Just paid $240.00 to fill my tank (3/4 of it that is) and 4 bags of groceries. Who are you voting for?

Has PRODUCTION , you know, the # of Barrels Produced decreased in 2022?
Do you need a chart, a table or a Hannity to tell you?
INCREASED domestic production means little , even record production levels out of the US in the face of INCREASED domestic regulations forcing INCREASED dependence on foreign oil supply as geopolitical instability INCREASES globally.

Perhaps it is yourself that needs to read a couple of Economic books - specifically, the impacts of egregious regulatory policy and global geopolitical instability regardless of record production levels.
That's quite an accomplishment for someone with supposed mental incapacities. Maybe the bar was just set really low.

Trump had a great economy until Potatohead's Chicom buddies* released their bio weapon to destroy it. Trump turned over a post pandemic recovering economy to Potatohead complete with a vaccine but Potatohead fucked it up. Not only he did he have more Covid deaths but now we have massive inflation, decreased family income, high cost of energy, millions of Illegals, stolen election, increased taxes, destructive woke policies, weakened military and a foreign policiy that is a joke.

*Chicoms that made the Potatohead family filthy rich.
Trump had a great economy until Potatohead's Chicom buddies* released their bio weapon to destroy it.

If the economy was so great we wouldn't have been continually pumping billions and billions of dollars.
1; Groceries are high because of corporate price gauging. All of the stores and manufactures have been raising prices for a few years now to take advantage of the pandemic.

2; The gas prices are not caused by the President. They are caused by intentional decisions by the oil companies themselves. Oil companies have a long history of creating false shortages in order to raise prices. They drill far more than they need to fulfill their contracts, and they stockpile the rest. They then stop drilling and allow the gas that's already on the market to be used up, and the fact that they are not actively drilling enough to meet demand causes the prices to skyrocket. Then they slowly start to sell the stockpiled gas at a large markup.

Also, I would like to know what exactly the OP bought grocery wise. Because even at $5 per gallon, 3/4 of a tank of gas wouldn't cost anyone near $240 bucks, unless he was driving some huge gas gusling truck, which if that is the case is his own fault. If you drive a vehicle that has a 30 gallon tank and gets 10 miles a gallon, then I have no pity for you paying more to keep t filled up.

Millions of Americans purchased vehicles that get 15-20 miles per gallon at a time when gas prices were stable, and we had a president who was not hostile towards the oil industry. I have several vehicles, one gets as much as 35 miles per gallon. The one I used that I've been referring to gets 15-20, but is necessary for work purposes.
I didn't spend $240 to fill it, I spent $144, the rest was groceries.
Millions of Americans purchased vehicles that get 15-20 miles per gallon at a time when gas prices were stable, and we had a president who was not hostile towards the oil industry. I have several vehicles, one gets as much as 35 miles per gallon. The one I used that I've been referring to gets 15-20, but is necessary for work purposes.
I didn't spend $240 to fill it, I spent $144, the rest was groceries.

Gas prices have not been stable since we allowed just anyone to get into the markets.
Yeah, skyrocketing gas and grocery prices are part of the marxist agenda, but watching that stuttering fucktard scream at the sky and shake hands with his invisible friends is almost worth it. You know it's got 4 lbs of runny shit in its diaper too.... but laughing and pointing at it will be hard to give up.
Gas prices have not been stable since we allowed just anyone to get into the markets.

Compared to now, prices were much more stable and quite reasonable before Bidung took office. I'll take those days over what we have now any day!!
Compared to now, prices were much more stable and quite reasonable before Bidung took office. I'll take those days over what we have now any day!!

Were they stable when oil went to $145 a barrel under Bush? Were they stable when a barrel went to $23 under Trump? (By November it was back to over $50).

Do you consider that stable?
Because the stupid incompetent sonofabitch stole an election from the American people and has fucked up the US to kiss the ass of the greedy Leftest and Environmental Wacko filth in this country with destructive government policies that caused the problems. you haven't posted anything to support

Please explain how a "stupid incompetent sonofabitch stole the election from the American people?

Explain how President Biden "has fucked up the U.S. to kiss the ass of the greedy Leftest and Environmental Wacho filth in this country with destructive government policies that cause the problems?

BTW: The Election of 2020 was not stolen.

Of course, if you can't respond to these questions feel free to use an emoticon, and/or insult my response to your post.
Oil companies have to make a profit in order to invest in drilling and exploration.. even reserve management costs money.
Most investments are paid for through government grants and tax rebates. The oil business is one of the most subsidized busineses in the world. Statistically very little of their actual profits go towards investments. Most of their direct profits go to bonuses for executives And shareholder dividends or stock buybacks. The vast majority of money that goes towards investments is Tax money that they either get special deductions for or or or special grants paid out of the general tax fund.
Millions of Americans purchased vehicles that get 15-20 miles per gallon at a time when gas prices were stable, and we had a president who was not hostile towards the oil industry. I have several vehicles, one gets as much as 35 miles per gallon. The one I used that I've been referring to gets 15-20, but is necessary for work purposes.
I didn't spend $240 to fill it, I spent $144, the rest was groceries.
And they had to pay more in gas overall because of that. On average you have toGas at least twice a week to keep a Car that gets less than 20 miles a gallon is gallon fueled. I don't really feel sorry for someone who knowingly buys a vehicle that gets bad gas mileage and has to pay more for it. It's like blaming the president ifYou bought a house with a leak for damage to your property
Most investments are paid for through government grants and tax rebates. The oil business is one of the most subsidized busineses in the world. Statistically very little of their actual profits go towards investments. Most of their direct profits go to bonuses for executives And shareholder dividends or stock buybacks. The vast majority of money that goes towards investments is Tax money that they either get special deductions for or or or special grants paid out of the general tax fund.

Who owns bog oil?

And they had to pay more in gas overall because of that. On average you have toGas at least twice a week to keep a Car that gets less than 20 miles a gallon is gallon fueled. I don't really feel sorry for someone who knowingly buys a vehicle that gets bad gas mileage and has to pay more for it. It's like blaming the president ifYou bought a house with a leak for damage to your property

So what do you expect people who need vehicles that don't get particularly good gas mileage for work purposes? Millions of Americans use trucks for their livelihood. These extra costs will only get carried over to the consumer. But oh well, you don't care.

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