Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

666 mark of the devil <LOL>:
Your characterization of the Muslim scriptures is just one of hundreds or thousands of interpretations - that's the key word. Extremists will interpret any religion they choose, whether it be islam or christianity or judaism to legitimize their horrendous behavior. That behavior is a reflection of the individuals, not the entire religion.

Calm down. You asked me "how come we don't see this happening here?" And I provided you with some examples.

You did not because American Muslims are not committing such atrocities.

Now you jumped to, "well you can't judge all Muslims by the behavior of those who committed these atrocities." And nobody is.

You clearly are doing just that.

However, when you have an ongoing barrage of these kinds of atrocities occurring in the name of Islam

That doesn't mean Islam is responsible.

a big community that approves of such actions

Do they? Can you show me evidence of this?

and lack of outrage by the Muslim world over the barbarism committed in the name of their religion, well, are you able to put two and two together?

Why should mainstream Muslims answer for acts committed by an extremist group?
Still dodging. :eusa_eh:

When are you going to run out of red herrings?

As a note: the laws which I brought up are promoted by Christians, in this particular instance. Try to keep up and refrain from Jew-blame.
Dodging what? You're the one who brought up your dislike over banning "shariah law" in a thread about Islamic terrorists massacring non Muslims. And you're the one who brought up Mosaic or Christian Laws in defense of Shariah law, as if there is any comparison whatsover.

When it comes to red herrings, you're the master. :clap:

Again, you still can't or won't answer a straightforward question. How long are you going to keep dodging?

Mosaic/OT law is very similar to Sharia and enjoys a small level of support in this country. It's clearly in opposition to American values and freedoms. Should it not be banned?
A. They are not similar
B. If they were, and widely practiced (which they're not) and subverted the laws of the land including separation of church and state, then YES.

Case closed.
Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Muslims blow up a Christian church in Pakistan killing more than 100 people who have done nothing wrong other than practice a religion other than Islam.

Muslims attack a mall in Kenya, killing over 80 non Muslims and counting. Running around like wild animals asking innocent shoppers taken as hostages if they are Muslims, and if so to prove it by reciting prayers, before they murder them.

Oh wait, "all religions have fanatics", right? RIIIIIIIIIGHT. <snicker>

Better yet, "Islam is not at war with us", WE ARE AT WAR WITH ISLAM, right?

It's all our fault, WE MADE THEM DO IT.

In reviewing my 362 RSS feeds this morning, I read at least 25 different reports of Islamic jihadists attacking Christian and Jewish targets, along with inter-sect attacks all over the Muslim world.

As you indicated, certainly a "religion of pieces - pieces of non-Muslim corpses!":mad:
Instead of doing the quote, which I find boring, here's this truly ignorant misstatement:

You did not because American Muslims are not committing such atrocities.

Well, you dolt, what about the Americans involved in the Kenyan mall attack? They don't count?
666 mark of the devil <LOL>:
Your characterization of the Muslim scriptures is just one of hundreds or thousands of interpretations - that's the key word. Extremists will interpret any religion they choose, whether it be islam or christianity or judaism to legitimize their horrendous behavior. That behavior is a reflection of the individuals, not the entire religion.

Calm down. You asked me "how come we don't see this happening here?" And I provided you with some examples.

You did not because American Muslims are not committing such atrocities.

You clearly are doing just that.

That doesn't mean Islam is responsible.

a big community that approves of such actions

Do they? Can you show me evidence of this?

and lack of outrage by the Muslim world over the barbarism committed in the name of their religion, well, are you able to put two and two together?

Why should mainstream Muslims answer for acts committed by an extremist group?
For the same reason that "mainstream Muslims" riot every time someone says anything about their religion, they can stand up and say "not in our name". Many have posted stats of Muslim approval of terrorism between 40 to 60% in many Muslim countries. Keep up.
Instead of doing the quote, which I find boring, here's this truly ignorant misstatement:

You did not because American Muslims are not committing such atrocities.

Well, you dolt, what about the Americans involved in the Kenyan mall attack? They don't count?
Exactly. :lmao: The denial runs deep.
Dodging what? You're the one who brought up your dislike over banning "shariah law" in a thread about Islamic terrorists massacring non Muslims. And you're the one who brought up Mosaic or Christian Laws in defense of Shariah law, as if there is any comparison whatsover.

When it comes to red herrings, you're the master. :clap:

Again, you still can't or won't answer a straightforward question. How long are you going to keep dodging?

Mosaic/OT law is very similar to Sharia and enjoys a small level of support in this country. It's clearly in opposition to American values and freedoms. Should it not be banned?
A. They are not similar

They are extremely similar. Did you bother to read about it in the links? Did you see how it would be used? I doubt it.

B. If they were, and widely practiced (which they're not) and subverted the laws of the land including separation of church and state, then YES.

Sharia law is not widely or even minimally practiced or advocated for in the US.

Major fail here Roudy.

You aren't advocating the anti-Sharia legislation because it's "against American values or freedoms".

You aren't advocating it because Sharia is anti-woman.

We've established that Mosaic/OT law is all of the above were it to be put into practice in the manner it's most extreme proponents would want (read the info). Just like the most extreme forms of Sharia.

You also aren't advocating anti-Sharia legislation because Sharia is widely practiced or supported in the US. It's not.

So what are we left with? Two sets of similar religious laws, neither practiced or advocated much in the US (though OT law has a slightly level of support), both distinctly antithical to our culture and constitution and....


The only one you want the U.S. to single out is the Muslim Sharia.

Case closed.

666 mark of the devil <LOL>:

Calm down. You asked me "how come we don't see this happening here?" And I provided you with some examples.

You did not because American Muslims are not committing such atrocities.

You clearly are doing just that.

That doesn't mean Islam is responsible.

Do they? Can you show me evidence of this?

and lack of outrage by the Muslim world over the barbarism committed in the name of their religion, well, are you able to put two and two together?

Why should mainstream Muslims answer for acts committed by an extremist group?
For the same reason that "mainstream Muslims" riot every time someone says anything about their religion, they can stand up and say "not in our name". Many have posted stats of Muslim approval of terrorism between 40 to 60% in many Muslim countries. Keep up.

We're not talking about what is happening in Muslim countries, We're talking about what is happening in the US.
Instead of doing the quote, which I find boring, here's this truly ignorant misstatement:

You did not because American Muslims are not committing such atrocities.

Well, you dolt, what about the Americans involved in the Kenyan mall attack? They don't count?

How many Americans were there? 2? 20? Even if there were 200 of them, they don't represent the millions of Muslims living in the US that have you wetting your pants for no reason. That's the point you people keep missing and I have to believe your misunderstanding is intentional because you don't seem that stupid to me.
Sharia law is not widely or even minimally practiced or advocated for in the US.

You must live in la la land:

Poll reveals 40pc of Muslims want sharia law in UK - Telegraph
Four out of 10 British Muslims want sharia law introduced into parts of the country, a survey reveals today.

Islamists to open DNC with prayer for sharia to replace US Constitution

Islamists To Open DNC With Prayer For Sharia To Replace US Constitution

When the Democrat National Convention/&#8221;hate-America&#8221; festival gets started, it will begin with a &#8220;Jummah&#8221; or Muslim prayer group. There will be about 20,000 people gathered for a celebration of the Islamists&#8217; plans to eventually overthrow our government and replace our Constitutional government with a Sharia-controlled theocracy. This begs the question: who will be there and what do they represent?
Instead of doing the quote, which I find boring, here's this truly ignorant misstatement:

You did not because American Muslims are not committing such atrocities.

Well, you dolt, what about the Americans involved in the Kenyan mall attack? They don't count?

At least one of the Tsarnaev brothers was an American citizen too. Was he one of the forgotten ones.

Then there is Ramsay Yousef the man who bombed the WTC the first time. Now he was a solid American family man. Then there was the Times Square Bomber, Faisal Shahzad. Don't forget Nidal Hassan the Ft. Hood shooter. He was an American Military man.

If you are saying that American muslims are not committing such atrocities, you are either not thinking, or outright lying.
Instead of doing the quote, which I find boring, here's this truly ignorant misstatement:

You did not because American Muslims are not committing such atrocities.

Well, you dolt, what about the Americans involved in the Kenyan mall attack? They don't count?

At least one of the Tsarnaev brothers was an American citizen too. Was he one of the forgotten ones.

Then there is Ramsay Yousef the man who bombed the WTC the first time. Now he was a solid American family man. Then there was the Times Square Bomber, Faisal Shahzad. Don't forget Nidal Hassan the Ft. Hood shooter. He was an American Military man.

If you are saying that American muslims are not committing such atrocities, you are either not thinking, or outright lying.

The deniers have a very poor long term memory. Much easier to bury their head in the sand then believe there are truly evil people and archaic belief systems that have no place in the modern world. It doesn't fit their skewed politically correct view of the world.

It is only a matter of time until another attack on a public place happens again in America. Our enemies have more patience and will than most average Americans, and that will be our undoing.
Instead of doing the quote, which I find boring, here's this truly ignorant misstatement:

You did not because American Muslims are not committing such atrocities.

Well, you dolt, what about the Americans involved in the Kenyan mall attack? They don't count?

How many Americans were there? 2? 20? Even if there were 200 of them, they don't represent the millions of Muslims living in the US that have you wetting your pants for no reason. That's the point you people keep missing and I have to believe your misunderstanding is intentional because you don't seem that stupid to me.

Here's the irony.

There is - as of yet from what I heard - no confirmation from authorities that Americans were involved.

So...I'm guessing that means with a possible two - American Muslims are rising up! Lions and Tigers and Bears - Oh My!

Koyaanisqats. Life out of balance.
Instead of doing the quote, which I find boring, here's this truly ignorant misstatement:

You did not because American Muslims are not committing such atrocities.

Well, you dolt, what about the Americans involved in the Kenyan mall attack? They don't count?

At least one of the Tsarnaev brothers was an American citizen too. Was he one of the forgotten ones.

Then there is Ramsay Yousef the man who bombed the WTC the first time. Now he was a solid American family man. Then there was the Times Square Bomber, Faisal Shahzad. Don't forget Nidal Hassan the Ft. Hood shooter. He was an American Military man.

If you are saying that American muslims are not committing such atrocities, you are either not thinking, or outright lying.

The deniers have a very poor long term memory. Much easier to bury their head in the sand then believe there are truly evil people and archaic belief systems that have no place in the modern world. It doesn't fit their skewed politically correct view of the world.

It is only a matter of time until another attack on a public place happens again in America. Our enemies have more patience and will than most average Americans, and that will be our undoing.

Most American Muslims are average AMERICANS.

Most American Christians are not Tim McVeigh.
Sharia law is not widely or even minimally practiced or advocated for in the US.

You must live in la la land:

Poll reveals 40pc of Muslims want sharia law in UK - Telegraph
Four out of 10 British Muslims want sharia law introduced into parts of the country, a survey reveals today.

Islamists to open DNC with prayer for sharia to replace US Constitution

Islamists To Open DNC With Prayer For Sharia To Replace US Constitution

When the Democrat National Convention/”hate-America” festival gets started, it will begin with a “Jummah” or Muslim prayer group. There will be about 20,000 people gathered for a celebration of the Islamists’ plans to eventually overthrow our government and replace our Constitutional government with a Sharia-controlled theocracy. This begs the question: who will be there and what do they represent?

No...I think you are the one in lala land.

First off, a minor geography lesson. US has an "S". UK has a "K". At the moment we are talking about US. Given that - are you pretending that this indicates a "widespread' support of American Muslims for Sharia? SERIOUSLY? Roudy - is your own bias getting in the way of the facts?:eusa_eh:

A few more tidbits.

Muslim Poll: Most love Sharia law - but do not believe most should be forced to follow Islam
A world wide poll conducted among the Muslim global population has yielded some amazing results. According to the Pew Forum, the overwhelming majority favor living under Sharia law - there is widespread disagreement, from country to country, about what constitutes Sharia law.

More importantly and even more surprisingly, Muslims do not think other people should be compelled to follow Islam. The lowest level of support for religious freedom was found in Egypt at 77 percent and the highest in Bangladesh at 97 percent.

LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - For example, a vast majority, or three quarters of all poll respondents in the Middle East and North Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia say they want legal issues to be resolved in Sharia courts.

This is to be expected as it's their cultural norm and religious courts probably offer "fairer" judgments than those run by local dictators or corrupt state officials. Muslims are split evenly over the extreme stuff associated with Sharia, such as dismemberment and death which gets its biggest support in South Asia. More importantly, most do not think that Sharia laws should be applied to non-Muslims.

The poll found that suicide bombing is mostly rejected. Sadly, it remains popular among sizable minorities in Palestine at 40 percent, Afghanistan at 39 percent, Egypt at 29 percent and Bangladesh at 26 percent.

More importantly and even more surprisingly, Muslims do not think other people should be compelled to follow Islam. The lowest level of support for religious freedom was found in Egypt at 77 percent and the highest in Bangladesh at 97 percent.

Immutable and unchangeable were attitudes on sexual morality. Muslims remain very conservative. Three quarters of all respondents said abortion was wrong and 80 percent said homosexuality was a sin. Majorities in every country said that wives should obey their husbands.

On the issues of headscarves, however, responses were more complex - 89 percent said "give them a choice" in Tunisia, but only 30 percent agreed in Afghanistan.

Support for democracy is high in South Asia but low in the Middle East and lowest in Pakistan. Only 54 percent back it in Iraq. Ironic, when one considers that America decided to invade and give it to them in 2003.

It's safe to conclude that Islamic attitudes are not only shaped partly by the central tenets of the faith but also by national culture and historic experience. In an area where there's been more war and more upheaval, attitudes seem to be considerably more conservative. Where there's been a longer period of peace and a more constructive experience of democracy, there's a definite liberal bent.
hmm...here's another one for Roudy

American Muslims Don't Want Shariah, According To Study By University Of Windsor

(RNS) North American Muslims are more than satisfied with the secular legal system and do not want a set of parallel courts for Islamic law, according to a new study of U.S. and Canadian Muslims by a Washington-based think tank.

The study, by University of Windsor law professor Judy Macfarlane for the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, would seem to refute critics' claims that American Muslims want to impose Shariah, or Islamic law.

In fact, the study indicates that Muslims are just as unwilling to accept Islamic law as non-Muslims.
hmm...here's another one for Roudy

American Muslims Don't Want Shariah, According To Study By University Of Windsor

(RNS) North American Muslims are more than satisfied with the secular legal system and do not want a set of parallel courts for Islamic law, according to a new study of U.S. and Canadian Muslims by a Washington-based think tank.

The study, by University of Windsor law professor Judy Macfarlane for the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, would seem to refute critics' claims that American Muslims want to impose Shariah, or Islamic law.

In fact, the study indicates that Muslims are just as unwilling to accept Islamic law as non-Muslims.
Really? The Huff Post is what you chose? Yeah, they are huffing something. That article offered no real data and makes the assumption that all responded truthfully. So 100% of Muslims in America don't want Shariah? I really doubt that. However, that's the stretch they seem to make. Anything called the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, sounds like an example of the politically correct crap that is spewed out far too much in America. Not buying it here.
hmm...here's another one for Roudy

American Muslims Don't Want Shariah, According To Study By University Of Windsor

(RNS) North American Muslims are more than satisfied with the secular legal system and do not want a set of parallel courts for Islamic law, according to a new study of U.S. and Canadian Muslims by a Washington-based think tank.

The study, by University of Windsor law professor Judy Macfarlane for the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, would seem to refute critics' claims that American Muslims want to impose Shariah, or Islamic law.

In fact, the study indicates that Muslims are just as unwilling to accept Islamic law as non-Muslims.
Really? The Huff Post is what you chose? Yeah, they are huffing something. That article offered no real data and makes the assumption that all responded truthfully. So 100% of Muslims in America don't want Shariah? I really doubt that. However, that's the stretch they seem to make. Anything called the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, sounds like an example of the politically correct crap that is spewed out far too much in America. Not buying it here.

Well, if you doubt that feel free to show some statistics to counter it :)

You have some right?
That article offered no real data
Sure it did.

Macfarlane interviewed 212 Muslim Americans, including 41 imams and 70 community leaders who used aspects of Shariah in their daily lives. The other 101 interviewees were divorced Muslim men and women. About a quarter of the interviewees were from Canada, and the rest from the United States.
Just three of the 41 imams said
Some 95 percent of the interviewees

I believe that is far too small a sample set to make any judgement on the beliefs of such a broad population, but surely that is hard data on who they sampled, especially given the media format.
Really? The Huff Post is what you chose? Yeah, they are huffing something. That article offered no real data and makes the assumption that all responded truthfully. So 100% of Muslims in America don't want Shariah? I really doubt that. However, that's the stretch they seem to make. Anything called the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, sounds like an example of the politically correct crap that is spewed out far too much in America. Not buying it here.

Well, if you doubt that feel free to show some statistics to counter it :)

You have some right?

Like you did? You are the one who posted an article that said nothing, but made a blanket statement from a biased media outlet. Sorry, not doing your homework for you. I don't require the misinformation on the internet to form my opinions.

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