Just watched video of Senator Waters. This is scary, a threat our democracy, impeachment, stuff like that


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Let's see. Trump said stop the steal, peaceful protest, and fight, which in PROG is a physical thing only. Pretty special right. Impeach for appearances, story-time, and your feelings harmed by all of it. Snowflakes melt, congress had to seek a safe space, you as well, but above all the establishment plain doesn't like Trump, so kick a dog if you have to.

Feel free to add other videos of Demonicrats inciting violence. If any use the term "fight" that qualifies as well, you know.

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I don't think Trump is going to let them hassle him like this. I would say prepare for an all out assault against them. I am sure he is enjoying this, :D
Here's the VP which under a logical flow must be impeached. She even used the word fight PROGS, are your feelings hurt? Oh yeah, PROG-check says this was taken out of context.
Who said anything about misspoke? Oh yeah, PROG-coded, nice job PROG.
Who the fuck is a prog?
What the fuck is a Prog?
Am I a Prog according to you?

Settle it now.

According to me? Shit PROG, according to life, it's not like I invented it.

Can't call you progressive, that implies progress.

Can't call you liberal, the left never owned it and PROGS wouldn't know liberal anyway beyond some idea about genitals and latest training.

PROG just resonates. Sounds like a nuisance beetle of some sort, an invasion & undesirable. It's also an acronym for:

Now you're educated PROG. You're welcome
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Let's see. Trump said stop the steal, peaceful protest, and fight, which in PROG is a physical thing only. Pretty special right. Impeach for appearances, story-time, and your feelings harmed by all of it. Snowflakes melt, congress had to seek a safe space, you as well, but above all the establishment plain doesn't like Trump, so kick a dog if you have to.

Feel free to add other videos of Demonicrats inciting violence. If any use the term "fight" that qualifies as well, you know.

And there's a big difference those Dem incited words were actually carried out in severe violence including the burning of cops in their cars and precincts exactly as incited by Dems and MSM hosts & commentary guests.
Here's Kamala, she's our VP appointed right. She says protests are necessary and real change doesn't come without a FIGHT.

Are you really betting on the, "Mommy, Mommy, why punish me when Joey did it too" defense?

Great legal strategy! :lol:

Trump spent months seeding the insurrection attempt, which was laid out today by the defense team, and weeks planning the 1/6 event.
Let's see. Trump said stop the steal, peaceful protest, and fight, which in PROG is a physical thing only. Pretty special right. Impeach for appearances, story-time, and your feelings harmed by all of it. Snowflakes melt, congress had to seek a safe space, you as well, but above all the establishment plain doesn't like Trump, so kick a dog if you have to.

Feel free to add other videos of Demonicrats inciting violence. If any use the term "fight" that qualifies as well, you know.

I can't wait til tomorrow when the Democrats bury this argument. Oh yeah, they know it's coming. Blaming the other guy is all you've got.
Just watched video of Senator Waters. This is scary, a threat our democracy, impeachment, stuff like that
Are you talking about Maxine Waters? That woman is a certifiable idiot and I wouldn't believe ANYTHING that comes out of that ignorant mouth of hers! Now, what did you want to say about "democracy, impeachment and stuff like that"? I'd believe you before I'd believe that monkey.
Let's see. Trump said stop the steal, peaceful protest, and fight, which in PROG is a physical thing only. Pretty special right. Impeach for appearances, story-time, and your feelings harmed by all of it. Snowflakes melt, congress had to seek a safe space, you as well, but above all the establishment plain doesn't like Trump, so kick a dog if you have to.

Feel free to add other videos of Demonicrats inciting violence. If any use the term "fight" that qualifies as well, you know.

It was just a matter of time until all this incendiary language promoted by mostly the democrats came home to roost. It is rather predictable they pretend to be clean-handed victims.

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