Just Say It: Trump Is a Racist


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
“No one except Trump can know what Trump’s private thoughts or motivations are. But the public record and his behavior are now abundantly clear. Donald Trump treats black people and Latinos differently than he treats white people.

And that makes him a racist.

Is it possible to defend some of his racially charged statements by pointing out that something other than race might explain them? Sure. Is it possible that he doesn’t think of himself as a racist who views white people as superior to nonwhite people? Yes.

But the definition of a racist — the textbook definition, as Paul Ryan might say — is someone who treats some people better than others because of their race. Trump fits that definition many times over…”

Opinion | Just Say It: Trump Is a Racist

Trump represents his racist base well: Republicans and their unwarranted fear of immigrants, unwarranted fear of change, and their unwarranted fear of diversity.

Republicans and conservatives hostile to more black and brown people coming to America – rightwing racists and bigots who want immigrants only from ‘white’ countries as the right’s final solution to the ‘problem’ of black and brown immigration.
Na, Progressives are the most racist people on the planet second only to Muslims
There is literally no reason to believe he is a racist.

It was amusing though watching the media ask him that at a ceremony honoring dr mlk jr yesterday. The disconnect is just priceless
The racists are the stupid Moon Bats who elected Obama that attended a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites and Jews.
The racists are the stupid Moon Bats who elected Obama that attended a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites and Jews.

Obama is a racist. Not to worry though, the country will heal from all his divisive bullshit within 1 year from today!

I'm making my prediction now! I really couldn't see it before.

C'mon now, for 40 years things were fine until Obama ..mostly his 2nd term.

He had more riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined.
Tramp is the greatest and most bestest racist that has ever lives or ever will live. Tramp does nothing half way.
I disagree, Trump does not treat Black and Latino people differently than white people....at least not because they are Black or Latino.

Trump is in love with Trump and with winning. He will step on anyone who gets in his way. He doesn’t care what color that person is. Likewise, he loves anyone who can help make him look good...who can help him win. It doesn’t matter what color or race that person is.

Trump isn’t racist, he is Trumpist.
I simply say , thats YOUR opinion and then so what . No where in the USA is it illegal to be a peaceful racist and issues of racism are all matters of OPINION Clayton .
“No one except Trump can know what Trump’s private thoughts or motivations are. But the public record and his behavior are now abundantly clear. Donald Trump treats black people and Latinos differently than he treats white people.

And that makes him a racist.

Is it possible to defend some of his racially charged statements by pointing out that something other than race might explain them? Sure. Is it possible that he doesn’t think of himself as a racist who views white people as superior to nonwhite people? Yes.

But the definition of a racist — the textbook definition, as Paul Ryan might say — is someone who treats some people better than others because of their race. Trump fits that definition many times over…”

Opinion | Just Say It: Trump Is a Racist

Trump represents his racist base well: Republicans and their unwarranted fear of immigrants, unwarranted fear of change, and their unwarranted fear of diversity.

Republicans and conservatives hostile to more black and brown people coming to America – rightwing racists and bigots who want immigrants only from ‘white’ countries as the right’s final solution to the ‘problem’ of black and brown immigration.
admit it jones....you think those named countries are shitholes too......
“No one except Trump can know what Trump’s private thoughts or motivations are. But the public record and his behavior are now abundantly clear. Donald Trump treats black people and Latinos differently than he treats white people.

And that makes him a racist.

Is it possible to defend some of his racially charged statements by pointing out that something other than race might explain them? Sure. Is it possible that he doesn’t think of himself as a racist who views white people as superior to nonwhite people? Yes.

But the definition of a racist — the textbook definition, as Paul Ryan might say — is someone who treats some people better than others because of their race. Trump fits that definition many times over…”

Opinion | Just Say It: Trump Is a Racist

Trump represents his racist base well: Republicans and their unwarranted fear of immigrants, unwarranted fear of change, and their unwarranted fear of diversity.

Republicans and conservatives hostile to more black and brown people coming to America – rightwing racists and bigots who want immigrants only from ‘white’ countries as the right’s final solution to the ‘problem’ of black and brown immigration.

Yes, keep screaming Trump is racist. In fact, scream even louder that all Republicans are racist.

This is what is helping us win elections. Outside of liberal land, people are fed up with this race BS all the time from the left. "Good morning how are you?" is called racist by the left and we are sick of it.

So keep helping us win elections; not that we need your help, but this racism crap is a guarantee for us.
There is literally no reason to believe he is a racist.

It was amusing though watching the media ask him that at a ceremony honoring dr mlk jr yesterday. The disconnect is just priceless

I believe that, but you have to be rich for him to like you ( he even likes a black warlord, or a Saudi king if they are rich or have something he wants) or commit total loyalty to him. He hates the people who can't afford his apts or golf courses. He only sees them as workers for the elites.

He is socially a racist. Also he feels that blacks and browns are inferior to whites, even if they have money. His base agrees with him
“No one except Trump can know what Trump’s private thoughts or motivations are. But the public record and his behavior are now abundantly clear. Donald Trump treats black people and Latinos differently than he treats white people.

And that makes him a racist.

Is it possible to defend some of his racially charged statements by pointing out that something other than race might explain them? Sure. Is it possible that he doesn’t think of himself as a racist who views white people as superior to nonwhite people? Yes.

But the definition of a racist — the textbook definition, as Paul Ryan might say — is someone who treats some people better than others because of their race. Trump fits that definition many times over…”

Opinion | Just Say It: Trump Is a Racist

Trump represents his racist base well: Republicans and their unwarranted fear of immigrants, unwarranted fear of change, and their unwarranted fear of diversity.

Republicans and conservatives hostile to more black and brown people coming to America – rightwing racists and bigots who want immigrants only from ‘white’ countries as the right’s final solution to the ‘problem’ of black and brown immigration.
That's the only idea the libtards have. Call trump a racist...takes a lot of guts and smarts. GFY.
I disagree, Trump does not treat Black and Latino people differently than white people....at least not because they are Black or Latino.

Trump is in love with Trump and with winning. He will step on anyone who gets in his way. He doesn’t care what color that person is. Likewise, he loves anyone who can help make him look good...who can help him win. It doesn’t matter what color or race that person is.

Trump isn’t racist, he is Trumpist.

Trump is filthy rich and doesn't have to put with Libtard bullshit.

His "winning" is fixing some of the destruction that Obama imposed on us and you may be confused about things like but that is a good thing.

The racists in this country are the Liberals that use Black poverty as a voting base for their vile Left agenda.

If Trump is a racist then Blacks and Browns in this country can cry about it all the way to the bank.

Trump keeps his promise: Blacks and Hispanics do better with him than Obama

Trump keeps his promise: Blacks and Hispanics do better with him than Obama

Since taking the reins from President Obama, President Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress have embraced free-market and pro-liberty economic policies. Now – after a year of reducing regulations, approving a tax cut, and encouraging stricter standards for numerous welfare programs at the state level – the economy is thriving. Working-age minorities are benefitting in ways they have rarely, if ever, have enjoyed in the modern era.

The U.S. Labor Department reported Friday that the unemployment rate for African-Americans fell to 6.8 percent in December – the lowest rate since recordkeeping began in 1972. That’s an astounding drop from the 8.3 percent black unemployment rate in October 2016, just before Donald Trump was elected president.

Hispanic unemployment was at a near-record low of 4.9 percent in December – down from 5.7 percent the month before the election of President Trump. Additionally, there were four months in 2017 in which the Hispanic seasonal unemployment fell below 5 percent – the only time that has occurred in a single year over the past 44 years.
There is literally no reason to believe he is a racist.

It was amusing though watching the media ask him that at a ceremony honoring dr mlk jr yesterday. The disconnect is just priceless

I believe that, but you have to be rich for him to like you ( he even likes a black warlord, or a Saudi king if they are rich or have something he wants) or commit total loyalty to him. He hates the people who can't afford his apts or golf courses. He only sees them as workers for the elites.

He is socially a racist. Also he feels that blacks and browns are inferior to whites, even if they have money. His base agrees with him

I don’t care if a man I’ve never met likes me. And it’s true that he likes people that he finds to be successful in life. But race is not the factor there

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