Just What are President Trump's "Failures?"

Other than not currying favor with the dishonest left-wing MSM, what are President Trump's other "failures" so far?

-Delay in getting his appointees confirmed?

-Bad relations with NK and Russia?

-ACA and tax reform?

-Syria, Israel and ISIS?

Do ANY of you seriously consider these "failures" because they have not been resolved during his first 100 days in office?

I think his biggest failure is his failure to put together a strong team around him, and to fill the 600+ executive positions within his administration requiring Senate approval. He's sent fewer than 50 nominees to the Senate for approval. How can you get anything done without staff to write the legislation and implement your agenda?

He hasn't got his appointees approved because he's barely sent anyone for approval, and those he has sent haven't got their paperwork done or properly dealt with ethics consideration - and they are SO completely not qualified for the positions they've been given.

I also consider renegging on every promise he ran on to be a major failure. He doesn't even have the intellectual curiosity to learn what he can and cannot do as President, and how the process works. One would think that would be the FIRST thing you would do.

He is NOT building the wall - his biggest promise. He promised better, cheaper healthcare coverage for EVERYONE, and delivered more expensive coverage for those with existing conditions. The health insurance plan he backed and is pushing, is NOT even close to what was promised, and would force millions of low income people off their current ACA coverage.

He is not going after companies who are manufacturing off-shore. No import duties are being discussed, no levies, fines or taxes. He backed down on pulling out of NAFTA, and instead, started yet another softwood lumber war with Canada. Since the US lost both of the previous times they've tried this bullshit, I guess Trump figures the third time's the charm.

Then there's his bombing of Syria, which has incurred Putin's wrath, did no real damage to Assad, and was simply an attempt to prop up his dismal poll numbers. His lie about sending the aircraft carrier to Korea when was on its way to Australia. Your allies in NATO are really disgusted by his lie because it means they cannot trust what he says with respect to US foreign policy.

He promised isolationism, and his foreign policy posturing is anything but isolationism. He's trying to spin it that he's putting America's enemies on notice that he will defend the US, but his aggression is anything but defensive. Usually, Presidents at least try some form of diplomacy before firing bombs, but Trump fired all of the diplomats and hasn't bothered hiring any.
Trump has failed to be honest with the American People

so we should've voted for Hillary because she is so very honest???????????????


And its not just that's she's honest (that was proven but you won't read it on your fake news sites) but also because she is much smarter and proobably the most experienced candidate ever.

Doesn't matter though because you gullible fools want to take the country down. Between now and his impeachment, he will do a lot of damage.
Other than not currying favor with the dishonest left-wing MSM, what are President Trump's other "failures" so far?

-Delay in getting his appointees confirmed?

-Bad relations with NK and Russia?

-ACA and tax reform?

-Syria, Israel and ISIS?

Do ANY of you seriously consider these "failures" because they have not been resolved during his first 100 days in office?

I think his biggest failure is his failure to put together a strong team around him, and to fill the 600+ executive positions within his administration requiring Senate approval. He's sent fewer than 50 nominees to the Senate for approval. How can you get anything done without staff to write the legislation and implement your agenda?

He hasn't got his appointees approved because he's barely sent anyone for approval, and those he has sent haven't got their paperwork done or properly dealt with ethics consideration - and they are SO completely not qualified for the positions they've been given.

I also consider renegging on every promise he ran on to be a major failure. He doesn't even have the intellectual curiosity to learn what he can and cannot do as President, and how the process works. One would think that would be the FIRST thing you would do.

He is NOT building the wall - his biggest promise. He promised better, cheaper healthcare coverage for EVERYONE, and delivered more expensive coverage for those with existing conditions. The health insurance plan he backed and is pushing, is NOT even close to what was promised, and would force millions of low income people off their current ACA coverage.

He is not going after companies who are manufacturing off-shore. No import duties are being discussed, no levies, fines or taxes. He backed down on pulling out of NAFTA, and instead, started yet another softwood lumber war with Canada. Since the US lost both of the previous times they've tried this bullshit, I guess Trump figures the third time's the charm.

Then there's his bombing of Syria, which has incurred Putin's wrath, did no real damage to Assad, and was simply an attempt to prop up his dismal poll numbers. His lie about sending the aircraft carrier to Korea when was on its way to Australia. Your allies in NATO are really disgusted by his lie because it means they cannot trust what he says with respect to US foreign policy.

He promised isolationism, and his foreign policy posturing is anything but isolationism. He's trying to spin it that he's putting America's enemies on notice that he will defend the US, but his aggression is anything but defensive. Usually, Presidents at least try some form of diplomacy before firing bombs, but Trump fired all of the diplomats and hasn't bothered hiring any.

Considering your sig, that's just plain stupid.

NOW you can and should worry about the pissing contest he has going with his fat little doppleganger.
he has failed at almost every business he has tried.

He owns 500 businesses, and 6 failed....

That's almost 99% success.

Very funny.

He's wealthy because it was given to him. Same is true of his kids. Same is true of Jared Kushner. These people are wealthy because it was given to them.

because she is much smarter and proobably the most experienced candidate ever.

What the hell are you talking about!

Hillary...? Smart...? Not so much.

Yeah, she got all the experience she needs riding Slicky Willie's coat tail all these years. She learned how protect a rapist and serial molester. She learned how to talk for hours and not say anything.She learned how to be unethical as a lawyer, and then public servant. She honed her skills of lying, covering up illegality, and most importantly, getting people killed through neglect and incompetence. These are all things required to be an excellent president in the eyes of a moonbat liberal.

President Trump is fighting a uphill battle against the democrats, and yet he is having victories. Trump doesn't have an army of myrmidons having orgasms because he was elected to fulfill his every wish, whim, or knee-jerk.

And yet, Trump is still getting victories.

(Damned but I love watching the left spew hate and falsehoods, driving them more and more insane and further into the depths of irrelevancy and oblivion. It's all PRICELESS!!!)
because she is much smarter and proobably the most experienced candidate ever.

What the hell are you talking about!

Hillary...? Smart...? Not so much.

Yeah, she got all the experience she needs riding Slicky Willie's coat tail all these years. She learned how protect a rapist and serial molester. She learned how to talk for hours and not say anything.She learned how to be unethical as a lawyer, and then public servant. She honed her skills of lying, covering up illegality, and most importantly, getting people killed through neglect and incompetence. These are all things required to be an excellent president in the eyes of a moonbat liberal.

President Trump is fighting a uphill battle against the democrats, and yet he is having victories. Trump doesn't have an army of myrmidons having orgasms because he was elected to fulfill his every wish, whim, or knee-jerk.

And yet, Trump is still getting victories.

(Damned but I love watching the left spew hate and falsehoods, driving them more and more insane and further into the depths of irrelevancy and oblivion. It's all PRICELESS!!!)

Hillary - easily one of teh ost successful women in te world.

drumpf - victories? Nope. Haven't seen any. I HAVE seen him screwing over working class, coal miners, vets, military, women, children ... And more to come.

You're the marooon for pretending that I didn't post many other sources.

Do yourself a favor - buy a computer and and ISP. Then learn how to research for yourself cuz day-um, lib-rules are getting really sick of spoon feeding you fools.
I think his biggest failure is his failure to put together a strong team around him...
He has a great team to rely on. You're confused.

He has his White House advisors, but no one in the various departments - and he fired everyone at State so other than Tillerson, who does he have? There are 600+ executive level administration jobs, deputy secretarys, cabinet level positions, etc. which are unfilled. Those are the people whose job it is to advise the Secretary of the Department, draft legislation and implement the President's agenda.

The biggest reason that Trump gets nothing done, is that he hasn't hired anyone to fill these positions.
I think his biggest failure is his failure to put together a strong team around him...
He has a great team to rely on. You're confused.

He has his White House advisors, but no one in the various departments - and he fired everyone at State so other than Tillerson, who does he have? There are 600+ executive level administration jobs, deputy secretarys, cabinet level positions, etc. which are unfilled. Those are the people whose job it is to advise the Secretary of the Department, draft legislation and implement the President's agenda.

The biggest reason that Trump gets nothing done, is that he hasn't hired anyone to fill these positions.
It's his fault the dems are dragging their heels on appointments? I like his cabinet, Tillerson, DeVos, Mathis, etc. You live in the Twilight Zone.
You have to separate emotions from objectivity. Libs are trained to say Trump is a failure. Don't expect them to pull a rabbit out of a hat. They're just dishonest people.
Other than not currying favor with the dishonest left-wing MSM, what are President Trump's other "failures" so far?

-Delay in getting his appointees confirmed?

-Bad relations with NK and Russia?

-ACA and tax reform?

-Syria, Israel and ISIS?

Do ANY of you seriously consider these "failures" because they have not been resolved during his first 100 days in office?
It's really more of a fault than a failure. He's trying to push really big changes without first preparing the public and the Congress for it. For example,a recent poll showed a whopping 80% of Americans oppose sanctuary cities, and under current federal law he can only withhold funds for 45 days with a vote from Congress to rescind the funding, so before signing the EO to withhold funds he should have organized a coordinated effort to rally public opinion to pressure Congress to vote for rescission. By not taking the time to prepare the public and Congress to support the EO, he allowed a rogue federal judge to take the initiative and probably bias some public opinion against the EO. The President has clear ideas of he wants to do and most of it has strong public support, but he hasn't yet learned how to work the system to get it done. He needs to bring some people into his administration who can run campaign for his policy issues similar to running election campaigns.
I think his biggest failure is his failure to put together a strong team around him...
He has a great team to rely on. You're confused.

He has his White House advisors, but no one in the various departments - and he fired everyone at State so other than Tillerson, who does he have? There are 600+ executive level administration jobs, deputy secretarys, cabinet level positions, etc. which are unfilled. Those are the people whose job it is to advise the Secretary of the Department, draft legislation and implement the President's agenda.

The biggest reason that Trump gets nothing done, is that he hasn't hired anyone to fill these positions.
It's his fault the dems are dragging their heels on appointments? I like his cabinet, Tillerson, DeVos, Mathis, etc. You live in the Twilight Zone.

The can't approve names he hasn't sent them. And his Cabinet was fully approved at the same time that Obama's cabinet was approved. As always, Trump is deflecting when he blames Democrats for vetting the unqualified schlumps he's been sending them to approve.

I live in the real world. Not in some insulated bubble where everything your feckless leader does is amazing, UGE or even well thought out.
Other than not currying favor with the dishonest left-wing MSM, what are President Trump's other "failures" so far?

-Delay in getting his appointees confirmed?

-Bad relations with NK and Russia?

-ACA and tax reform?

-Syria, Israel and ISIS?

Do ANY of you seriously consider these "failures" because they have not been resolved during his first 100 days in office?

Well it is impressive that Trump has managed to bring the U.S. closer to war with Russia and NK than we have been in decades.

Trump has failed to deliver on his campaign promises- big time
Personally- I don't hold politicians to any 100 day calendar- but Trump was the one who made a pledge to you Trumpsters of what he would do in his first 100 days- and he lied to you.

Evaluating Trump's first 100 days — on his own terms
Donald Trump's 100-day plan, as delivered on October 22, 2016, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
What follows is my 100-day action plan to Make America Great Again. It is a contract between myself and the American voter — and begins with restoring honesty, accountability and change to Washington.

Therefore, on the first day of my term of office, my administration will immediately pursue the following six measures to clean up the corruption and special interest collusion in Washington, DC:

* FIRST, propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress;1

Trump lied to you.

* THIRD, I will direct my Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator

Trump lied to you.

* FIRST, cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama1

Apparently he wasn't able to find any on the first day....

* THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities1

Well he tried- kind of....but not on the first day...

Next, I will work with Congress to introduce the following broader legislative measures and fight for their passage within the first 100 days of my Administration:

1. Middle Class Tax Relief And Simplification Act.1

And again- Trump lied to you- a couple days before the end of the 100 days- he released a one page suggestion- and no legislation has been introduced yet.

5. Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act.1

The Great Negotiator couldn't do it.

6. Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act.1

Trump lied to you.

And my favorite Trump lie to you- this he promised to do on his first day:

* FIRST, propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress;1

Trump hasn't even mentioned that since he was elected.

You must be proud.
Congress is the failure!

Trump on getting things done in government: "It's a very rough system. It's an archaic system...It's really a bad thing for the country."

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