Just Re-Watched the Scariest Movie in History

SCARIEST MOVIE? Ever? The thing, the John Carpenter version .I watched it twice. That was it, never again. It was so repellent. Good though in a horrible way.
That was another good suspenseful movie. Never knew who or what was infected. Trapped in the arctic with no help also.
The scene when they tested the petri dishes of blood and the one sample literally jumps out of the dish was pure gold. Then the creature changes while the other guys are still tied up. Classic.

Yes, that was a pretty good movie. Location was important. Might be worth revisiting as I am older.

Since I want to be fair to the OP, the movie Alien for whatever reason was one I never watched from end to end. Strange to say, even though I know the plot and some of the intense scenes. What I found scary about that movie is the location as well, on a spaceship, with nowhere to run.

As it were, I always considered it at least partially a sci-fi, and I'm not a sci-fi guy outside of the odd old Twilight Zone episode so I couldn't get myself to watch it from start to finish. The scenes I did watch I do remember as being a claustrophobic feeling.

If you believe nothing else I say, believe this: Alien is certainly worth sitting down and watching from end to end. Especially (as I do) after smoking a joint so fat it resembles a tampon. Watching the whole thing really lets its cold-blooded, dark, H.R.-Giger-flavored, spooky spaceship atmosphere truly soak into you and to get the full extreme, grinding, fucking nerve-racking study in suspense. Especially during Alien's last 20 minutes or so, you may be surprised by how physically hard on your nerves that part of the movie gets..

One of the best things I can say about Alien's unique suspense-ambiance is that it never, ever gets easier to watch. I've seen it a bunch of times since childhood, I know every scene in the movie like the back of my hand and it's still a slow-boil pressure-cooker on my nervous system every single time I've seen it.
I would also be remiss in this thread if I didn't point out that Alien had the most awesomely memorable tagline in all movie history: In Space No One Can Hear You Scream.
Whatever anyone thinks overall, I think we can all agree that Parker & Brett deserved the "full shares" they were complaining about at the beginning. Wouldn't you say?

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