Just what Republicans DON'T need


In Memorial of 47
Apr 30, 2010
Not going to try to hide the story and try to bury it as a lie of omission.

Windows Damaged at Rep. Gene Green’s District Office : Roll Call News

The Houston Police Department said an air gun is likely to blame for damage caused to Rep. Gene Green
’s district office Tuesday morning.

Local Fox affiliate KVIR first reported that shots were fired near the Texas
Democrat’s office, but police spokesman John Cannon said the incident looks to be a case of criminal mischief.

“Our officer took a look at the damage done to the window, and it appears to be damage from a BB or a pellet gun,” Cannon said.

There were no witnesses or suspects, he added.

Nevertheless, the incident rattled staff, who notified Capitol Police and local authorities around 11 a.m., believing the office’s windows had been damaged by gunshots. The 10-term Congressman was out of the office at the time, a spokeswoman confirmed.

Just some mischievous kids???

Republican terrorists???

Demented Democrat hoping to blame "Pub-Dupes"???

(I choose "C")
It doesn't look that serious. Barring new information, I don't think it will catch much media attention or hurt Republicans at all.

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