Just paid $240.00 to fill my tank (3/4 of it that is) and 4 bags of groceries. Who are you voting for?

I'm all for EV's, and I welcome their participation in allowing individuals the right to stay away from the state's sponsored mass transit. But we need a balance, and we need to get rid of leaders like Biturd who demonize the oil industry. We need oil, we need the products that are based in oil.
Anyone with any size brain, maybe even you, can see that the oil industry right now is maximizing their profits because they see their future is now very limited.
It should be of no surprise to anyone, even woketurds, why pump prices began to rise IMMEDIATELY after Biturd became president.
The US produces more oil than anyone else in the world.
1; Groceries are high because of corporate price gauging. All of the stores and manufactures have been raising prices for a few years now to take advantage of the pandemic.

2; The gas prices are not caused by the President. They are caused by intentional decisions by the oil companies themselves. Oil companies have a long history of creating false shortages in order to raise prices. They drill far more than they need to fulfill their contracts, and they stockpile the rest. They then stop drilling and allow the gas that's already on the market to be used up, and the fact that they are not actively drilling enough to meet demand causes the prices to skyrocket. Then they slowly start to sell the stockpiled gas at a large markup.

Also, I would like to know what exactly the OP bought grocery wise. Because even at $5 per gallon, 3/4 of a tank of gas wouldn't cost anyone near $240 bucks, unless he was driving some huge gas gusling truck, which if that is the case is his own fault. If you drive a vehicle that has a 30 gallon tank and gets 10 miles a gallon, then I have no pity for you paying more to keep t filled up.

Oil companies have to make a profit in order to invest in drilling and exploration.. even reserve management costs money.
According to the Trumpettes Trump was misled by Fauci and the Dems even though Fauci is a Republican.

I like Fauci. He sometimes had to tread carefully when Trump was playing the medical expert, but Fauci did a good job dealing with an unknown Corona virus.
I like Fauci. He sometimes had to tread carefully when Trump was playing the medical expert, but Fauci did a good job dealing with an unknown Corona virus.
The fact that he did his job sure pisses of the disgruntled Trumpettes because Trump ran from his responsibility.
The fact that he did his job sure pisses of the disgruntled Trumpettes because Trump ran from his responsibility.

I am not Trumpette. I do not care for Fauci. Fauci has pushed and pushed for the funding to create these kinds of viruses which IMO is something we never should be doing.

Fauci did commit perjury in testimony. I have consistently argued for prosecution for those who do that, even though I know it's never going to happen.

Is there a problem with me holding these positions?
I am not Trumpette. I do not care for Fauci. Fauci has pushed and pushed for the funding to create these kinds of viruses which IMO is something we never should be doing.

Fauci did commit perjury in testimony. I have consistently argued for prosecution for those who do that, even though I know it's never going to happen.

Is there a problem with me holding these positions?
If you understood how research was conducted and why you'd stop being squimish.
Meanwhile of course, fresh off of giving away 2 trillion to "stimulate" the economy (handouts to free loaders) Biden is going to give trillions more out to free loading students! Thank you so much SCOTUS for, at least for now, for screwing over the people who pay for everything!

Why blame Biden?
Because the stupid incompetent sonofabitch stole an election from the American people and has fucked up the US to kiss the ass of the greedy Leftest and Environmental Wacko filth in this country with destructive government policies that caused the problems.
Because the stupid incompetent sonofabitch stole an election from the American people and has fucked up the US to kiss the ass of the greedy Leftest and Environmental Wacko filth in this country with destructive government policies that caused the problems.

That's quite an accomplishment for someone with supposed mental incapacities. Maybe the bar was just set really low.

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