Just praising Trump for the strong economy???

There's no comparisons between "You didn't build that!" and MAGA. The former runs on underachieving, food stamps and unemployment; the latter beat ISIS, revamped the tax code, got NoKo to start acting sane and is looking at 4% GDP growth
Obama saying to American business owners, they didn't build that. Is the most ridiculous thing a president has ever said.

ONLY to idiots like you it musty have sounded "ridiculous".....
OF COURSE, moron, tax payers' dollars helped to build a bridge.....but NO SINGLE business owner could have done the same.....

Did you graduate from junior high???
Obama wasn't talking to just one business owner, he was talking to all of them fucktard. Which if it wasn't for them, there would be no roads. We also know, liberals want everyone reliant on government. This is the kinda junk that gave us Trump, so please keep it up.

LOL... Sorry dude that is the old republic talk.. Your party wants to make all of your decisions via Government while stealing your money , plus raise the Debt.. all of the things that you hated Obama for , you are letting this cabinet get away with and excuse ..

Your Less Government, and less Debt party is gone..


These top 1% will use their tax saving to buy Robots and lay off their employees

Robots could take over 38% of U.S. jobs within about 15 years, report says

Robots could take over 38% of U.S. jobs within about 15 years, report says

They were doing that because of the minimum wage laws being put in place.

These robots will not have sick days, birthdays, holidays, health insurance, they will work 24/7 , never complain of the work conditions nor sexual harassment.
How do you compete with a robot?


You can't. Instead you have to do something they can't. That's how it works. Using government to try and control the marketplace is stupid, and leads to technology replacing workers. What you all need to realize is a service based economy (which is what obummer was trying to convert us into) is a economy with no upward mobility. A worker gets placed into a job and that is where they remain for the rest of their lives.

A manufacturing based economy actually PRODUCES wealth (service based economies produce no wealth) and that allows for mobility in all of the other aspects of an economy.
Which if it wasn't for them, there would be no roads. We also know, liberals want everyone reliant on government

So, Mr. fuck head......why don't morons like you wait for Apple or AT&T to build a wall on the Mexican border......LOL
while Obama tried to put men in girls locker rooms.

A cross-dressing Trump ass-kisser??? I bet you look good in nylons.
A liberal utopia.
Which if it wasn't for them, there would be no roads. We also know, liberals want everyone reliant on government

So, Mr. fuck head......why don't morons like you wait for Apple or AT&T to build a wall on the Mexican border......LOL

Thanks to trumps policies Apple is bringing 250 to 350 BILLION dollars back to the USA that they were keeping away thanks to obummer policies. You can build a pretty damned good wall with that now can't you.
[QUOTE="jknowgood, post: 19100154, member: 24535"]Government can't do Shit without the tax payers, and that is a fact.[/QUOTE]

WOW......what a "brilliant" deduction.......

(the above is right wing intelligentsia at it "best".........LOL)
Yeah and liberal intelligentsia.
Obama saying to American business owners, they didn't build that. Is the most ridiculous thing a president has ever said.

ONLY to idiots like you it musty have sounded "ridiculous".....
OF COURSE, moron, tax payers' dollars helped to build a bridge.....but NO SINGLE business owner could have done the same.....

Did you graduate from junior high???
Obama wasn't talking to just one business owner, he was talking to all of them fucktard. Which if it wasn't for them, there would be no roads. We also know, liberals want everyone reliant on government. This is the kinda junk that gave us Trump, so please keep it up.

LOL... Sorry dude that is the old republic talk.. Your party wants to make all of your decisions via Government while stealing your money , plus raise the Debt.. all of the things that you hated Obama for , you are letting this cabinet get away with and excuse ..

Your Less Government, and less Debt party is gone..

My party just gave me a tax break. Lol wants to take my money. Lol
The DOW increased by 2,000 points starting a year ago tomorrow. I'm sure Barry Hussein held the economy back on purpose just to give a republican administration credit. At least the radical left admits the economy is strong. That's progress even if the bi-polar hypocrites on the left love it and hate it at the same time.
looking at 4% GDP growth

LOL(keep looking, Frankie)

It is important to note that real GDP growth in the first quarter was only 1.4 percent, (It was actually revised down to 1.2 percent in the BEA’s recent advance estimate.) Real GDP growth during the first half of the year was 2 percent, almost precisely the growth the economy has experienced since this economic expansion began eight years ago.

These top 1% will use their tax saving to buy Robots and lay off their employees

Robots could take over 38% of U.S. jobs within about 15 years, report says

Robots could take over 38% of U.S. jobs within about 15 years, report says

They were doing that because of the minimum wage laws being put in place.

These robots will not have sick days, birthdays, holidays, health insurance, they will work 24/7 , never complain of the work conditions nor sexual harassment.
How do you compete with a robot?


You can't. Instead you have to do something they can't. That's how it works. Using government to try and control the marketplace is stupid, and leads to technology replacing workers. What you all need to realize is a service based economy (which is what obummer was trying to convert us into) is a economy with no upward mobility. A worker gets placed into a job and that is where they remain for the rest of their lives.

A manufacturing based economy actually PRODUCES wealth (service based economies produce no wealth) and that allows for mobility in all of the other aspects of an economy.

Who is the one promising coal workers jobs..? This type of job is gone.

Obama was pushing for the future not the past like Trump promises these impoverished people.

Seriously Westie what can a human do that a Robot will not be able to do? Except for human touch of coarse..

Obama was pushing for the future not the past like Trump promises these impoverished people.

Trump.....to get a few more votes.....would have promised lots of jobs to typewriters' manufacturers.
looking at 4% GDP growth

LOL(keep looking, Frankie)

It is important to note that real GDP growth in the first quarter was only 1.4 percent, (It was actually revised down to 1.2 percent in the BEA’s recent advance estimate.) Real GDP growth during the first half of the year was 2 percent, almost precisely the growth the economy has experienced since this economic expansion began eight years ago.
I know you're a believer in the Bernie Sanders Venezuela Central Planning model, but now that the tax cuts have passed and banking regulation will be changed to allow banks to lend again, 4% is a real target
The DOW increased by 2,000 points starting a year ago tomorrow. I'm sure Barry Hussein held the economy back on purpose just to give a republican administration credit. At least the radical left admits the economy is strong. That's progress even if the bi-polar hypocrites on the left love it and hate it at the same time.
Trump stock market performance eclipsed by Obama and Bush
How does that translate to better infrastructure?
Thanks to trumps policies Apple is bringing 250 to 350 BILLION dollars back to the USA that they were keeping away thanks to obummer policies.

Such right wing "forgiveness" for tax-dodgers......LOL

How Apple and Other Corporations Move Profit to Avoid Taxes - The ...

Apple defends moving offshore profits to the tax haven of Jersey

Highlights Of Apple's Tax Dodging - Americans For Tax Fairness

This makes me angry...


obummers policies are what led to them doing that, place the blame where it belongs. Right on obummers policies.

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