Just received Trump's presidential Alert on my cell phone

Please be a troll or a paid IQ45 supporter because absolutely no one can be that brainwashed to think he cares about you or anyone who isn't in the 1%.
Our wonderful Pres. Trump is a beautiful human being who has sacrificed his life in the service of the country and its people.

That fact alone should be enough to humble any of his detractors and bring them into the light and support our magnificent leader. .... :thup: .. :cool:
Sacrificed his life??? Are you insane? Cadet Bone Spurs is the BIGGEST coward on the planet and he wouldn't pee on you if you were on fire for fear that his 6 ft.tie would also catch on fire. You have got to either be the stupidest person on the planet, or a troll who enjoys jerking others around. I'm sorry to say, I think it's the former.

ETA: I just looked at your profile and you list yourself as a Muslim. trump hates Muslims, so you're a traitor to your religion too. I hope your mosque doesn't know of your devotion to someone who would gladly see you tortured and killed.
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ETA: I just looked at your profile and you list yourself as a Muslim. trump hates Muslims, so you're a traitor to your religion too. I hope your mosque doesn't know of your devotion to someone who would gladly see you tortured and killed.
That our wonderful Pres. Trump hates muslims is just a made up lefty liberal Democrat talking point that has no basis in reality.

Sadly, liberals are all about identity politics. Such as the lie that no black person can be a conservative or a Republican.

Yes, there are many Muslims who support and voted for Trump in the last election. Muslim's are naturally conservative, and have very little in common with the looney liberal and wacky feminist agenda.

Look on FaceBook for the community group, "Muslims for Trump" and read what they have to say on the subject. ... :cool:
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ETA: I just looked at your profile and you list yourself as a Muslim. trump hates Muslims, so you're a traitor to your religion too. I hope your mosque doesn't know of your devotion to someone who would gladly see you tortured and killed.
That our wonderful Pres. Trump hates muslims is just a made up lefty liberal Democrat talking point that has no basis in reality.

Sadly, liberals are all about identity politics. Such as the lie that no black person can be a conservative or a Republican.

Yes, there are many Muslims who support and voted for Trump in the last election. Muslim's are naturally conservative, and have very little in common with the looney liberal and wacky feminist agenda.

Look on FaceBook for the community group, "Muslims for Trump" and read what they have to say on the subject. ... :cool:

He has banned Muslims from entering the US and per his own words, accused Islam of many of the terrorist attacks of the world, but keep your head in the sand. He also alleged that many American Muslims and mosques are knowingly protecting terrorists, that the United States should consider profiling Muslims. A simple Google search would bring up all of this and it has nothing to do with liberals or conservatives. Your hatred has blinded you and you now worship a cheap orange idol instead of Allah.
He despises those not in the 1% and anyone who isn't a white male, and neither of those are you, but keep worshiping your false idol.
He despises those not in the 1% and anyone who isn't a white male, and neither of those are you,
You are totally blinded by your lefty liberal talking points and associated nonsense.

Our beloved Pres. Trump doesn't hate muslim people, and the ban only affected 6 out of the 57 muslim majority countries.

btw I'm a blue eyed white male. .... :cool:
He despises those not in the 1% and anyone who isn't a white male, and neither of those are you,
You are totally blinded by your lefty liberal talking points and associated nonsense.

Our beloved Pres. Trump doesn't hate muslim people, and the ban only affected 6 out of the 57 muslim majority countries.

btw I'm a blue eyed white male. .... :cool:
Yeah, sure you are.
ETA: I just looked at your profile and you list yourself as a Muslim. trump hates Muslims, so you're a traitor to your religion too. I hope your mosque doesn't know of your devotion to someone who would gladly see you tortured and killed.
The President doesn't hate Muslims, he hates morons.

ETA: I just looked at your profile and you list yourself as a Muslim. trump hates Muslims, so you're a traitor to your religion too. I hope your mosque doesn't know of your devotion to someone who would gladly see you tortured and killed.
The President doesn't hate Muslims, he hates morons.

He absolutely hates Muslims, and as far as morons go, then he would have to hate himself and all of his brain dead followers because he and they're all morons. I can't believe any of you think he gives two shits about you because he has proven over and over again that he doesn't. Oh, he fires all of you up at his rallies, but that's just to stroke his ego and if any of you said anything against him, he would toss you to the curb so fast. He's done it to so many others if you care to even do a little research. He wants adoration and idolatry and as long as you the sheep give it to him, he'll keep saying whatever you want to hear and then laugh behind your backs at how stupid you all are. Pathetic...
ETA: I just looked at your profile and you list yourself as a Muslim. trump hates Muslims, so you're a traitor to your religion too. I hope your mosque doesn't know of your devotion to someone who would gladly see you tortured and killed.
The President doesn't hate Muslims, he hates morons.

He absolutely hates Muslims, and as far as morons go, then he would have to hate himself and all of his brain dead followers because he and they're all morons. I can't believe any of you think he gives two shits about you because he has proven over and over again that he doesn't. Oh, he fires all of you up at his rallies, but that's just to stroke his ego and if any of you said anything against him, he would toss you to the curb so fast. He's done it to so many others if you care to even do a little research. He wants adoration and idolatry and as long as you the sheep give it to him, he'll keep saying whatever you want to hear and then laugh behind your backs at how stupid you all are. Pathetic...
. Trump does love us. He didn't have to be our president. Some men are just called into service and he answered the call. Our country was and still is heading into the deep abyss. He gives us hope that there is a future when America will be great again. Obama just about destroyed us and I believe God sent us a deliverer. That man is Donald J Trump. I feel pity for you and others like you.
ETA: I just looked at your profile and you list yourself as a Muslim. trump hates Muslims, so you're a traitor to your religion too. I hope your mosque doesn't know of your devotion to someone who would gladly see you tortured and killed.
The President doesn't hate Muslims, he hates morons.

He absolutely hates Muslims, and as far as morons go, then he would have to hate himself and all of his brain dead followers because he and they're all morons. I can't believe any of you think he gives two shits about you because he has proven over and over again that he doesn't. Oh, he fires all of you up at his rallies, but that's just to stroke his ego and if any of you said anything against him, he would toss you to the curb so fast. He's done it to so many others if you care to even do a little research. He wants adoration and idolatry and as long as you the sheep give it to him, he'll keep saying whatever you want to hear and then laugh behind your backs at how stupid you all are. Pathetic...
. Trump does love us. He didn't have to be our president. Some men are just called into service and he answered the call. Our country was and still is heading into the deep abyss. He gives us hope that there is a future when America will be great again. Obama just about destroyed us and I believe God sent us a deliverer. That man is Donald J Trump. I feel pity for you and others like you.

Please don't feel pity for me because you are the one that has been duped by this circus barker. Called to service??? What did he do when he was called to service by the military? He became Cadet Bone Spurs like the coward he is.. Then went on to play every kind of sports there was and when asked later what foot his bone spurs affected, couldn't remember. And if you think that God sent him to you, then your God is a lover of liars, adulterers, and pedophiles. That's not the God real Christians believe in. In fact, if Jesus came back today, you and your ilk would crucify him all over again. You now worship a fake orange idol who only want you to praise and adore him. And, according to what you're saying, you're doing just that.
Please don't feel pity for me because you are the one that has been duped by this circus barker. Called to service??? What did he do when he was called to service by the military? He became Cadet Bone Spurs like the coward he is.. Then went on to play every kind of sports there was and when asked later what foot his bone spurs affected, couldn't remember. And if you think that God sent him to you, then your God is a lover of liars, adulterers, and pedophiles. That's not the God real Christians believe in. In fact, if Jesus came back today, you and your ilk would crucify him all over again. You now worship a fake orange idol who only want you to praise and adore him. And, according to what you're saying, you're doing just that.
What traumatic event in your life caused you to become such a mean and hateful person?? ... :cool:
Please don't feel pity for me because you are the one that has been duped by this circus barker. Called to service??? What did he do when he was called to service by the military? He became Cadet Bone Spurs like the coward he is.. Then went on to play every kind of sports there was and when asked later what foot his bone spurs affected, couldn't remember. And if you think that God sent him to you, then your God is a lover of liars, adulterers, and pedophiles. That's not the God real Christians believe in. In fact, if Jesus came back today, you and your ilk would crucify him all over again. You now worship a fake orange idol who only want you to praise and adore him. And, according to what you're saying, you're doing just that.
What traumatic event in your life caused you to become such a mean and hateful person?? ... :cool:
Oh please! Spare me your dramatics! Pointing out the truth doesn't make me mean or hateful.
Pointing out the truth doesn't make me mean or hateful.
Lol.....you and Truth aren't even in the same zip code. ... :lol: :lol:
I quit with you. You're so far up trump's ass that you could give him a colonoscopy with one big suck. The facts are out there but you choose not to see them. You remind me of the followers of Jim Jones and look how it turned out for them.
I quit with you. You're so far up trump's ass that you could give him a colonoscopy with one big suck. The facts are out there but you choose not to see them. You remind me of the followers of Jim Jones and look how it turned out for them.
I fail to see why any loyal and patriotic American citizen would wish ill to our duly elected president. ... :dunno:

He only wants to make America great again and be the dominate economic and military power in the world. ... :thup:
I quit with you. You're so far up trump's ass that you could give him a colonoscopy with one big suck. The facts are out there but you choose not to see them. You remind me of the followers of Jim Jones and look how it turned out for them.
I fail to see why any loyal and patriotic American citizen would wish ill to our duly elected president. ... :dunno:

He only wants to make America great again and be the dominate economic and military power in the world. ... :thup:
Suuure he does! Keep believing that lie. Oh what's the use, You're hopeless and nothing he does will change your mind. I'm finished with you.
Oh what's the use, You're hopeless and nothing he does will change your mind. I'm finished with you.
So far our beloved Pres. Trump has kept his word to make America great again.

He is completely honest, open, and forthright, in his dealings with the American people.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him as our leader. ..... :cool:
Oh what's the use, You're hopeless and nothing he does will change your mind. I'm finished with you.
So far our beloved Pres. Trump has kept his word to make America great again.

He is completely honest, open, and forthright, in his dealings with the American people.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him as our leader. ..... :cool:
^^^^^ You should go to the nearest hospital ASAP!!! ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
No, you should. I'm not a brain dead trump worshiper like you. Make that a Psychiatric hospital. This is the last time I'm going to reply to you, because stupidity as bad as yours gives me a really bad headache.

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