Just Say It: Trump Is a Racist

Honorary Dimocrats......
These lovely faces represent the very best the Left has to offer.
But if we call them shitbags....are we "racist" ? YES !!!! (according to their Leftist Peers)
3 arrested in Florida murder-for-hire plot in which wrong woman was killed


and the best of the white supremacist right is the terrorist who drove his car into a group of peaceful prot4esters and the animal who shot up the black church.

and everyone condemned them.....

and guess what, we'd love to execute them, but people like you let them live for some fucking reason
Na, Progressives are the most racist people on the planet second only to Muslims

only to bigots. I'd feel sorry for you, but you're pathetic.

You are bigoted by calling bigots out. The criteria you use is based on the political needs at the time and has little to do with bigotry and more to do with propaganda and white guilt that is exploited by useful idiots who only know what they are told by manipulators who intend to destroy the system and therefore the country they claim to love.
All humans are racist. Some more than others. For example, Obama was far more racist than Trump.
I agree totally with your third sentence. However, not all humans are racist. I nominate Ghandi and Sister Maria as humans without racist thoughts.

Obama is one of the MOST RACIST assholes ever.
Honorary Dimocrats......
These lovely faces represent the very best the Left has to offer.
But if we call them shitbags....are we "racist" ? YES !!!! (according to their Leftist Peers)
3 arrested in Florida murder-for-hire plot in which wrong woman was killed


and the best of the white supremacist right is the terrorist who drove his car into a group of peaceful prot4esters and the animal who shot up the black church.

and everyone condemned them.....

and guess what, we'd love to execute them, but people like you let them live for some fucking reason

so people aren't condemning the criminals that the winger says are representative of democrats?

thanks for playing.
Honorary Dimocrats......
These lovely faces represent the very best the Left has to offer.
But if we call them shitbags....are we "racist" ? YES !!!! (according to their Leftist Peers)
3 arrested in Florida murder-for-hire plot in which wrong woman was killed


and the best of the white supremacist right is the terrorist who drove his car into a group of peaceful prot4esters and the animal who shot up the black church.

and everyone condemned them.....

and guess what, we'd love to execute them, but people like you let them live for some fucking reason

so people aren't condemning the criminals that the winger says are representative of democrats?

thanks for playing.

English please...and if you respond to my post, answer my question...you never answer shit.

they have condemned both of those people....and Roof should be executed.......why do you want him alive?
so people aren't condemning the criminals that the winger says are representative of democrats?
thanks for playing.

Does this one have any clue what she's saying ????

this one, trump scum?

easy... the troll said that criminals represent democrats.

I responded by saying his people were represented by the terrorists who drove a car into the crowed of peaceful protesters and the one who shot up the black church, respectively.

next time try reading with comprehension, imbecile.
Early during his campaign, I noticed how Obama treated black people much differently than he did whites. He's more comfortable around them, and his actions and statements since validate my opinion.

Therefore by the OP's position Obama is racist. Same applies to his wife, who was never proud of her country until her husband, a black man, was elected POTUS.

Personally I could give flying FUCK what color someone is. It's not important. What is important is this mother fucking racial tension BS was instigated during Obama's tenure, and now every mother fucking thing is tagged racism. It's BS, dumbs us all down. The filthy Democrats do this because they could give shit about stability of country, as they only care about votes and their pocket books. Fuck em.
this one, trump scum?

easy... the troll said that criminals represent democrats.

I responded by saying his people were represented by the terrorists who drove a car into the crowed of peaceful protesters and the one who shot up the black church, respectively.

next time try reading with comprehension, imbecile.

Um...but you're wrong.
As pointed out...your example criminals are all (wait for it.....) YOUR FELLOW LEFTISTS !
PS...so was your friend who shot at Senators on the baseball field a while back....remember?
I suggest you heed your own advice there Jillybeans <---- :cuckoo:
this one, trump scum?

easy... the troll said that criminals represent democrats.

I responded by saying his people were represented by the terrorists who drove a car into the crowed of peaceful protesters and the one who shot up the black church, respectively.

next time try reading with comprehension, imbecile.

Um...but you're wrong.
As pointed out...your example criminals are all (wait for it.....) YOUR FELLOW LEFTISTS !

I suggest you heed your own advice there Jillybeans <---- :cuckoo:
this one, trump scum?

easy... the troll said that criminals represent democrats.

I responded by saying his people were represented by the terrorists who drove a car into the crowed of peaceful protesters and the one who shot up the black church, respectively.

next time try reading with comprehension, imbecile.

Um...but you're wrong.
As pointed out...your example criminals are all (wait for it.....) YOUR FELLOW LEFTISTS !

I suggest you heed your own advice there Jillybeans <---- :cuckoo:

and the terrorists are your fellow trump scum

is there something about that which confuses you, dum dum?
and the terrorists are your fellow trump scum
is there something about that which confuses you, dum dum?

Poor Jillybeans...she can't discern who the bad guys are. She just swallows what the Left media tells her sight unseen and like a good little Leftist Lemming swallows it all down...no questions asked.

Just know this...all your examples...and almost every crime against society these days (as well as most of your comrades in jail) are ALL Leftists......even though you have no clue.

Keep trying...the truth is out there
“No one except Trump can know what Trump’s private thoughts or motivations are. But the public record and his behavior are now abundantly clear. Donald Trump treats black people and Latinos differently than he treats white people.

And that makes him a racist.

Is it possible to defend some of his racially charged statements by pointing out that something other than race might explain them? Sure. Is it possible that he doesn’t think of himself as a racist who views white people as superior to nonwhite people? Yes.

But the definition of a racist — the textbook definition, as Paul Ryan might say — is someone who treats some people better than others because of their race. Trump fits that definition many times over…”

Opinion | Just Say It: Trump Is a Racist

Trump represents his racist base well: Republicans and their unwarranted fear of immigrants, unwarranted fear of change, and their unwarranted fear of diversity.

Republicans and conservatives hostile to more black and brown people coming to America – rightwing racists and bigots who want immigrants only from ‘white’ countries as the right’s final solution to the ‘problem’ of black and brown immigration.
Try selling that BS to Lynne Patton.....

Na, Progressives are the most racist people on the planet second only to Muslims

only to bigots. I'd feel sorry for you, but you're pathetic.

It is good that you bring bigotry into the conversation. A lot of dimwits do not understand the difference between racism and bigotry. Sometimes bigotry is a good thing. Racism is never a good thing.

Bigotry is directed toward opinions and ideologies. Racism is directed toward a belief in superiority or inferiority of one or more races compared to others.

Had we not been bigoted against Nazism and Hitler's racism, we'd all be speaking German today. If society lost its bigotry against child molestation, our children would have no future.

I am proud to be a bigot...especially when it comes to liberalism and the lunacy of adopting the ideals of liberalism, socialism, Marxism, communism, anarchism. You people are fucked up in the head.

I am not a racist. Not a single human alive asked to be born or chose his/her parents. We are all children of the planet. Fuck anyone that thinks their silver spoon childhood makes them any better than any one Haitian peasant.

Governments morph into shitholes by way of their governing elite, not by way of the people being governed.
I don't recall hearing widespread complaints about Trump UNTIL he ran for President.

Everything with the Leftist Lemmings is political....NOT because they understand and agree with Leftist ideology.....

But ONLY because their favorite Leftist comedians, celebrities and News/Media joints are "cool" and TELL them to hate the right.

Their SOLE reason for hating Trump is that they've been TOLD to.

Which is why Leftist morons ARE TRULY LEFTIST LEMMINGS (with a twist of ignorance)
Na, Progressives are the most racist people on the planet second only to Muslims

only to bigots. I'd feel sorry for you, but you're pathetic.

It is good that you bring bigotry into the conversation. A lot of dimwits do not understand the difference between racism and bigotry. Sometimes bigotry is a good thing. Racism is never a good thing.

Bigotry is directed toward opinions and ideologies. Racism is directed toward a belief in superiority or inferiority of one or more races compared to others.

Had we not been bigoted against Nazism and Hitler's racism, we'd all be speaking German today. If society lost its bigotry against child molestation, our children would have no future.

I am proud to be a bigot...especially when it comes to liberalism and the lunacy of adopting the ideals of liberalism, socialism, Marxism, communism, anarchism. You people are fucked up in the head.

I am not a racist. Not a single human alive asked to be born or chose his/her parents. We are all children of the planet. Fuck anyone that thinks their silver spoon childhood makes them any better than any one Haitian peasant.

Governments morph into shitholes by way of their governing elite, not by way of the people being governed.

:rofl: if you're concerned about the governing elite, you should probably concern yourself with Donald and his fellow swamp dwelling kleptocrats like Mnuchin and price.

as for bringing bigotry into the conversation, the was done in the O/P

your obfuscation and refusal to acknowledge that you support a bigot aren't admirable.
:rofl: if you're concerned about the governing elite, you should probably concern yourself with Donald and his fellow swamp dwelling kleptocrats like Mnuchin and price.

as for bringing bigotry into the conversation, the was done in the O/P

your obfuscation and refusal to acknowledge that you support a bigot aren't admirable.

Right on cue.........my point made

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