Just tuned into bsnbc to see the after event talking points. I'll give you ONE guess.......

CNN is calling the speech "disgusting", "divisive", "dark" and "for whites only". The Latino woman on the panel was spitting mad about his comments about Mexicans and immigrants, and said having Sheriff Joe Arapaio speak was a slap in the face to every Hispanic immigrant in American, for whom Arapaio is a polarizing individual.

Even the Republicans on the panel said the speech was dark and was unlikely to sway any Saunders voters, and in fact was driving people into the Clinton camp.
The darkness is what we've been declining into for near a decade. Don't hide from the truth. Confront it. Push it back. Overcome it.

We do that every day, but with fox shoveling more every day, it's sometimes hard to keep up.
So why are you watching FOX?
CNN is calling the speech "disgusting", "divisive", "dark" and "for whites only". The Latino woman on the panel was spitting mad about his comments about Mexicans and immigrants, and said having Sheriff Joe Arapaio speak was a slap in the face to every Hispanic immigrant in American, for whom Arapaio is a polarizing individual.

Even the Republicans on the panel said the speech was dark and was unlikely to sway any Saunders voters, and in fact was driving people into the Clinton camp.
The darkness is what we've been declining into for near a decade. Don't hide from the truth. Confront it. Push it back. Overcome it.

We do that every day, but with fox shoveling more every day, it's sometimes hard to keep up.
So why are you watching FOX?

Same reason I come here. To see what the crazies are saying.
The black commentator said this speech was only for white America.

Trump talked about rebuilding the inner cities, bringing jobs back to them. Bringing security back to them. Bringing school choice to them.

A complete disconnect by partisan ideologues

Gramps, I sort of agree with you. Trump did promise to fix all things for all people, including issues for gays and blacks. Also, his daughter was inclusive and hopeful. I definitely think Trump tried to appeal to a changing, less conservative America, one where things like gay marriage are slowly becoming normalized. Remember: Trump was not only a registered Democrat for many years, but he knows that to win a general election he has to appeal to moderate swing states - so I agree that this was more of a pivot/general election speech than MSNBC claimed.

But let me give you some context on the "speech to white America" claim.

Both Nixon and Reagan ran as law and order candidates - which has a very specific history.
Both Reagan & Nixon promised to fix the crime of black inner cities, which crime lead to "white flight" as Nixon's silent majority fled to the wealthy suburbs. For Reagan, "law and order" took the form of the war on drugs, which had the affect of moving blacks from newly defunded welfare rolls and newly closed factories to prison cells. If you look at the incarceration rate of blacks since Nixon and Reagan became "law and order" candidates, it's easy to see what the phrase has historically involved.

Trump's speech - although it had racially inclusive elements - still contained many standard conservative bromides, which bromides have typically been addressed to traditional white America, e.g., security issues (traditionally aimed at white soccer moms. "I'll protect you from black thug drug dealer cop killers, dirty Mexican rapists and Muslims"). It included all the standard stuff about the loss of our great nation, etc., which is by no means racist, but hopefully some of this makes sense. I agree with you partly. Also, the voucher promise has always partly been to allow white families to opt out of school districts in bad neighborhoods. Again though, I don't see this as clearly racist but the voucher program would starve schools in bad neighborhoods and reinforce existing patterns of poverty, which poverty definitely seems to track racially.
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Screaming "Racist" at Trump is crying wolf when there ain't no wolf. He is not and has never been a Racist. He is pro-American and that includes all minority Americans. If you are a minority and NOT an American, take a number you are no longer the priority. Americans are the priority. That is what Trump's message is. Not hate. He's just getting the priorities right.
Screaming "Racist" at Trump is crying wolf when there ain't no wolf.

And ---- who did that?


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