Just praising Trump for the strong economy???

He's actually making progress on all of those. BTW it was John McLame who torpedoed the Obozocare repeal and you know it.

Well, sometimes an honest senator decides to look out for his/her CONSTITUENTS and not the partisan cult members.
/----/ McCain had a grudge against Trump for his POW remark that was wrongheaded. Mccain was also suffering from brain cancer and medicated.
I see, so the first 1-2 years only applies when a Democrat term follows a Republican term. Dumbass.

Fuck head WHO stated that Obama's first 2 years were good???

The point that escapes your limited brain cells is this....

ANY administration's first 1 or 2 years in office is a reflection of what that individual inherited from the PREVIOUS administration.

What does this have to do with any of Obama's 8 years? nothing , and this is going to be a small sample size of what is ahead for the US.
Apple, Capitalizing on New Tax Law, Plans to Bring Billions in Cash Back to U.S.
/-----/ How would a president Hillary have convinced Apple to repatriate those Billions?
Why do you support a damn Trickle Down again? It has never worked. It is just a lie so you kollaide drinkers can sit around and wait for $$ that never comes...Instead you will find that you gave all your money to the top 1% and you are screwed again..

Well, actually the right wing whores in congress made sure that the riff-raff gets some crumbs since, in their eternal stupidity, they then "think" that these bribed whores care about them......

The reality is that these right wing idiots on here do NOT understand that they will have to pay back those crumbs (with interest) AND ALSO will have to pay back the huge loaves that the wealthy got.....while the wealthy just LAUGH at how easily they fooled...fools.
/-----/ Folks, here's a perfect example of how Libtards demean and begrudge any good economic progress from the Republicans. democRATS don't want folks having any more discretionary income. They want the Government to control it all and dole out little crumbs to those who march in lockstep. Dems talk a good game but never deliver. Trump keeps his promises and Libtards can't stand it.
View attachment 172351

What CellBlock have you been in.. or Maybe you are a BlockHead...:poke:

No Really ... I think most of congress is doing a one man show to cover for themselves. But you have to admit that these GOP congress using Trump's Chaos to sneak around passing shit right in front of us, they were already paid off.

Corrupt as Hell




These top 1% will use their tax saving to buy Robots and lay off their employees

Robots could take over 38% of U.S. jobs within about 15 years, report says

What right wing nitwits haven't yet figured out, is that an economy is like an aircraft carrier that cannot change direction like one would do to a bicycle's handlebars.........

The first year (and even the second) of an administration is really an extension of the PREVIOUS administration......the good and the bad inherited.

Trump was extremely lucky to have inherited a strong and growing economy from the last years of the Obama administration........as Obama was very "unlucky" to have had to shoulder the disasters of GWB's last two years of his administration.
To deny this is just partisanship or willful ignorance.

Obama made tons of mistakes during his 2 terms.....yet, smarter Americans should realize what our economy would be like today if an inept and self-centered Trump would have directly followed the GWB years.

Normally what you say is factual. However, when a POTUS enacts policies that cripple an economy (either through idiocy, or incompetence) and the new POTUS removes those policies, this economy can ramp up incredibly fast. That is what happened here. Obummer was strangling this economy through incompetence, and a fair measure of malice, he WANTED to cripple the economy. Remember he is the one who stated that 2% GDP was going to be the new normal.

Trump came in and swept that bullcrap away, and just like how our economy ramped up during WWII, so too did this economy rebound incredibly quickly from the oppression of the obummer policies.

Nope, this economy has nothing to do with obummer, and EVERYTHING to do with trump.

These top 1% will use their tax saving to buy Robots and lay off their employees

Robots could take over 38% of U.S. jobs within about 15 years, report says

Robots could take over 38% of U.S. jobs within about 15 years, report says

They were doing that because of the minimum wage laws being put in place.
Normally what you say is factual. However, when a POTUS enacts policies that cripple an economy (either through idiocy, or incompetence) and the new POTUS removes those policies, this economy can ramp up incredibly fast. That is what happened here.

INANE...........The economy was doing GREAT under Obama's last term.....Look it up......

The economy was NOT "crippled" by Obama's policies and THAT is why we had the unemployment drop from 10% to 4.7%,....and why the stock market grew by 140%......How the fuck do you consider that "crippling" the economy???
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What right wing nitwits haven't yet figured out, is that an economy is like an aircraft carrier that cannot change direction like one would do to a bicycle's handlebars.........

The first year (and even the second) of an administration is really an extension of the PREVIOUS administration......the good and the bad inherited.

Trump was extremely lucky to have inherited a strong and growing economy from the last years of the Obama administration........as Obama was very "unlucky" to have had to shoulder the disasters of GWB's last two years of his administration.
To deny this is just partisanship or willful ignorance.

Obama made tons of mistakes during his 2 terms.....yet, smarter Americans should realize what our economy would be like today if an inept and self-centered Trump would have directly followed the GWB years.

Maybe the economy is more like a submarine. Empty the bilge tanks and it rises quickly :badgrin:
I see, so the first 1-2 years only applies when a Democrat term follows a Republican term. Dumbass.

Fuck head WHO stated that Obama's first 2 years were good???

The point that escapes your limited brain cells is this....

ANY administration's first 1 or 2 years in office is a reflection of what that individual inherited from the PREVIOUS administration.

Let's see...actually the fuck head was you, yesterday. Although you do still appear to be a fuck head today.
Let's see...actually the fuck head was you, yesterday. Although you do still appear to be a fuck head today.

i am truly, TRULY hurt that an idiotic. Trump CULT member and ass-kisser does not like me.......LOL
I see, so the first 1-2 years only applies when a Democrat term follows a Republican term. Dumbass.

Fuck head WHO stated that Obama's first 2 years were good???

The point that escapes your limited brain cells is this....

ANY administration's first 1 or 2 years in office is a reflection of what that individual inherited from the PREVIOUS administration.

What does this have to do with any of Obama's 8 years? nothing , and this is going to be a small sample size of what is ahead for the US.
Apple, Capitalizing on New Tax Law, Plans to Bring Billions in Cash Back to U.S.
/-----/ How would a president Hillary have convinced Apple to repatriate those Billions?

Bribe? Blackmail?
How would a president Hillary have convinced Apple to repatriate those Billions?

The economy was THRIVING even with Apple's hiding $260 BILLIONS in profits in Ireland.......Now. Apple is looking for "forgiveness" from morons like you by repatriating (maybe) those billions...at the cost of $38 billions to apple's stock holders.

Bottom line.......Yes, good,,Apple is trying to be forgiven for screwing the US taxpayers for years.
Tell me, what government built all the infrastructure? Yes from the beginning people have built our roads and infrastructure, not government.

Be "proud" right wingers that your have this caliber of intellect among you........(what a fucking moron.......LOL)
At least I'm not a government worshiping fuck head. Government can't do Shit without the tax payers, and that is a fact.
Obama saying to American business owners, they didn't build that. Is the most ridiculous thing a president has ever said.

ONLY to idiots like you it musty have sounded "ridiculous".....
OF COURSE, moron, tax payers' dollars helped to build a bridge.....but NO SINGLE business owner could have done the same.....

Did you graduate from junior high???
Obama wasn't talking to just one business owner, he was talking to all of them fucktard. Which if it wasn't for them, there would be no roads. We also know, liberals want everyone reliant on government. This is the kinda junk that gave us Trump, so please keep it up.

These top 1% will use their tax saving to buy Robots and lay off their employees

Robots could take over 38% of U.S. jobs within about 15 years, report says

Robots could take over 38% of U.S. jobs within about 15 years, report says

They were doing that because of the minimum wage laws being put in place.

These robots will not have sick days, birthdays, holidays, health insurance, they will work 24/7 , never complain of the work conditions nor sexual harassment.
How do you compete with a robot?

[QUOTE="jknowgood, post: 19100154, member: 24535"]Government can't do Shit without the tax payers, and that is a fact.[/QUOTE]

WOW......what a "brilliant" deduction.......

(the above is right wing intelligentsia at it "best".........LOL)

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