Just praising Trump for the strong economy???

It's Trump's economy now. Watch and weep if you must, but ask yourselves if your tears are for a wealthier America or Obama's crumbling legacy.

Trumps economy IS Obama's legacy
Please read this informative Forbes article and access the document mentioned in the last paragraph..

Trump's Economic Scorecard: One Year Since Inauguration

This Saturday is the one year anniversary of President Donald Trump’s election. Over the past year, the stock market has boomed, GDP growth has improved and unemployment is at an almost 17-year low. However, job gains were lower than any of the past six years and wage growth was less than last year.

President Trump inherited an economy that was on a good trajectory with solid job growth and low unemployment. Trump's own mark on the economy will be based on the long-term impact of his new tax laws.

We have developed a publicly available Google document, which tracks over 100 indicators to help evaluate the progress and potential of “Make America Great Again.”

Trump's Economic Scorecard: One Year Since Inauguration
Why do you support a damn Trickle Down again? It has never worked. It is just a lie so you kollaide drinkers can sit around and wait for $$ that never comes...Instead you will find that you gave all your money to the top 1% and you are screwed again..

Well, actually the right wing whores in congress made sure that the riff-raff gets some crumbs since, in their eternal stupidity, they then "think" that these bribed whores care about them......

The reality is that these right wing idiots on here do NOT understand that they will have to pay back those crumbs (with interest) AND ALSO will have to pay back the huge loaves that the wealthy got.....while the wealthy just LAUGH at how easily they fooled...fools.
/-----/ Folks, here's a perfect example of how Libtards demean and begrudge any good economic progress from the Republicans. democRATS don't want folks having any more discretionary income. They want the Government to control it all and dole out little crumbs to those who march in lockstep. Dems talk a good game but never deliver. Trump keeps his promises and Libtards can't stand it.
Trump train.jpg
Tell me, what government built all the infrastructure? Yes from the beginning people have built our roads and infrastructure, not government.

Be "proud" right wingers that your have this caliber of intellect among you........(what a fucking moron.......LOL)
/----/ JK makes a valid point and you can't refute it so you resort to name calling.
Trump keeps his promises and Libtards can't stand it.

LOL.....Here's a short list of Trump's "promises"....YOU JUDGE.

Repeal and replace Obamacare- empty campaign promise.

Label China a currency manipulator- empty campaign promise.

Drain the swamp - empty campaign promise.

Bring back coal mining jobs - empty campaign promise.

Solve the North Korea problem - empty campaign promise.

Build the Wall - empty campaign promise.

Peace in the Middle East - empty campaign promise.

Get us a “better deal” with China empty campaign promise.

Lock Hillary Clinton up - empty campaign promise.

Play less golf and take fewer vacations than Obama - empty campaign promise.
Why do you support a damn Trickle Down again? It has never worked. It is just a lie so you kollaide drinkers can sit around and wait for $$ that never comes...Instead you will find that you gave all your money to the top 1% and you are screwed again..

Well, actually the right wing whores in congress made sure that the riff-raff gets some crumbs since, in their eternal stupidity, they then "think" that these bribed whores care about them......

The reality is that these right wing idiots on here do NOT understand that they will have to pay back those crumbs (with interest) AND ALSO will have to pay back the huge loaves that the wealthy got.....while the wealthy just LAUGH at how easily they fooled...fools.

Seems like the news sources that they watch tend to overlook these important tax issues .. How convenient ~


Trump keeps his promises and Libtards can't stand it.

LOL.....Here's a short list of Trump's "promises"....YOU JUDGE.

Repeal and replace Obamacare- empty campaign promise.

Label China a currency manipulator- empty campaign promise.

Drain the swamp - empty campaign promise.

Bring back coal mining jobs - empty campaign promise.

Solve the North Korea problem - empty campaign promise.

Build the Wall - empty campaign promise.

Peace in the Middle East - empty campaign promise.

Get us a “better deal” with China empty campaign promise.

Lock Hillary Clinton up - empty campaign promise.

Play less golf and take fewer vacations than Obama - empty campaign promise.
/-----/ He's actually making progress on all of those. BTW it was John McLame who torpedoed the Obozocare repeal and you know it.
I see, so the first 1-2 years only applies when a Democrat term follows a Republican term. Dumbass.

Fuck head WHO stated that Obama's first 2 years were good???

The point that escapes your limited brain cells is this....

ANY administration's first 1 or 2 years in office is a reflection of what that individual inherited from the PREVIOUS administration.
He's actually making progress on all of those. BTW it was John McLame who torpedoed the Obozocare repeal and you know it.

Well, sometimes an honest senator decides to look out for his/her CONSTITUENTS and not the partisan cult members.
I see, so the first 1-2 years only applies when a Democrat term follows a Republican term. Dumbass.

Fuck head WHO stated that Obama's first 2 years were good???

The point that escapes your limited brain cells is this....

ANY administration's first 1 or 2 years in office is a reflection of what that individual inherited from the PREVIOUS administration.
/----/ You Libs said he made great strides in his first two years:
President Barack Obama’s First Two Years: Policy Accomplishments, Political Difficulties
During his first two years in office, President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress compiled a substantial record of policy accomplishment—the economic stimulus, bringing the financial system back from the brink of collapse, rescuing two automakers, universal health care, sweeping reform of financial regulation, and major changes in student loan programs, among many others.
I see, so the first 1-2 years only applies when a Democrat term follows a Republican term. Dumbass.

Fuck head WHO stated that Obama's first 2 years were good???

The point that escapes your limited brain cells is this....

ANY administration's first 1 or 2 years in office is a reflection of what that individual inherited from the PREVIOUS administration.

What does this have to do with any of Obama's 8 years? nothing , and this is going to be a small sample size of what is ahead for the US.
Apple, Capitalizing on New Tax Law, Plans to Bring Billions in Cash Back to U.S.
What right wing nitwits haven't yet figured out, is that an economy is like an aircraft carrier that cannot change direction like one would do to a bicycle's handlebars.........

The first year (and even the second) of an administration is really an extension of the PREVIOUS administration......the good and the bad inherited.

Trump was extremely lucky to have inherited a strong and growing economy from the last years of the Obama administration........as Obama was very "unlucky" to have had to shoulder the disasters of GWB's last two years of his administration.
To deny this is just partisanship or willful ignorance.

Obama made tons of mistakes during his 2 terms.....yet, smarter Americans should realize what our economy would be like today if an inept and self-centered Trump would have directly followed the GWB years.
Gee... that really would have sucked to have an extremely successful billionaire Wharton economics major in the White house rather than somebody who never had a real job in their entire life.


You're an idiot.

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