. Obviously there were "irregularities", but I have no idea what to believe and what not to believe.

You can be politically correct and call it "irregularities". That's what happens when you're afraid of them.
Blaming Biden is silly. He's not an oil executive.. and the problem of high oil and gas prices is world wide and so is inflation.
He said in his campaign he was going after US Oil Companies. He said so without a viable backup or alternative. You can point to the rest of the world all you want but optics aren’t everything in an ejection.

Meanwhile of course, fresh off of giving away 2 trillion to "stimulate" the economy (handouts to free loaders) Biden is going to give trillions more out to free loading students! Thank you so much SCOTUS for, at least for now, for screwing over the people who pay for everything!
Quit whining. Buy a BLM T-shirt and just "liberate" that shit. If da popo cum near repeat " I CAN'TZ BREEVE" Until you're hoarse. It'sall good !
I don't know if the entire election was "fair and square" but I have all along been willing to accept the outcome.

So tell us, was the 2000 election (Florida) stolen? The 2004 (Ohio) stolen? 2016 (Russia)? I always get a kick how you guys point fingers and call everyone names for not accepting the outcome of 2020, but you conveniently forget about the times your side raised holy hell for years about the examples I give here!
There's at Least EVIDENCE of error (2000) or Criminality, especially in 2016.

Mueller indicted 12 Russians by name and seat position for hacking Hillary/the DNC, releasing it thru wikileaks, and turning off a large amount or Bernie voters in a close election.
Putin pulled off the greatest intelligence coup of all time.
A mistake the Dems didn't make again in 2020. Bernie fans came out. THAT is how Biden got 80 million votes.

Comey, shockingly announcing an investigation of Hillary just days before the election.
Nonetheless she called Trump to congratulate him and concede in a gracious speech.

2020 OTOH "Stolen" was a preposterous Fraud Made up by Trump who was claiming 'voter fraud' even when down 10 points in the polls!
WTF is that?
who else would try that?
All the while HE and his allies were trying to steal said election. Separate fraudulent electors etc., and finally the coup attempt and trying to coerce his VP.

No comparison.
He said in his campaign he was going after US Oil Companies. He said so without a viable backup or alternative. You can point to the rest of the world all you want but optics aren’t everything in an ejection.

But it tells you which side wants to kill the fossil fuel industry. HINT: It's not the GOP.
Energy policy is one of the key things for a President. You disagree with his.

You're in the cult.

You disagree with someone but will powerlessly vote for him without question.

Drink the kool aid.

Energy policy is one of the key things for a President.
Feel free to point where that is included in USSC, article 2.

1; Groceries are high because of corporate price gauging. All of the stores and manufactures have been raising prices for a few years now to take advantage of the pandemic.

2; The gas prices are not caused by the President. They are caused by intentional decisions by the oil companies themselves. Oil companies have a long history of creating false shortages in order to raise prices. They drill far more than they need to fulfill their contracts, and they stockpile the rest. They then stop drilling and allow the gas that's already on the market to be used up, and the fact that they are not actively drilling enough to meet demand causes the prices to skyrocket. Then they slowly start to sell the stockpiled gas at a large markup.

Also, I would like to know what exactly the OP bought grocery wise. Because even at $5 per gallon, 3/4 of a tank of gas wouldn't cost anyone near $240 bucks, unless he was driving some huge gas gusling truck, which if that is the case is his own fault. If you drive a vehicle that has a 30 gallon tank and gets 10 miles a gallon, then I have no pity for you paying more to keep t filled up.
He said in his campaign he was going after US Oil Companies. He said so without a viable backup or alternative. You can point to the rest of the world all you want but optics aren’t everything in an ejection.
Has PRODUCTION , you know, the # of Barrels Produced decreased in 2022?
Do you need a chart, a table or a Hannity to tell you?

You don't think it's necessary for the President to have an energy policy?


Actually it is required. The feds have no authority to play God on energy or anything else that's not within their enumerated powers. So if you can't show it to me, he ain't got it.

Dumb ass it did create thousands of jobs. God you useless twats on the left lie holy crap! But hey go ahead, justify killing even 100 working class jobs in the dead of winter. Go ahead defend Biden. You can't, now run away in shame.

Temporary pipeline construction jobs...and perhaps two dozen permanent jobs. Pipelines are monitored in real time for flow rate and pressure by computers. The keystone XL is no benefit to US taxpayers or consumers. It's an environmental liability.
The only reason the economy took a hit in 2020 was because Fauci recommended it and governors shut down all but the big businesses that reliably line politicians' pockets. President Trump recommended a two week shut down to slow the spread--probably the wrong call but it was based on the advice of 'experts' that Democrats seem to idolize--but when he said we needed to be opening up again, he was ignored by the Democrats. And yes, a LOT of federal dollars went into dealing with the pandemic itself and keeping millions of Americans from starving because they were not allowed to work, not because they couldn't, wouldn't or didn't want to work.

Governors who opened up quickly and allowed people to live their lives enjoyed good economies and happy populations. Those who went full blown totalitarian increased the misery while not helping much of anything.

I'm sorry but I can't help but believe that those who think the Democrats did the better job through all that, or who think Biden is doing a better job than Trump, are woefully uneducated and ignorant in that respect. Or they are among the deep state operatives determined to destroy the America that was and install their NWO vision that enriches them and keeps them in power forever.

Dumbest post of the day.

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