Just who the hell is Mexico to tell us what we can and can't build on our land?

So the Mexican government allows their citizens to break into our country by the millions, breaking our laws, plus the illegals send millions of dollars back to Mexico...and we can't demand anything in return.

We send illegal gun trade over the border into their country. Maybe we should pay THEM....

As for them sending money back - they worked for it, they earned it, and in many cases they also payed taxes on it. No one is telling you you can't send you cash to some off shore bank now are they?
The illegal gun trade was Obama's Fast & Furious disaster. That is a government run fuck up for which BO should have been impeached. It only involved a relatively small number of guns and hardly equates to millions of Mexicans abusing our laws, flooding our schools and hospitals, and draining welfare programs.

That said, many of them provide significant services to our country. However this in no way alleviates their crime. Why do you want foreign people breaking our laws?

No it wasn't. Fast & Furious was an attempt to do something about the illegal gun running.

Why do you want people breaking Mexico's laws?

Why do you want Mexicans to break our laws?


Who says I do?

I just think it's a stupid idea to "make" a sovereign nation pay for something we construct on our territory.

They aren't going to pay for it. We will, if it is approved by congress.
The Mexican president already told him that if he wanted a wall, he could build it himself. They aren't paying for it.
You believe the Mexican president but not the American president. Are you a traitor?

The American president is a fool that lies daily, and the American people don't support him. Why do you think he was the subject of the biggest inauguration protest ever. Millions more showed up to the protest than to his inauguration. He's a loser.

Right. Because of course, you're more successful than a guy with 419 profitable companies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Really list them?

They are listed in the states they are incorporated in which is verified by public records. If you need a list, do you're own homework. While you're at it, send a list of YOUR successes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Most have failed and he is not a good businessman, and no he does not have that many businesses. There , since he have been a reality tv star for 14 seasons. He is a salesman, not a builder.
Just who the hell is Mexico to tell us what we can and can't build on our land?

Rapists, drug dealers, murderers?
Isn't that what Trump called them?
Mrs. Housekeeping?
A Mexican can't be a fair judge?
So the Mexican government allows their citizens to break into our country by the millions, breaking our laws, plus the illegals send millions of dollars back to Mexico...and we can't demand anything in return.

We send illegal gun trade over the border into their country. Maybe we should pay THEM....

As for them sending money back - they worked for it, they earned it, and in many cases they also payed taxes on it. No one is telling you you can't send you cash to some off shore bank now are they?
The illegal gun trade was Obama's Fast & Furious disaster. That is a government run fuck up for which BO should have been impeached. It only involved a relatively small number of guns and hardly equates to millions of Mexicans abusing our laws, flooding our schools and hospitals, and draining welfare programs.

That said, many of them provide significant services to our country. However this in no way alleviates their crime. Why do you want foreign people breaking our laws?

No it wasn't. Fast & Furious was an attempt to do something about the illegal gun running.

Why do you want people breaking Mexico's laws?

Why do you want Mexicans to break our laws?


Who says I do?

I just think it's a stupid idea to "make" a sovereign nation pay for something we construct on our territory.

He wants the wall, let him pay for it, I do not think a wall is necessary and I do not want to pay for it. Let the boarder patrol do their jobs. also they fly over and crawl under. I also think there are some dirty boarder control cops.
We send illegal gun trade over the border into their country. Maybe we should pay THEM....

As for them sending money back - they worked for it, they earned it, and in many cases they also payed taxes on it. No one is telling you you can't send you cash to some off shore bank now are they?
The illegal gun trade was Obama's Fast & Furious disaster. That is a government run fuck up for which BO should have been impeached. It only involved a relatively small number of guns and hardly equates to millions of Mexicans abusing our laws, flooding our schools and hospitals, and draining welfare programs.

That said, many of them provide significant services to our country. However this in no way alleviates their crime. Why do you want foreign people breaking our laws?

No it wasn't. Fast & Furious was an attempt to do something about the illegal gun running.

Why do you want people breaking Mexico's laws?

Why do you want Mexicans to break our laws?


Who says I do?

I just think it's a stupid idea to "make" a sovereign nation pay for something we construct on our territory.

We already went over that. When Trump says he's going to make Mexico pay, he means that we aren't going to see any cost, because we are going to make more money than we lose by building it as a result of a restructuring of our financial relationship with Mexico.

You can do this. It isn't truly higher math.
You make a few assumptions here. You say restructuring of financial relationship with Mexico, what do you mean by that? I don't doubt that the US can hurt Mexico in a trade war more then they can hurt the US but that doesn't mean there will be no ramifications. Mexican trade employs about 5 million people in the US. Inevitably some, if not most of those will become unemployed. So we are already not talking about just the cost of the wall, but also about the economic cost. And even if you succeed, this will undoubtedly create an completely impoverished nation on your southern border. Increasing the amount of desperate people wanting to take risks to come to the US. A wall has never stopped anyone. People crossed the Berlin Wall and that shit was mined, barbwired and guarded by people with itchy trigger fingers. How are you supposed to guard a 2000 mile border?
Trump is new at this government stuff.

Hasn't anyone told him that no one pays for anything in the Federal government?

Just print the cash stupid
The illegal gun trade was Obama's Fast & Furious disaster. That is a government run fuck up for which BO should have been impeached. It only involved a relatively small number of guns and hardly equates to millions of Mexicans abusing our laws, flooding our schools and hospitals, and draining welfare programs.

That said, many of them provide significant services to our country. However this in no way alleviates their crime. Why do you want foreign people breaking our laws?

No it wasn't. Fast & Furious was an attempt to do something about the illegal gun running.

Why do you want people breaking Mexico's laws?

Why do you want Mexicans to break our laws?


Who says I do?

I just think it's a stupid idea to "make" a sovereign nation pay for something we construct on our territory.

We already went over that. When Trump says he's going to make Mexico pay, he means that we aren't going to see any cost, because we are going to make more money than we lose by building it as a result of a restructuring of our financial relationship with Mexico.

You can do this. It isn't truly higher math.
You make a few assumptions here. You say restructuring of financial relationship with Mexico, what do you mean by that? I don't doubt that the US can hurt Mexico in a trade war more then they can hurt the US but that doesn't mean there will be no ramifications. Mexican trade employs about 5 million people in the US. Inevitably some, if not most of those will become unemployed. So we are already not talking about just the cost of the wall, but also about the economic cost. And even if you succeed, this will undoubtedly create an completely impoverished nation on your southern border. Increasing the amount of desperate people wanting to take risks to come to the US. A wall has never stopped anyone. People crossed the Berlin Wall and that shit was mined, barbwired and guarded by people with itchy trigger fingers. How are you supposed to guard a 2000 mile border?

Psst...I really don't care enough about you to respond to you. It's a waste. I don't waste time on nuts who pretend like they don't know what's being discussed in order to provoke people into stating the same stuff over and over, hoping to catch them in some discrepancy.

Bugger off.
The Mexican president already told him that if he wanted a wall, he could build it himself. They aren't paying for it.
We'll see when we tax their products and cut off certain amount of financial aid.

You saying Trump Won't or can't do that?

Say, did Obama close Gitmo like he promised?

Btw, do you care about the numerous broken promises obama did not keep?

Not that I blame him, cause no president can do that.

Of course, you seem to be claiming Trump has broken his promises. You have bodecea keep asking if the wall is there. He is not funny. He tries, but his attempts at humor are just really stupid.

You know Trump has not been in office for a week, right?

So, tell us why this country can't cut off certain financial aid and tax their products.

Is that against some law? Go ahead, explain it to us.

The USA gives $320 million per year in aid to Mexico.

Stop that aid. The wall is paid for. How fucking tough is that?

They should be giving us $320 million/year.

Who the hell are they?

Is this where the left tell us how this is not our land and it still belongs to the natives, as they don't ever even attempt to give their home to a native?

I wish Trump would just say that. Who the hell are you to tell us what we will build on our land? OUR LAND. That is right. OUR LAND.

Is the left still trying to compare the building of a wall to the Berlin wall? Like I said they would?

And who are we to tell them they gotta pay for it? :lol:
So the Mexican government allows their citizens to break into our country by the millions, breaking our laws, plus the illegals send millions of dollars back to Mexico...and we can't demand anything in return.

We send illegal gun trade over the border into their country. Maybe we should pay THEM....

As for them sending money back - they worked for it, they earned it, and in many cases they also payed taxes on it. No one is telling you you can't send you cash to some off shore bank now are they?
The illegal gun trade was Obama's Fast & Furious disaster. That is a government run fuck up for which BO should have been impeached. It only involved a relatively small number of guns and hardly equates to millions of Mexicans abusing our laws, flooding our schools and hospitals, and draining welfare programs.

That said, many of them provide significant services to our country. However this in no way alleviates their crime. Why do you want foreign people breaking our laws?

No it wasn't. Fast & Furious was an attempt to do something about the illegal gun running.

Why do you want people breaking Mexico's laws?
Wrong. F&F was illegal and all involved including Big Ears, should have faced prosecution. It was a covert effort by radical leftists in our government, to overturn the 2A. Their silly plan was for drug cartels to use those illegal weapons bought by government agents, to murder Americans. In the hope that dumb Americans like you, would fail to see the distortion and demand gun restrictions on all law abiding Americans.

In a sane nation, BO and Holder would have been imprisoned for their treasonous actions.
The Mexican president already told him that if he wanted a wall, he could build it himself. They aren't paying for it.
We'll see when we tax their products and cut off certain amount of financial aid.

You saying Trump Won't or can't do that?

Say, did Obama close Gitmo like he promised?

Btw, do you care about the numerous broken promises obama did not keep?

Not that I blame him, cause no president can do that.

Of course, you seem to be claiming Trump has broken his promises. You have bodecea keep asking if the wall is there. He is not funny. He tries, but his attempts at humor are just really stupid.

You know Trump has not been in office for a week, right?

So, tell us why this country can't cut off certain financial aid and tax their products.

Is that against some law? Go ahead, explain it to us.

The USA gives $320 million per year in aid to Mexico.

Stop that aid. The wall is paid for. How fucking tough is that?

They should be giving us $320 million/year.
There are likely several ways in which Mexico pays for the wall, but that is a very good one. The trick is doing it without harming average Americans and Mexicans.
The Mexican president already told him that if he wanted a wall, he could build it himself. They aren't paying for it.
We'll see when we tax their products and cut off certain amount of financial aid.

You saying Trump Won't or can't do that?

Say, did Obama close Gitmo like he promised?

Btw, do you care about the numerous broken promises obama did not keep?

Not that I blame him, cause no president can do that.

Of course, you seem to be claiming Trump has broken his promises. You have bodecea keep asking if the wall is there. He is not funny. He tries, but his attempts at humor are just really stupid.

You know Trump has not been in office for a week, right?

So, tell us why this country can't cut off certain financial aid and tax their products.

Is that against some law? Go ahead, explain it to us.

The USA gives $320 million per year in aid to Mexico.

Stop that aid. The wall is paid for. How fucking tough is that?

They should be giving us $320 million/year.
There are likely several ways in which Mexico pays for the wall, but that is a very good one. The trick is doing it without harming average Americans and Mexicans.

We should have been charging Mexico an annual tax on the number of people they all to cross their border illegally into the United States.

$10,000 per person per year sounds about right.
Seriously, the perfect solution is California seceding and allowing their southern border to be 100% open.

Everyone's happy, right?
The illegal gun trade was Obama's Fast & Furious disaster. That is a government run fuck up for which BO should have been impeached. It only involved a relatively small number of guns and hardly equates to millions of Mexicans abusing our laws, flooding our schools and hospitals, and draining welfare programs.

That said, many of them provide significant services to our country. However this in no way alleviates their crime. Why do you want foreign people breaking our laws?

No it wasn't. Fast & Furious was an attempt to do something about the illegal gun running.

Why do you want people breaking Mexico's laws?

Why do you want Mexicans to break our laws?


Who says I do?

I just think it's a stupid idea to "make" a sovereign nation pay for something we construct on our territory.

We already went over that. When Trump says he's going to make Mexico pay, he means that we aren't going to see any cost, because we are going to make more money than we lose by building it as a result of a restructuring of our financial relationship with Mexico.

You can do this. It isn't truly higher math.
You make a few assumptions here. You say restructuring of financial relationship with Mexico, what do you mean by that? I don't doubt that the US can hurt Mexico in a trade war more then they can hurt the US but that doesn't mean there will be no ramifications. Mexican trade employs about 5 million people in the US. Inevitably some, if not most of those will become unemployed. So we are already not talking about just the cost of the wall, but also about the economic cost. And even if you succeed, this will undoubtedly create an completely impoverished nation on your southern border. Increasing the amount of desperate people wanting to take risks to come to the US. A wall has never stopped anyone. People crossed the Berlin Wall and that shit was mined, barbwired and guarded by people with itchy trigger fingers. How are you supposed to guard a 2000 mile border?

Well if you don't think the 2nd largest buyer of American products (Mexico) can't hurt us, you've got your head in a very dark place.

I frequent Mexico a lot. Westinghouse, General Electric, General motors and many other American products they purchase from us. Plus you have Walmart's, Home depot's, McDonald's, Pizza Hut's and many other American corporations that do business down there, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of Americans that own vacation condo's, have invested into resorts and all other kinds of things in Mexico. All of these things Trump is threatening when he opens his mouth. And because of all this there is an upper and middle class in Mexico today, that have absolutely no desire to cross the border to work for cheap wages.

I think Trump is attacking Mexico because he got tied up in a bad deal on the Baja, and he is using his Presidential powers to get even. Also he has YET to say anything about the other side of NAFTA--Canada. Probably because he has assets there also.

Trump Baja venture leaves buyers high and dry

You'll notice he has yet to attack CHINA--the biggest rip off of all. It's because they have him held hostage, as he, or should I say cough cough his kids own hotels in China. In fact Trump, is held hostage by many foreign countries where there are Trump casino's, hotels, and golf courses.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

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Who the hell are they?

Is this where the left tell us how this is not our land and it still belongs to the natives, as they don't ever even attempt to give their home to a native?

I wish Trump would just say that. Who the hell are you to tell us what we will build on our land? OUR LAND. That is right. OUR LAND.

Is the left still trying to compare the building of a wall to the Berlin wall? Like I said they would?

Trump wants to build the wall on OUR land and make THEM pay for it, nitwit.
The Mexican president already told him that if he wanted a wall, he could build it himself. They aren't paying for it.
We'll see when we tax their products and cut off certain amount of financial aid.

You saying Trump Won't or can't do that?

Say, did Obama close Gitmo like he promised?

Btw, do you care about the numerous broken promises obama did not keep?

Not that I blame him, cause no president can do that.

Of course, you seem to be claiming Trump has broken his promises. You have bodecea keep asking if the wall is there. He is not funny. He tries, but his attempts at humor are just really stupid.

You know Trump has not been in office for a week, right?

So, tell us why this country can't cut off certain financial aid and tax their products.

Is that against some law? Go ahead, explain it to us.

The USA gives $320 million per year in aid to Mexico.

Stop that aid. The wall is paid for. How fucking tough is that?

They should be giving us $320 million/year.
There are likely several ways in which Mexico pays for the wall, but that is a very good one. The trick is doing it without harming average Americans and Mexicans.
There might be a trick to make an elephant fit into a rabbit hole. That doesn't mean I'm having much hope.
If we build it they will come


Yeah it's just one more obstacle they won't have any problem getting over or under.

Personally I think some rope, pins, carbineers would get them over wall a lot easier and could probably do about 100 people every half hour. Or they could just build steps on this side of the wall and lower them down on the other side.

Or hell, just use a hammer drill---and you could make a hole big enough to drive a truck through.
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Who the hell are they?

Is this where the left tell us how this is not our land and it still belongs to the natives, as they don't ever even attempt to give their home to a native?

I wish Trump would just say that. Who the hell are you to tell us what we will build on our land? OUR LAND. That is right. OUR LAND.

Is the left still trying to compare the building of a wall to the Berlin wall? Like I said they would?

And who are we to tell them they gotta pay for it? :lol:
Why shouldn't we be making them pay for the wall? Aren't we the ones dealing with this problem because they can't get their shit together?

Why should their problems become ours?
A country needs secure border. That's one of the things that makes a country.

We should have the same immigration laws enforced that Mexico enforces.

– Immigration officials must “ensure” that “immigrants will be useful elements for the country and that they have the necessary funds for their sustenance” and for their dependents. (Article 34)
– Foreigners may be barred from the country if their presence upsets “the equilibrium of the national demographics,” when foreigners are deemed detrimental to “economic or national interests,” when they do not behave like good citizens in their own country, when they have broken Mexican laws, and when “they are not found to be physically or mentally healthy.” (Article 37)
– The Secretary of Governance may “suspend or prohibit the admission of foreigners when he determines it to be in the national interest.” (Article 38)

Mexican authorities must keep track of every single person in the country:
– Federal, local and municipal police must cooperate with federal immigration authorities upon request, i.e., to assist in the arrests of illegal immigrants. (Article 73)
– A National Population Registry keeps track of “every single individual who comprises the population of the country,” and verifies each individual’s identity. (Articles 85 and 86)
– A national Catalog of Foreigners tracks foreign tourists and immigrants (Article 87), and assigns each individual with a unique tracking number (Article 91).

Those seem reasonable for anyone immigrating to the USA.

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