Just who the hell is Mexico to tell us what we can and can't build on our land?


Who the hell are they?

Is this where the left tell us how this is not our land and it still belongs to the natives, as they don't ever even attempt to give their home to a native?

I wish Trump would just say that. Who the hell are you to tell us what we will build on our land? OUR LAND. That is right. OUR LAND.

Is the left still trying to compare the building of a wall to the Berlin wall? Like I said they would?

jeez you're an idiot.

they have every right when the orange sociopath thinks they're going to pay for his insanity and the insanity of his trumpsters

Who the hell are they?

Is this where the left tell us how this is not our land and it still belongs to the natives, as they don't ever even attempt to give their home to a native?

I wish Trump would just say that. Who the hell are you to tell us what we will build on our land? OUR LAND. That is right. OUR LAND.

Is the left still trying to compare the building of a wall to the Berlin wall? Like I said they would?

jeez you're an idiot.

they have every right when the orange sociopath thinks they're going to pay for his insanity and the insanity of his trumpsters
I thing it's funny stupid how you think they won't pay....:lol:

Who the hell are they?

Is this where the left tell us how this is not our land and it still belongs to the natives, as they don't ever even attempt to give their home to a native?

I wish Trump would just say that. Who the hell are you to tell us what we will build on our land? OUR LAND. That is right. OUR LAND.

Is the left still trying to compare the building of a wall to the Berlin wall? Like I said they would?

Mexico is using us. They send their poor here so they don't have to care for them and then they make out like bandits when those illegal aliens send billions back in remittances.

Yes, libs have compared the border wall to the Berlin wall many times. As usual, they are fuzzy on history. Hey, libs, the Berlin Wall was meant to imprison people. Our wall is all about security and ensuring that we know who is entering.

Two opposite purposes but all the little snowflakes hear is 'wall' and they are unable or unwilling to discern the difference.

All of the liberal talking points, riots, protests and whining originated with the leftwing extremists who want one world government, which means open borders, global wealth redistribution (the only purpose behind their global warming 'solutions'), ceding rights, freedoms, and America ceasing to exist. It's people, like Soros, who are funding this and they've started all these groups who are out there crying about police, lack of free shit, wage gaps and other liberal myths. They want Americans divided.

Look at all the demands made by the various protesters/rioters. It all comes down to money. BLM wants reparations and must claim to be victims of racism. The lib women want free abortion and must claim to be denied equality. The refugees and illegal aliens want access to welfare and claim to be victims of Islamophobia and bigotry to get what they want. The average lib wants free education and claim they are victims being denied their "right" to free this and free that. Free everything. They are all being used to promote socialism. The left uses these people by convincing them that they are victims who must demand something from those who supposedly wronged them. And the group largely being blamed is white males, especially wealthy white males. Not hard to see why they hate Trump. The left has engrained in people's brains the idea that white males are to be feared as the root of all evil. A growing number of libs are saying we need to rid the world of white men and they blame them for all the problems.

So, they are literally losing their minds.

All of the crazy shit we've seen escalate over the years, especially during Obama's term, is all part of the same plan to take down America.

They will support the Mexican president because he was playing along with their grand plan. Obama and the Dems loved Castro and every other dictator. Anyone who supports their plan for a socialist world with a few elites running it is okay in their book.

They are sick.

I love that Trump will probably tell these losers to go to hell and continue to do what is best for America.

The majority support Trump. Over 50% approve of him, according to polls. His approval rating goes up each day. Most Americans get it. The ones doing the whining are the minority and hopefully always will be. Sanity has returned to Washington and it's a relief.
Throughout history, people in poor countries have always tried to get into rich countries. Mexico doesn`t send anybody here. The U.S. has supported and installed dictators all over the world for several decades, most of them being 100X worse than Castro. Fascists, druglords and terrorists are okay with us as long as they follow our orders.
35 countries where the U.S. has supported fascists, drug lords and terrorists

Who the hell are they?

Is this where the left tell us how this is not our land and it still belongs to the natives, as they don't ever even attempt to give their home to a native?

I wish Trump would just say that. Who the hell are you to tell us what we will build on our land? OUR LAND. That is right. OUR LAND.

Is the left still trying to compare the building of a wall to the Berlin wall? Like I said they would?

jeez you're an idiot.

they have every right when the orange sociopath thinks they're going to pay for his insanity and the insanity of his trumpsters
Notice how kooky leftists now bitch about who will pay for the wall...claiming Trump is a liar. Didn't they say a few weeks ago that Trump would never build the wall?

Apparently they never learn from past mistakes.
The Mexican president already told him that if he wanted a wall, he could build it himself. They aren't paying for it.
He doesn't have a choice. He can SAY whatever he wants but Mexico is gonna pay for the wall.

If he builds it we are , us Americans will pay for the wall. We will pay more for anything coming from Mexico. Dumb Trump.
No, because we can build or grow everything here that we get from them. We only buy from them because it's cheap. If it becomes no longer cheap, we won't buy from them and they'll have to lower their prices if they want to sell them.

Who the hell are they?

Is this where the left tell us how this is not our land and it still belongs to the natives, as they don't ever even attempt to give their home to a native?

I wish Trump would just say that. Who the hell are you to tell us what we will build on our land? OUR LAND. That is right. OUR LAND.

Is the left still trying to compare the building of a wall to the Berlin wall? Like I said they would?

jeez you're an idiot.

they have every right when the orange sociopath thinks they're going to pay for his insanity and the insanity of his trumpsters
Notice how kooky leftists now bitch about who will pay for the wall...claiming Trump is a liar. Didn't they say a few weeks ago that Trump would never build the wall?

Apparently they never learn from past mistakes.
He won't run.
He won't get the nomination.
He won't beat Hillary.

Who the hell are they?

Is this where the left tell us how this is not our land and it still belongs to the natives, as they don't ever even attempt to give their home to a native?

I wish Trump would just say that. Who the hell are you to tell us what we will build on our land? OUR LAND. That is right. OUR LAND.

Is the left still trying to compare the building of a wall to the Berlin wall? Like I said they would?

jeez you're an idiot.

they have every right when the orange sociopath thinks they're going to pay for his insanity and the insanity of his trumpsters
Notice how kooky leftists now bitch about who will pay for the wall...claiming Trump is a liar. Didn't they say a few weeks ago that Trump would never build the wall?

Apparently they never learn from past mistakes.
He won't run.
He won't get the nomination.
He won't beat Hillary.

and she beat him nationally by exactly what the polls said.

but do you freaks of nature think she would have lost the EC if your boy jim comey didn't violate the hatch act?

run along now.

Who the hell are they?

Is this where the left tell us how this is not our land and it still belongs to the natives, as they don't ever even attempt to give their home to a native?

I wish Trump would just say that. Who the hell are you to tell us what we will build on our land? OUR LAND. That is right. OUR LAND.

Is the left still trying to compare the building of a wall to the Berlin wall? Like I said they would?

jeez you're an idiot.

they have every right when the orange sociopath thinks they're going to pay for his insanity and the insanity of his trumpsters
Notice how kooky leftists now bitch about who will pay for the wall...claiming Trump is a liar. Didn't they say a few weeks ago that Trump would never build the wall?

Apparently they never learn from past mistakes.
He won't run.
He won't get the nomination.
He won't beat Hillary.

and she beat him nationally by exactly what the polls said.

but do you freaks of nature think she would have lost the EC if your boy jim comey didn't violate the hatch act?

run along now.
You are an ignorant person. That is all.

In my best Curly Bell fashion, I have only one thing to say to you, since you refuse to learn why mob rule is not a true democracy.....

On ignore


Who the hell are they?

Is this where the left tell us how this is not our land and it still belongs to the natives, as they don't ever even attempt to give their home to a native?

I wish Trump would just say that. Who the hell are you to tell us what we will build on our land? OUR LAND. That is right. OUR LAND.

Is the left still trying to compare the building of a wall to the Berlin wall? Like I said they would?

When did the Mexican President say that?
The Mexican president already told him that if he wanted a wall, he could build it himself. They aren't paying for it.
Lol taxing imports or money being sent back to Mexico being taxed they won't have a choice. Its either pay for it or have a pissed off population thanks to taxing incoming money or a destroyed economy due to the tariff
Mexico is not going to pay for the wall and Trump can't do a damn thing about it.
Trump can cut off their foreign aid, he can tax all imports from them, he can intercept wire transfers from the U.S. to Mexico, they're gonna pay for it, this I can tell you.
The foreign aid is to assist with border security and law enforcement projects. Shutting it off would be real smart.

Who the hell are they?

Is this where the left tell us how this is not our land and it still belongs to the natives, as they don't ever even attempt to give their home to a native?

I wish Trump would just say that. Who the hell are you to tell us what we will build on our land? OUR LAND. That is right. OUR LAND.

Is the left still trying to compare the building of a wall to the Berlin wall? Like I said they would?

jeez you're an idiot.

they have every right when the orange sociopath thinks they're going to pay for his insanity and the insanity of his trumpsters
Notice how kooky leftists now bitch about who will pay for the wall...claiming Trump is a liar. Didn't they say a few weeks ago that Trump would never build the wall?

Apparently they never learn from past mistakes.
He won't run.
He won't get the nomination.
He won't beat Hillary.
The MSM would never call Big Ears a liar, no matter how many times he lied or how big the lie was. Of course, they call Trump a liar every day. Amazingly Ds and libs can't see the distortion and they get played again and again and again.
The Mexican president already told him that if he wanted a wall, he could build it himself. They aren't paying for it.
You believe the Mexican president but not the American president. Are you a traitor?
Proudly hates the country.

To them and this is literally true...

Brown non American anti Christian = good

White American male Christian = bad

That is all they know. Not kidding. That is it.
The Mexican president already told him that if he wanted a wall, he could build it himself. They aren't paying for it.
He doesn't have a choice. He can SAY whatever he wants but Mexico is gonna pay for the wall.

If he builds it we are , us Americans will pay for the wall. We will pay more for anything coming from Mexico. Dumb Trump.
No, because we can build or grow everything here that we get from them. We only buy from them because it's cheap. If it becomes no longer cheap, we won't buy from them and they'll have to lower their prices if they want to sell them.
Yeah sure it's that simple :lol:

Idk who's dumber - Trump or the people who voted for him.
The Mexican president already told him that if he wanted a wall, he could build it himself. They aren't paying for it.
You believe the Mexican president but not the American president. Are you a traitor?
So now it's traitorous behavior to not believe the POTUS? You'd fit right in with Trumps buddy, Putin, right comrade?
The Mexican president already told him that if he wanted a wall, he could build it himself. They aren't paying for it.
He doesn't have a choice. He can SAY whatever he wants but Mexico is gonna pay for the wall.

If he builds it we are , us Americans will pay for the wall. We will pay more for anything coming from Mexico. Dumb Trump.
Except, Mexico is paying for the wall...
No, no they're not
The Mexican president already told him that if he wanted a wall, he could build it himself. They aren't paying for it.
He doesn't have a choice. He can SAY whatever he wants but Mexico is gonna pay for the wall.

If he builds it we are , us Americans will pay for the wall. We will pay more for anything coming from Mexico. Dumb Trump.
Except, Mexico is paying for the wall...
No, no they're not
Yes, they will....

Who the hell are they?

Is this where the left tell us how this is not our land and it still belongs to the natives, as they don't ever even attempt to give their home to a native?

I wish Trump would just say that. Who the hell are you to tell us what we will build on our land? OUR LAND. That is right. OUR LAND.

Is the left still trying to compare the building of a wall to the Berlin wall? Like I said they would?

When did the Mexican President say that?
He only said it in the OP's head

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