Just What are President Trump's "Failures?"

Congress is the failure!

Trump on getting things done in government: "It's a very rough system. It's an archaic system...It's really a bad thing for the country."

Yeah- Trump has both the House and the Senate- but its all Congresses fault Trump hasn't done all the things he said he would do.

Like his promise to push for a Constitutional Amendment to put term limits on Congress- remember how its Congress's fault that Trump has not even mentioned it since getting elected?
Trumps Failures so far

1. Ivana
2. Marla
3. Melania.....working on it
Congress is the failure!

Trump on getting things done in government: "It's a very rough system. It's an archaic system...It's really a bad thing for the country."

Yeah- Trump has both the House and the Senate- but its all Congresses fault Trump hasn't done all the things he said he would do.

Like his promise to push for a Constitutional Amendment to put term limits on Congress- remember how its Congress's fault that Trump has not even mentioned it since getting elected?

he can mention privately with Senators if not publicly. he can mention it privately if not publicly. YES HE CAN!
I think his biggest failure is his failure to put together a strong team around him...
He has a great team to rely on. You're confused.

He has his White House advisors, but no one in the various departments - and he fired everyone at State so other than Tillerson, who does he have? There are 600+ executive level administration jobs, deputy secretarys, cabinet level positions, etc. which are unfilled. Those are the people whose job it is to advise the Secretary of the Department, draft legislation and implement the President's agenda.

The biggest reason that Trump gets nothing done, is that he hasn't hired anyone to fill these positions.
It's his fault the dems are dragging their heels on appointments? I like his cabinet, Tillerson, DeVos, Mathis, etc. You live in the Twilight Zone.

The can't approve names he hasn't sent them. And his Cabinet was fully approved at the same time that Obama's cabinet was approved. As always, Trump is deflecting when he blames Democrats for vetting the unqualified schlumps he's been sending them to approve.

I live in the real world. Not in some insulated bubble where everything your feckless leader does is amazing, UGE or even well thought out.
I never said that, you lying piece of shit. And you claim the Dems aren't holding up nominations? Oretty stupid to come here and prove you're a dishonest moron. You love to hate Trump, I get it. You finally have a reason to drag your worthless hide out of bed.
I think his biggest failure is his failure to put together a strong team around him...
He has a great team to rely on. You're confused.

He has his White House advisors, but no one in the various departments - and he fired everyone at State so other than Tillerson, who does he have? There are 600+ executive level administration jobs, deputy secretarys, cabinet level positions, etc. which are unfilled. Those are the people whose job it is to advise the Secretary of the Department, draft legislation and implement the President's agenda.

The biggest reason that Trump gets nothing done, is that he hasn't hired anyone to fill these positions.
It's his fault the dems are dragging their heels on appointments? I like his cabinet, Tillerson, DeVos, Mathis, etc. You live in the Twilight Zone.

The can't approve names he hasn't sent them. And his Cabinet was fully approved at the same time that Obama's cabinet was approved. As always, Trump is deflecting when he blames Democrats for vetting the unqualified schlumps he's been sending them to approve.

I live in the real world. Not in some insulated bubble where everything your feckless leader does is amazing, UGE or even well thought out.
I never said that, you lying piece of shit. And you claim the Dems aren't holding up nominations? Oretty stupid to come here and prove you're a dishonest moron. You love to hate Trump, I get it. You finally have a reason to drag your worthless hide out of bed.
Dems are not holding up nominations Trump is just trickling them out. They are not rubber stamped, but de to Trumps poor vetting, they must clear ethics
Trump has had 180 days and still has not filled most spots
I think his biggest failure is his failure to put together a strong team around him...
He has a great team to rely on. You're confused.

He has his White House advisors, but no one in the various departments - and he fired everyone at State so other than Tillerson, who does he have? There are 600+ executive level administration jobs, deputy secretarys, cabinet level positions, etc. which are unfilled. Those are the people whose job it is to advise the Secretary of the Department, draft legislation and implement the President's agenda.

The biggest reason that Trump gets nothing done, is that he hasn't hired anyone to fill these positions.

If the job is being done without these people, aren't we saving their salaries and benefits out of the federal budget? Sounds like a win-win for America and a lose-lose for liberals.
Other than not currying favor with the dishonest left-wing MSM, what are President Trump's other "failures" so far?

-Delay in getting his appointees confirmed?

-Bad relations with NK and Russia?

-ACA and tax reform?

-Syria, Israel and ISIS?

Do ANY of you seriously consider these "failures" because they have not been resolved during his first 100 days in office?

Not losing to Hillary "The Messiah" Clinton.
Other than not currying favor with the dishonest left-wing MSM, what are President Trump's other "failures" so far?

-Delay in getting his appointees confirmed?

-Bad relations with NK and Russia?

-ACA and tax reform?

-Syria, Israel and ISIS?

Do ANY of you seriously consider these "failures" because they have not been resolved during his first 100 days in office?

Other than not currying favor with the dishonest left-wing MSM, what are President Trump's other "failures" so far?

-Delay in getting his appointees confirmed?

-Bad relations with NK and Russia?

-ACA and tax reform?

-Syria, Israel and ISIS?

Do ANY of you seriously consider these "failures" because they have not been resolved during his first 100 days in office?

BS EO's..........how many pieces of legislation has he at least gotten through the House, let alone the Senate?

ans: none
How many did obama?
Trump has failed to be honest with the American People

so we should've voted for Hillary because she is so very honest???????????????


And its not just that's she's honest (that was proven but you won't read it on your fake news sites) but also because she is much smarter and proobably the most experienced candidate ever.

Doesn't matter though because you gullible fools want to take the country down. Between now and his impeachment, he will do a lot of damage.
She's honest? Lol, I got some sniper fire for you.

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