Just Say It: Trump Is a Racist

In my opinion, the definition of "racist" is at the heart of the controversy.

If you check the dictionaries, it would seem that President Trump fits that definition.

If you do NOT accept that definition (which I do not), then the President is not a racist.


Therefore, this is a difference of opinion that will NEVER be resolved.


It will be interesting to see how future history books describe the Trump years. Since most history books are written by liberals, I guess that President Trump will go down in history as our first modern president to be openly "racist." Other presidents have been clever enough to hide their true feelings.


In my opinion, some liberals are not that angry with him for what he has said about various ethnicities. I feel that they are actually angry that he does not feel it is necessary to apologize for being Caucasian. (The Democratic candidate in her speeches thought that she could get votes by apologizing for something called "white privilege.")
A definition still unexplained
the only thing you've won is the $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS Trump stuck on the national debt, and up your ass.



If you had used it you'd know that that's a theory (according to nitwit Liberals) 1.5 T over 10 YEARS.
You'd also have learned that Obama raised the REAL DEBT more than that in his first term.

But I suppose you're entitled to your state of ignorance.....
I disagree, Trump does not treat Black and Latino people differently than white people....at least not because they are Black or Latino.

Trump is in love with Trump and with winning. He will step on anyone who gets in his way. He doesn’t care what color that person is. Likewise, he loves anyone who can help make him look good...who can help him win. It doesn’t matter what color or race that person is.

Trump isn’t racist, he is Trumpist.

Why don't you like winning?

Winning is good.
I like winning. I hope American wins. If that means a Trump wins, good for him and America.

the only thing you've won is the $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS Trump stuck on the national debt, and up your ass.


Which is a heck of a lot less than the $10 TRILLION that Obama stuck on the national debt and up our asses...dumbass.
How is calling Haiti a shithole racist? It is a shithole!

If he said something like "those darkies in Haiti are fucking shitheads", I could see that. But pointing out an obvious truth is not racist. The statement doesn't even mention race.
Na, Progressives are the most racist people on the planet second only to Muslims
Exactly, my friend! Democrats and other left wing idiots have been against civil rights for blacks, women's rights, integration since day one. Republicans fought for the civil rights act of 1964. Democrats fought against it. LBJ was unafraid to say "I'll have these n i g g e r s voting Democrat for the next 200 years." Democrats favor mass immigration of poverty stricken peoples solely for purposes of pandering for their votes with welfare hand outs...designed to keep them in poverty and dependent upon mother government. The KKK is a creation of the left. ANTIFA is a creation of the left. Liberalism is an inbred mental disorder.

Blacks and Hispanics need to wake up and smell the coffee. Liberals are NOT YOUR FRIENDS! If you want a better life and a better nation, VOTE REPUBLICAN!!!!
“No one except Trump can know what Trump’s private thoughts or motivations are. But the public record and his behavior are now abundantly clear. Donald Trump treats black people and Latinos differently than he treats white people.

And that makes him a racist.

Is it possible to defend some of his racially charged statements by pointing out that something other than race might explain them? Sure. Is it possible that he doesn’t think of himself as a racist who views white people as superior to nonwhite people? Yes.

But the definition of a racist — the textbook definition, as Paul Ryan might say — is someone who treats some people better than others because of their race. Trump fits that definition many times over…”

Opinion | Just Say It: Trump Is a Racist

Trump represents his racist base well: Republicans and their unwarranted fear of immigrants, unwarranted fear of change, and their unwarranted fear of diversity.

Republicans and conservatives hostile to more black and brown people coming to America – rightwing racists and bigots who want immigrants only from ‘white’ countries as the right’s final solution to the ‘problem’ of black and brown immigration.

We all need to be more politically correct so you white people don't get offended

How is calling Haiti a shithole racist? It is a shithole!
If he said something like "those darkies in Haiti are fucking shitheads", I could see that. But pointing out an obvious truth is not racist. The statement doesn't even mention race.

It is just another opportunity for Shit Hole DEMS to place blame on Trump and move the spotlight of their bigotry and corruption away from themselves. Look at all the recent revelations about crooked Leftist. They DESPERATELY NEED DISTRACTIONS right now.

Don't let them use this maneuver to move attention away from the crap THEY have done that is trying to come to light.

DEMS are masters of diversion, deception, propaganda and deflection......OMG...those are Fascist/Communist trademarks!
Does anyone else think that with all the Leftist corruption that's been trying to bust out lately that maybe, just maybe, the Left is gearing up to make these kinds of Bombshell claims only to keep Americans focused on ANYTHING but them (The Corrupt Left)

And if we allow that, aren't we giving them EXACTLY what they want?
“No one except Trump can know what Trump’s private thoughts or motivations are. But the public record and his behavior are now abundantly clear. Donald Trump treats black people and Latinos differently than he treats white people.

And that makes him a racist.

Is it possible to defend some of his racially charged statements by pointing out that something other than race might explain them? Sure. Is it possible that he doesn’t think of himself as a racist who views white people as superior to nonwhite people? Yes.

But the definition of a racist — the textbook definition, as Paul Ryan might say — is someone who treats some people better than others because of their race. Trump fits that definition many times over…”

Opinion | Just Say It: Trump Is a Racist

Trump represents his racist base well: Republicans and their unwarranted fear of immigrants, unwarranted fear of change, and their unwarranted fear of diversity.

Republicans and conservatives hostile to more black and brown people coming to America – rightwing racists and bigots who want immigrants only from ‘white’ countries as the right’s final solution to the ‘problem’ of black and brown immigration.

You do realize that you people have made “racist” not mean anything anymore right?
How is calling Haiti a shithole racist? It is a shithole!

If he said something like "those darkies in Haiti are fucking shitheads", I could see that. But pointing out an obvious truth is not racist. The statement doesn't even mention race.
Haiti is a shithole because of its corrupt government and the lies of the Clintons in saying they would build a hospital there.

Donald Trump is as far from being a racist as I am from being a Pope.

California is also a shithole! So is Chicago!

Most big cities run for decades by liberals are SHITHOLES!

Liberalism is a SHITHOLE!
Honorary Dimocrats......
These lovely faces represent the very best the Left has to offer.
But if we call them shitbags....are we "racist" ? YES !!!! (according to their Leftist Peers)
3 arrested in Florida murder-for-hire plot in which wrong woman was killed
I heard the amount offered was less than $100
Boy those Leftist sure do value life!!


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